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Everything posted by DRAWZILLA

  1. That would be nice but most of my notes wouldn't work for an other areas than Calif. b/c we have our own codes like CBC1405 etc. california building codes. Some of the macro's would be ok, it seems to me that a lot of people here just don't use macro's like they should be. Most of my macro's were given to me by others here over the last few years. Not sure if they want me spreading them around.
  2. I never use Nortons, and won't ever again.
  3. Your missing out on a lot of tools that can have you drawing much faster, upgrade if you can or don't and suffer like we use to.
  4. In the (print) dialog you can just state what pages you want to print and what you don't want to print also. Even if stuff is on that page you don't want to print.
  5. Just in case you didn't know Glen knows everything, you can count on his advice every time.
  6. Love Ruby too, even though, I use it as much as Chief lets me, and want more. Almost all my plan notes are saved in a text macro. If you place many references of the same macro in your plan, then that note changes, just open up ruby and change the text and all instances of that macro changes automatically. Nifty if you ask me. TIME SAVER!!!!
  7. Macro's are King, I use lot of them. They save me lots of time on every plan I do. Everyone should be using them, of course unless your retired.
  8. If you did the plan in X5, why don't you just open a copy of your plan in X6. These days the transfer is working very good, not like it use to many moons ago. I have brought up many plans from X5 to x6, without much problems at all. The problems come from much older versions, still can be done, but much fixing. if you had said what version you were using, this would have been my first answer.
  9. I don't think I could shower naked in front of her.
  10. If you can post the plan someone here can actually get you the answer. Looks like the roof gable is not connected well, try to re-connect that roof edge with the main roof. but without looking at the plan file, not sure.
  11. I also use 1/4" and also set my snap grid to 1/4", things for me go well.
  12. Can you post a picture of your problem?
  13. or create your own text style just for roof labels.
  14. Yes, worth it, for sure, but I do plans everyday. huge time saver with each new version.
  15. Watch Scotts video on how to make a custom door and just add a dog door to it.
  16. I like to keep all my sections live, to me it's a waste of this program to use "cad to view" unless you are drawing a detail. I hardly ever use it. After some practice you can use mask's to cover up errant lines, like a p-line with an earth fill. first thing to understand is to place your section line in the right place. then create your model as good as you can. I really don't ever have any problems keeping it live at all. That's as the program was meant to be. Can you imagine moving a wall or a foundation, or roof using cad to view. If you have already annotated it, could be a mess to fix. keeping it live, you just open it up and close it---FIXED.
  17. Could be some kind of mouse problem, I also do not have the problem.
  18. You also won't see the mirror effect if you have an old mirror material in your lib. This was new in X6 so make sure you use that one.
  19. By using what Glen said "Edit wall layer intersections" you can drag the individual wall layers where you want them. New in X6
  20. Funny thing is if I change the 14" wall thickness to 9" it goes away.
  21. Hey, who's up at 4am, you got to get more sleep.


    I hear it's raining like crazy there?