Fillet Tool - Can you Fillet Arcs


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I don't think Google is wrong here. The way I read that, it says yes you can fillet arcs... the newly created arc being the result of the fillet action. Key phrase: "add curves to corners" which is exactly what the tool does. I see nothing in the clip saying that it fillets a straight segment into an existing arc.



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1 hour ago, basketballman said:

Simple search revealed this ..


Huh, so, we're just out here trusting AI Overviews now?


@PitMan71 no you really can't. I mean you can use the Fillet tool all you like, but it won't fillet between a line and an arc. When you try to use either Fillet or Chamfer tool between a line and an arc, it "fails" and defaults back to just do an intersect/join on them.




Nice that it does SOMETHING but a fillet that is not.


You'll see this if when you try to fillet/chamfer between polyline segments that aren't connected:


I think the program tries to avoid removing polyline edges in these cases, which it would have to do here in order to properly fillet across these two lines, so it just joins them instead. Like, sure why not.


Of course, if the line and arc are already connected, then when the Fillet/Chamfer "fails" the result is effectively nothing, since they're already Joined.


If you want a nice arc there, just draw a new connecting arc between them


then with the new Arc segment selected use the Make Arc Tangent function


The default radius it offers is usually pretty decent


but you can always enter your own, too


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