My deck keeps changing to white


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The deck automatically turns white when I change the siding colour or railing material to glass. I have torn my plan apart and redone this so many times!  What the heck am I doing wrong?



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It's really hard to say "what you are doing wrong" unless you explain exactly what you are actually doing. 


Are you using the material spray can or are you using the "rainbow" tool?  For example, if you are using the material spray can, you may be accidently changing the material on your deck planks by clicking on the wrong thing.  If you are using the "rainbow" tool to adjust a material, the program will change that material for everything in the program that is using it.  In any case, you should be able to open up the deck room to see what materials are being used for the deck planks and change it through the dialog instead of rebuilding anything.


There are a lot of other things that could be happening as well.  Might be best for you to post the plan so that people can see if they are getting the same results.  If you want to post your plan, you may need to zip it up and even remove things to make the plan small enough to post.  Also, be sure and create the zip when the plan is not open in Chief otherwise it won't work right.


And it's also a good idea to let people know what version of the program you are using.


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I am using x14. I have used the material spray, but it seems the siding and the deck are somehow connected?  As soon as I change anything or extend the deck it changes from plank to a solid deck. 


I couldn't zip with reference files.


Many thanks to you!




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Open your deck room and go to the structure page.  Click on the "edit" button for the "planks, joists".  Your joists should be marked as "framing" and they are using a material that has been painted white. Just checking the "framing" button will make the deck build normally although your framing will still be white.


Not sure if this happened as an accident while using the material spray can or not.  I noticed that you have a bunch of painted and duplicate materials in your plan materials.  Not sure how you got into this state but you could merge all of your duplicate materials and solve some of the confusion.  As for painting materials, if you pay attention to the toolbar and status bar when you are painting it will tell you if you are "blending" (which creates a new material) or painting (which replaces the current material).  It will also tell you what you are actually putting the material on which should help you avoid painting the wrong things.  Or, you could avoid the material spray can and just change the material through the dialogs which is more work but less likely to paint the wrong things.


I didn't really look at anything else but I did notice that the interior stair doesn't look like it has enough room at the bottom.



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I didn't download but suspected it was imprudent use of spraypaint.


Spraypaint's fun and effective if you are tagging bridge overpasses or train cars, but before using it in Chief, you ought to study the help files, watch all the video tuuts, and practice on a tiny simple building.  It's a lot more complex than Krylon.

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