Roof Challenge


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I'm trying to help a friend with a design and I'm having trouble trying to work out a few of the details for the roof to line up as I'd expect.

I have tried several time to slightly adjust the walls thinking that moving it just a bit will align and bring the automatic roof into alignment at the ridge and the back patio. It seems that Chief doesn't like to make minor adjustments at times when moving less than an inch and not sure how to achieve the alignment in two areas 1& 2.

  1. I have tried to move the under the 4:12 pitch roof to get the alignment and moved in 1/8" increments and this is where nothing seems to happen and then when I adjust it 2" or 3" it goes above or below the transition and the roof planes at #1 are either higher or lower than each other.
  2. I have tried the same thing here by moving the Temp Wall on the porch an inch or so and with no success. Any ideas here?
  3. I am not sure what to do here for the transition. I could just make a plane to the front and back with 3 points for a triangular section to the front and back and manually draw these in at the end.



I am trying to get it to look similar to this.



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Thanks for the ideas. I might have to upgrade to X15.


There must be a difference in the algorithms in X14 & X15. I tried closing and re-opening as I've noticed anomalies after the program has been open for many days. But, it still looked the same when opening in X14.


I hate to upgrade at this point since I'm in the middle of building my own house and occasionally making plan updates and drawing updates. Last time I updated from X13 to X14, it took me a week to straighten out my layout again. Not an easy thing to do as layers were all jacked up on the objects that were shown.

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2 hours ago, kbaxter said:

There must be a difference in the algorithms in X14 & X15.

I still have X14 installed and I can attest that this certainly seems to be the case. It does the same thing even aligning the temp wall and playing with the gable bump out.


However, destroying the bump out while keeping that front edge, it works fine



This doesn't seem like something I'd let the auto roofs do -- fix it manually.

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I thnk I got it figured out. I also upgraded this plan to X15 to take advantage of the auto roof working better for the in plane roof at the rear transition. Although it jacked up the entry roof and I had to raise it up to get the gable end return and the ridge for the entry to work correctly, but overall I think this works. The garage got changed to 4:12 and shifted toward the front of the house to line up with the back roof plane. Not ideal either, but definitely workable.


Let me know your thoughts/critiques. (I'm a mechanical engineer, not an architect, LOL)


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On 8/23/2023 at 1:58 PM, kbaxter said:

I tried closing and re-opening as I've noticed anomalies after the program has been open for many days


TIP:  Always Close Chief each day at least once, or turn your computer off at night........



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@kbaxterIn your original post, the front elevation shown has that garage roof hipped with only one gable, the small one, showing if you take a right side elevation.  But you gabled it.  Do you want to match the roof arrangement shown in the pic you attached, or do you want it gabled, as you modeled it?

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