program shuts down


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Have you tried closing Chief and rebooted your computer? 

Are you working with the latest version of X16?  I believe it's

Have you upgraded your graphics cards lately?

Have you submitted the one file that is causing you the most trouble to the Support Desk?  Create a zipped file by doing this:   File / Backup Entire Plan


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53 minutes ago, SusanC said:

Have you tried closing Chief and rebooted your computer? 

Are you working with the latest version of X16?  I believe it's

Have you upgraded your graphics cards lately?

Have you submitted the one file that is causing you the most trouble to the Support Desk?  Create a zipped file by doing this:   File / Backup Entire Plan


Thanks  I needed to update my Nvidia.. 

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2 hours ago, GeneDavis said:

@decorators3what exactly did you do to update your Nvidia (which is same as mine)?

Nvidia now has the Nvidia App.  You can download from the Microsoft store.  It allows you to update to the latest video driver pretty easily.


I have Windows 11 with an RTX 3080.






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It seems some have issues with the latest Nvidia Drivers (572 series)


and some don't .....My Laptop with a 4070 and desktop with 4080 Super are still on 566.36 which is fine.



*Your Sig. says you have a 3070 Levina, not the 2070 but you can confirm this in Preferences > Video Card Status Tab




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