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Everything posted by rlackore

  1. Is the problem specific to a particular plan file? Is the problem only in plan view, IOW does an ortho view display/zoom correctly? Maybe this is an issue for tech support.
  2. Preferences>General>Folders>All Program Paths>Browse will show you where your User Library is stored. I believe to store your User Library on the cloud you'll need to point the My Data Folder to the local folder that syncs to the cloud location.
  3. Use the zoom settings. The Fill Window command will set the zoom so everything visible will fill the screen. As you can see from this screenshot, I've bound the commands to Hotkeys:
  4. That's nice. It would be even better if: 1. The resulting color was controlled by the Block and not the Distribution Path layer. 2. We could block and save a Distribution Path to the Library for quick retrieval.
  5. I opened the file in ACAD, and it's pretty messed up. The lot lines are drawn about 5% larger than labeled, but who can trust lot lines? More telling is the graphical scale, which is drawn 4.8368% longer than labeled. The 30' right-of-way centerline measures 29' 8". So, going by the lot lines and the graphical scale, everything needs to shrink; going by the right-of-way, everything needs to grow. Good luck.
  6. The 880M itself is pretty old (2014) - $400 for 4-year old tech seems steep. Chief recommends 4gb dedicated GPU memory, so upgrading from 2gb should make some kind of difference. I'm no expert, so I like going here to get a quick read on GPU comparisons.
  7. Well, that's a tough one. I can't think of a graphical solution - I think you'll need somebody whose really good at geometry.
  8. If the rectangle is known, then it's just a matter of drawing the three tangential lines. Or do you mean that the three lines are fixed, and you have to position/rotate the known rectangle to be tangent?
  9. Kohler Steward K-4918 waterless wall-mount urinal (with cleaned-up custom 2D CAD block): Kohler Steward urinal.calibz
  10. It's been several versions now since this problem was observed and reported.
  11. This is a known issue. For this very reason (and some other buggy behaviors that I've sent into tech support), I only use Live View or Color Fill for design development, never deliverables.
  12. George, please make this a request in the Suggestions forum - I would support it.
  13. Cut a section and examine how the framed wall aligns with the foundation wall, e.g. face-of-stud to face-of-concrete, or face-of-sheathing to face-of-concrete, etc. Then check the Dimension to Exterior of Layer setting in the Wall Type Definitions dialog box (dbx) for both walls. Perhaps the framed wall isn't set to dimension to the layer you expect. Also check the Dimension Defaults>Locate Objects>Walls setting.
  14. Very nice Derek. The basic cabinet tools are very powerful, and along with some custom doo-dads can really help the client visualize the space. So, as long as we're showing off:
  15. There is no way to "wrap" a schedule into multiple columns. You can either be more selective about what is included in the schedule (eg by floor, by object type, etc), or find another creative way to make things work; I sometimes use multiple layout boxes for the same schedule - each box showing a portion of the schedule.
  16. The answer to #4 is easy: Default Settings>Material Region>Floor Material Region>Structure>Edit. Make it whatever your want. For the others, I suggest you post the plan - it will eliminate a lot of guesswork. And please fill out your signature with the version of Chief you are using.
  17. Create a unique Layerset for displaying the schedules. Send the CAD Detail to Layout. In Layout, select the Layout Box, activate the Layout Box Layers tool, and select the unique Layerset you've created.
  18. The color and line weight are controlled by the parent object's layer settings, so in your electrical schedule example, simply alter the Electrical layer settings to suit. Obviously the same goes for fixtures, etc.
  19. It's difficult to see a roof when there aren't any roof planes present: Maybe solving your issue doesn't require the roof, but it would help if the images you post match the file you upload.
  20. If you're using Material Regions, yes - you create and place each joint individually.
  21. It's difficult to help with a ceiling issue when your plan file doesn't include the roof.
  22. Why don't you show us screen shots of your railing settings? Or upload the plan file. And please fill out your signature so we know which version of Chief you are using.
  23. Another is to define a Material and use a Normal Map to create the rustication, but it's generally more difficult to get the joints to line up where you want them:
  24. One method is to shoot an elevation and create Material Regions that cut into the finish layers: