Total Area in Chief


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  • Cadwork22 changed the title to Total Area in Chief

You can designate in the room dialogue if the room's included in living area.  Rooms like porches and garages and decks default as "no" or unchecked.


Chief doesn't have a way to tally and display two totals.


Write it up as a suggestion.  It seems to be a convention in some sunbelt locales to list the two figures in real estate listings.  Plans in Metro Dade FL may need this.  Plans in Collier county don't.


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I have wanted this for years, total under roof and heated automated calcs. Every time a client makes a changes I have to remember and go thru and add or subtract the sq footages. Sometimes I forget and the client catches it every time.

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So basically, I've been assigned to write in total area and living area in my layouts.  In some situations, my living area is greater than total area which doesn't make sense.  Desperately seeking answers!



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If you right-click about 4" outside of your building, it will highlight the perimeter (similar to right-clicking inside a room.



On the bottom bar you will see the following



Click the fourth one from the right to create a room polyline, like so,


Open the dbx and select "Label", then "Specify Label" and enter "%area%" macro (not the quotes).  Close dbx, but while the polygon is still selected, change your "Polyline, Labels" layer to match your "Room Label Style".


Now select the polygon label and slide it into position near your living area label.  (Then change the polygon label to 1/4" Text Style to match the living area text.)



Lastly, if you want to get rid of the decimal, go back to the label dbx and change it to %area.round% 



You can adjust the polyline to match what you want to show.  Leave out the porch, measure only to framed walls, versus surfaces, etc...


Hope this helps.



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I have the active layer pane open on the right, when the polygon is selected, select Polyline labels 


Then at the bottom of the screen change the text style.



Also you sometimes have to zoom in to see the selection dot of the label so that you can move it to where you want it.

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Last observation... and in total agreement with John. Main Layer is typically the way to calculate living space, less the stair holes. 


Living area is typically (frame to frame) in most municipalities. In other words, concrete to concrete dimensions. 

The plan should be set to Main Layer


"Building Coverage" is the frame + the plywood and shingles.

The inclusion of 1/2" plywood + 3/4" of siding (or shingles) will skew the Living area, but it's accurate in terms of "lot coverage". 

This equals Surface Layer. 


ecode is a nationwide standard in almost every building department. There may be zoning restrictions being applied towards the house size in relationship to the lot size. 


For example...  The intent of GFA (gross floor area) regulations is to reduce mass and scale. A half acre parcel may not be suitable for a 4,000 square foot house because it could be in conflict with "character of the neighborhood". The local zoning may involve a formula where you can only have 3,000 sq feet. Small details like this are often crucial to be aware of depending on where you're working. 


In addition, in some municipalities, they may or may not count double height spaces. If they do, they might only count ceilings only greater than 15 feet in height. This is why that Main Layer tab is essential. When in doubt... concrete to concrete poly-lines as John shared is the best answer. 

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