distorted 3d view x13


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Hi there,


Being using latest X13 for a couple of weeks now, windows 10. Pc drivers up to date, GPU up to date. never had an issue.


I usually work with 2 monitors. Today I disconnected my desktop and connected it to our TV. After going back to the monitors, the 3D view feels like someone walking drunk/ on (heavy) drugs inside the room. Everything is super distorted in 3D view. Rest seems to be working normally. I reinstalled X13 and even clean the registry with Ccleaner, also reinstalled GPU driver but not luck.


Any guidance?



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Looks to me like it could be a camera setting/monitor or TV aspect ration setting.

Open the Camera Specification dbx and check the Tilt Angle - what is it?

Set it to zero and see what happens.

Does this happen to new camera views?

Or...post the plan. 

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So I reconnected the desktop to the TV and it is working fine on the TV.

TV is 4k UHD and the 2 computer monitors are 1080p... not sure where to start with that.

It happens on new camera views, yes.


I will check your ideas tomorrow. Getting late. Thanks for the help

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2 hours ago, Bodyjet said:

It happens on new camera views, yes.

Check the Tilt Angle setting in the camera defaults.

Did you first draw the camera view when connected to the TV?

Are you running your computer monitors at anything other resolution than 1920x1080?

Just stabbing in the dark.

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Have had this happen occasionally when moving window between monitors with different resolutions. Most often when dragging between. It has always resolved either by closing and restarting Chief of occasionally rebooting Windows.


Not sure what the answer for you. I have no idea what OS or GPU you have?? In windows I'd start with Display settings, maybe device manager, If NVidia I'd look at the control pane, other OS or GPU I wouldn't even guess

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Problem is fixed.

Like I said, it worked great on the TV. The 4k TV has the option to select full UHD color ON or OFF based on which input you are using. It was ON. I selected it OFF, resolution of the TV went down. Then I shut off the computer and reconnected it to the monitors, and everything is fine again. Weird one, but glad it works!


Thanks for the help. Cheers 

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