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Everything posted by rlackore

  1. On an unrelated topic, your ADA Restroom is not ANSI compliant. Some of the issues are: 1. Not enough clear floor space at the door for a forward or parallel approach (when exiting the restroom). 2. The clearance at the water closet is insufficient - the lavatory intrudes into the space. 3. The sixty inch diameter turning space can include knee and toe clearance, but the toilet clearly intrudes on this space. 3. Be sure to show the vertical grab bar.
  2. When I insert a new Door Schedule there is no Hardware Group column. There are no subcategories defined as Hardware Group. So, I don't have an explanation of how the Hardware Group column got added to your door schedule, but it's an easy fix - just open the Door Schedule dbx and remove the column. Ghost in the machine, perhaps.
  3. The plan file is 0 bytes. Be sure to close the file before zipping.
  4. I agree with Larry. Even when I find something on 3D Warehouse it invariably has little errors or doesn't quite fit the need.
  5. The default door schedule doesn't have a "hardware group" category, so maybe you added this as a component sub-category? Could you post the plan so we can look at the doors and the schedule you've created?
  6. I work in a small design office. We use Chief in a networked environment with all our job files stored on a local server. The only time we transfer a file to one of our work stations is if the server is down for maintenance. Chief has it's own file locking capability (Preferences>General>File Management>File Locking>Use File Locking), so you can easily prevent more than one user opening up the same file. There is no automatic method for tracking modifications, though Chief has a backup feature that allows you to revert to prior versions by loading an automatically archived version of the file. Chief has so many tricks, techniques, and work-arounds that it can be very problematic to share the development of a model between multiple users. We try to keep each project with one user, though this isn't always possible; when we do hand off a project to someone else we save the prior user's file in an archive folder for reference. If the project is deep into development there is more time lost in the transition between uses than there was when we were AutoCAD/Revit based; this alone is a strong incentive not to pass the project around the office. I also believe this makes it much more difficult to "enforce" office and drafting standards. Our printed output is much more varied than it was with AutoCAD. There is no reason you can't succeed with Chief in a small office networked environment, though If your office paradigm is to frequently shuffle projects between users, then you may find it doesn't fit your needs.
  7. Okay, I see the problem with the upper-left area on the line drawing. I suspect it's a problem with Chief not handling the curvature of the wall/windows very well. Probably not a video card issue.
  8. I don't see any obvious "missing line" issues in either plan or your saved elevations. BTW, did you mean to include a plan or image in your post #8?
  9. I agree with Rob: review the truss drawings to make sure they conform to your architectural intent. If they don't, mark them up and send them back. If there are still issues (like whether a truss can be built to accomplish what you want), then get on the phone with the truss designer and hammer out a solution. Then you can update your model. So, ideally, the trusses should conform to your model, not the other way around. That's the simplest method.
  10. I assume the second pic is from the CAD viewer; if so the text color is white - so is the background color in Chief.
  11. It took 2 minutes for me this morning.
  12. You attached a layout file but no plan file.
  13. The attachment didn't stick.
  14. Please post the plan and screenshots showing what you are describing, then we may be able to help.
  15. Oh, library items. I was hoping it was a text dbx that I hadn't found.
  16. Chief has 3D text? Please tell me where I find that tool. Thanks.
  17. Thank you for this thread. I didn't know that I could put Schedules in a CAD Detail. This makes my life easier.
  18. The strange part is that there is a highlighted selection, which gives the impression that the dbx is "active" and ready to go.
  19. I've found that if you first select any material, it sort of "activates" the dbx and then I can type to search.
  20. FYI, not all states/municipalities have adopted this symbol; it's been rejected by the Federal Highway Administration and the ISO.
  21. Here's a CAD block. Accessible Parking Symbol.calibz
  22. Gregoran, This isn't difficult to do in chief, you just have to learn the correct tools and methods. Here is a column I threw together in about 2 minutes, less the square base. Simply draw the column profile, then draw a circle, convert the circle to a molding polyline and assign the column profile as the molding. I know it's an ugly column, but I just did this to illustrate the technique. If you had been more clear in your OP about what you were trying to accomplish, we could have given you better advice sooner.
  23. You have to create the path as a Distributed Object. Then open the path and the dbx should be self-explanatory.
  24. If the profile is a CAD Circle, there will be no library button available. You have to convert it to a polyline first. Maybe that's the issue?
  25. You can use CA's framing tools to create beams, or if you need to get creative, p-solids and primitives can be used. You're not clear on what you mean by an exposed ceiling, but I assume it's the roof deck being supported by the beams. Build the roof first. Then select the room, uncheck the Ceiling>Ceiling Over This Room box, then edit the Ceiling>Ceiling Finish (J) to select the material you want for the exposed ceiling. Shoot a Full Floor Camera to make sure it worked.