Raising Roof when increasing ceiling height


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Is there a way to link the roof to a change in the height of the top plate.
I have a plan where the field crew reported the top floor ceiling height at 92-1/4", and I drew the plan with that for the ceiling height.  I built the roof, everything was fine until....the field crew reported they made an error and the actual height was 93".
No problem, right?

Changing the height of the ceiling was simple in the structure dialog box.  After that, I re-built walls, floors ceilings.  The roof should have been raised by the 3/4" difference, but the roof remained where it was.  I can raise it manually simply enough, but if everything is rebuilt, shouldn't the roof raise along with the top plate?  If it does, what am I missing?

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The roof will respond to structure height change only when Auto Rebuild Roof is on. If you turned that off, it won't change automatically.


You can use Build Roof Planes to force them to redraw at the new structure height but if you created manual planes or altered the automatic planes you may lose some edits.

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Same thing as Mick is saying that even if you started with Auto roofs if you made a change even to a material type (such as spray painting a texture to change roof color or trim color) it pops up a warning dbx that many do not read completely which is basically saying by doing this you are turning off auto-roof rebuild do you want to continue.  


If you are going to auto-rebuild the roof to bring it up the difference then you will lose any of these changes you made.  If you don't want that to happen you can also use the edit all roof planes tool to adjust it.  Or group select the roof planes and use the "transform/replicate" tool to move it up in the Z axis.

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I never use automatic roofs, I find it a lot easier to do them manually as they almost always require some sort of adjustment.

It was easy to lift it with transform/replicate on the Z axis.

Thanks again.


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36 minutes ago, Ed_Orum said:


I never use automatic roofs, I find it a lot easier to do them manually as they almost always require some sort of adjustment.

It was easy to lift it with transform/replicate on the Z axis.

Thanks again.




Yes Auto, usually only gets you 65-95% of the way there but the advantage at the start is that you can "play" with the "design/look" by adjust Wall roof tab settings or in the Build Roof Dialog etc, and a biggie for a lot of people is, it ALWAYS gets the Roof Baselines exactly over the Wall Framing Line where they should be in 95% of cases.



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