Window Custom Muntin Question


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Trying to add a custom muntin pattern to an arched window...


I drew the linework, blocked it, but when I load it as a custom muntin pattern into the window, the muntins go a little crazy and extend too far.  Any tips in getting this to play nice?


I suspect there might be some rules of thumb / best practices to drawing the line work "just right" for the muntin tool.


Blocked line work (before):




Custom muntin result (after):





Thanks again,




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24 minutes ago, robdyck said:

Jim, try pulling the bottom of the radial lines back about 1/4" from the lower arch.

Thanks Rob.  I'm stumped.  Tried your suggestion.  Even tried getting rid of the lower arch and turning it into a segmented line.  The rays still shoot through.  I might still fiddle with it



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Thanks Rob and Gene for your input and work.


OK, I think I figured out the problem or at least a workaround.  My original arched window was a true arch - 6' wide by 3' tall.


Robert, here's that window with your custom muntin block applied.  However, same problem as before.




But, as soon as I add 1/8" to the window height (36.125"), it works.


So, my theory -- at least for now -- is adding a bit of straight sides to the bottom of the window seems to help the muntin tool figure things out...











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