Cutouts On Porch?


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I started a porch addition on an old Victorian and am attempting to match details that are elsewhere on the home. I've attached the plan and some pictures of the detail I'm attempting, but ran into a problem with doing a cutout for the steps on the porch floor. It probably really isn't a problem. It's just that I may be having a "brain fart".  I show in the snips where I want the cutouts. If you go to the "Project Browser" and look at the cad detail you will also get an idea of what I'm after. In the cad detail I drew cad elevations of the porch in the process of laying the project out. Any help on doing these "cutout" will be much appreciated. Thank you in advance for the advice and time.






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Alan.......I didn't use railing walls because with railing walls there were no shingles below the floor level on the outside or shingles on the ends of the short wing walls. Where the short wing walls are, what I did was make a door opening with no casings, frame, etc. where the steps are located and manually dropped the height of that wall. Maybe I'm approaching this whole thing wrong.


Also I didn't realize I had put this thread in the Chatroom instead of the Q & A section. Do you know if I can and how to put this thread on the Q & A section?

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Joe & Alan...............I'm having one problem on the side of the porch with the short wing walls. On the right side where the short wing wall is I show (cad detail elevation) the wing wall stopping and then a 4" (approx.) length area, before the cutout starts. When using railing walls to make the cutout, I try to make the railing wall do the short 4" return into the wing wall, but the wing walls jumps to the corner of the cutout. If you look at the pictures of the original porch, it shows a newel post at this area which is a detail I'm going to try and duplicate with p-solids or mill work pieces. I don't think I can get the same look as in the picture using railing wall newels & balusters. I think there was a thread some time ago how to deal with this kind of situation.

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I think you can solve that by using a different Wall Type for the railing (a different wall thickness should do it).


Another possibility would be a different height wall (shorter) on the left - run it to "C" from the left - then run the wall on the right up to the one on the left.. 

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Joe......I was using different wall types and in playing around I was able to position the walls like i wanted, but at some point the one wall would jump to the corner. I then changed the height of one wall by 1/4" and it seems to be staying in the correct position.  Thank you for your's and other's advice. Have a great day.

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I then changed the height of one wall by 1/4" and it seems to be staying in the correct position


I just love/hate these workarounds   :(


they can drive a user to drink....





As long as the drive me home after drinking - it's OK! ;)

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