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Everything posted by Renerabbitt

  1. Sum totals on a given row was introduced in X16
  2. post your plan file
  3. POST 116 A custom bed I modifiedremapped and partially built and optimized for Chief Architect. West Elm Arne Bed Frame and Mattress Check it out here:DOWNLOAD Click in my signature to navigate to our new forum for more free symbols CLICK ME TO GO BACK TO THE INDEX!!!
  4. Looks like you have sills turned on
  5. lol...what does this look like in elevation? I assumed you would want the carrot of a hopper
  6. agreed. But here we are you can also use millwork above casing or below casing to trick it as well if that helps..still in agreement about it being a good feature request You would think that certainly. Though Dermot says otherwise Nice trick.
  7. That is just a hopper window, different terminology thats all.. its there You can place hardware by utilizing any number of different window treatments and offsets etc. can do it using shutters or window treatment or curtains etc. just have to know how to set offsets and bounding box for your hardware. Though it would be nice if it were just included
  8. you would have to make individual materials where you ensure that your materials have a texture and then you can independently change the primary vector color
  9. set your cabinet label's text style to transparent
  10. The other tools are the Kitchen Tools which you can see HERE Bath Tools HERE Architectural Tools, which include single click actions for changing window styles and other single click tools like a parapet builder MEP tools which are all of the tools I use for electrical design Backdrops You can see the full list of items HERE under the Pro Plan section which is 5 rows down in that list, there are currently 1160 Library items in that package The Pro Plan has the following major features: Automatic Area Analysis with single click tools for changing designations and mixed object reporting (room and polyline) Dynamic window labels that show framing information on framing views, automatic reformatting based on size, formatting changes for specific plan views and user configurable options on naming conventions. Also includes a robust schedule and single click tools to designate a window as TBR or (E) Dynamic Door labels similar to window labels with user configurable options on naming convention on a per type basis as well as conditional formatting and add/replace text from the doors OIP Cabinet label match system and user configurable type changes for getting cabinet orders OOTB. Also includes a custom cabinet pricing system and a robust schedule Ceiling Height macro that works on rooms with tools for designating a room as(No Work) as well as automatic stacking of the label and user configurable options on which room names shouldnt show ceiling height as well as which layer sets shouldnt show ceiling height. User configurable terminology for automatic display of vaulted ceiling etc. and plate height information for any room including user configurable options for automatically showing adjusted floor height and plate height on a per room type basis Custom reporting schedules such as footing and stem wall concrete volume and a custom BWP schedule Annotation tool which is user configurable annotations based on what item the tool is pointed to such as staircase information automatically MUCH MORE It is a one time purchase and I will always ensure that the version you bought will function to 100% on the next release. I do release new versions and I do give discounts based on how long you have owned the template. The updates are usually significant. I also update your template throughout the year. there were over 20 updates for x16 adding new functionality. FYI the library does come with a CAD block for labeling framing driven from the quick switching system I show.. You don't actually need to build framing or even have your structure specified correctly as it is just a string reporting value, so when you setup your projects designations, it changes all 75 details and blocks like this:
  11. Thank you Thanks for the consideration. There are no label defaults for framing in the program so if you wanted to add labels to framing members I could give you a macro for that but they would need to be manually added to the framing members. I do not however typically build framing when I am doing a construction document, in fact I almost never need an accurate model to create a complete condoc. The methodology for the Pro Plan is to draft with ambiguity and take advantage of automatic annotation instead. When I draw a cross section, it is specifically to show and link to details that specify my building instead of spending hours building out a cross section. That's why I built a rather robust stackable detail system that includes annotations that can be switched very quickly to match your current project: In this screenshot I show multiple "sections" that are built from swappable details(5 details makeup the right section) drawn to line up with one another and each utilizes swappable annotations. It only takes a few minutes to build a "section" with this method and I do not need the model to build framing. In fact I dont even need to really pay attantion to joinery or framing details whatsoever. This cuts a good 10-15 hours out of the drafting time for me 250204.mp4
  12. would be great if you provided a plan so we are helping you in the case of a question that is quicker to answer with a video
  13. could do it but each muni will have a different MEP requirement..for instance, California would be more involved. Do you have an example set or county requirements?
  14. Are you using a radius end cabinet? Use an angled cabinet instead
  15. It is a native function, can come in as an obj file or skp file extension. It will come in as a single object, so if you were to say frame all of the walls in sketchup, it will come in as one non-explodable object instead of individual components. You can, it is possible You know that framing in Chief architect is a single click? aside from a discrepancy in macro reported cut length of rafters, have you run into an issues ? You are using the Premiere line of the product? This was one button press: Welcome to the Chief forums Manny
  16. I'm over in Oakland The other Bay Area person that used to frequent these boards I haven't seen around much anymore.
  17. This for me is just handled in a detail. I would not need to model such things nor have it be accurate. This is standard practice just to have an annotation. the 100 ft solution would be fine for me. Like I said I think what you have is cool, but I really could draw it quick enough for my taste. I also can't stress enough that I would not want to take on the liability of the truss being wrong, far safer for me to use the built in truss tools..Like you said, the pitch changes and I forget to export build and reimport and now I have a $5000 truss built wrong. No way...I did try to say though, that the hardware creation is what's interesting..that part I would import, just the hardware. The truss is really easy to build in chief, and its really fast, and its accurate to the model. It's not as fast as your tool, but your tool isnt bound to the roof planes and ceing structure of my model By the way don't let me be the deterrent, put your stuff up in the offering services section
  18. Absolutely, many of us use 3dwarehouse to supplement for furniture and light fixtures Totally Agree
  19. I edited and added to my last post after you posted this I think..and it's important to note: So if I were to use your software for that particular plugin that you have, I would use it just for the hardware. I imagine there are some people that use sketchup at times and maybe there is a market for them, but just as a practice I made my own brackets in about 5 minutes and now I have them and can use them over and over again. I would block all my 4 in 12 pitch brackets together and then my 6 in 12 etc. I would store them in a block in an orientation that is typical of my truss envelops and then its just drag and drop. I honestly am not trying to discourage you, and I think this is an extremely valuable thing you have created for sketchup users. There are a few people here that are maybe beginner intermediate in Chief and I think may really like your setup where maybe its easier for them to have you build their truss for them. For the intermediate advanced, the Solid modeling tools are super fast and easy to build such shapes with unions and make parallel tool and chamfer tools as well as the polygon tool
  20. There are a bunch of reasons why it wouldn't be very feasible for chief to offer such a thing, but also I don't immediately see the need for such a thing. It was nice to see how efficiently your hardware was built, but in the end, a decorative gable end truss is only going to be useful to a small segment of the user base and for those users, they would probably already have hardware grouped together based on pitch in an architectural block that is a single click to drop and then a few more clicks to place. Meanwhile the truss profile is dynamic and linked to the roof as stated before. I imagine your truss shape is limited to what you have programmed? In chief we can get full dropped partial attic trusses in a few seconds etc. Wall framing is also auto generated as well as all framing. This screenshot took less than 2 minutes to build from scratch: The main problem I would have with an outside truss building software is that we introducing liability whereas the built in truss building tools limit liability because their creation is tied into the parameters of the building we eliminate a lot of potential for user based error
  21. Though I am sure at times this is a faster process in Sketchup using your scripts, but some of the tools available in Chief far surpass the abilities of sketchup for dynamic and parametric modeling, all is not lost is what I am trying to say.
  22. Certainly Many of us would need to see project files before quoting though as we quote by the complexity of the project. I can model anything you like :