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Everything posted by MarkMc

  1. Have to make special door symbol that is specific height and will not resize-also have to add hardware to the door symbol not in the DBX. Means you need special ones for variations in door style and hardware. The width will change and you can change finish. Attached has cabinet and symbols- faster than a complete explanation-check symbol stretch planes. Drawer with ro.plan
  2. I've got a 980m so similar. For that view I get-11.5 sec first time, 5.8 sec after that or any other view after that, 5.4 sec full overview, 7 sec backclipped section. I tracked usage with CPU HWmonitor, reset after each view. I show much higher CPU usage than you indicate. I hit 94% first view, drops to overall 62% after but one core hitting 93. The other views are less but always between 30 and 76 overall. GPU usage is not as siginificant- 3d views hit 33%, overview hits 45 while section is only about 10%. Memory and disc usage are minimal. Attached my NV settings and the windows performance settings. Driver is 389.4 Hope this helps, maybe call support.
  3. Made custom door symbols-posted some time ago in the symbols section. Look for the more recent ones which are meant to be inserted into the back of a cabinet (older ones were in place of shelves). Open the symbols to see how the stretch planes are set. You need different ones for different heights and depths, the width will resize though.
  4. Default framed will have a standard recess so long as the bottom separation is not set to large. FWIW here is another way to change the height of recess for Inset cabinets, these will look fine in any view. The one on the right will resize heights without a problem, the one on the left has a home made door symbol in the back that will not resize, I have a bunch of these to use for different sizes (when I want the interiors to look correctly) Inset taller recess.plan
  5. Frameless recess works for now.planFrameless recess works for now.planFrameless recess works for now.planHere is a plan of stuff I did a while back for frameless cabinets with recessed bottoms. Have not tried it on inset but expect it could be adapted. I made the two on the right with deeper recess. The sides don't look nice in vector views, that would require a slightly different approach, bit harder. Frameless recess works for now.plan
  6. No it has to be something else. I can start with default frameless cabinet then change it to framed and get the recess. OTOH I can place a default frameless cabinet, change the defaults to framed and it remains frameless, construction is not a dynamic default. Once I change the default any wall cabinet I place is correct. IT is possible there are issues caused by bringing a file that old forward but without a plan it's hard to say. There is a way to deal with that but tricky to say the least.
  7. They are NOT identical- you have an inset cabinet but did a quick check and I get recess with that as well. Post a plan. Also do your signature- lots of posts how to around. What release number are you using. Call support...
  8. Check your default cabinet construction-if set properly to how the cabinet is built you should have that.
  9. Or create custom OIP field Flr, group select windows and make that 2nd floor, show that column in schedule instead of Chief for floor.
  10. didn't notice that, guess you do need a separate one for each size, fixed while waiting for a flight. Only checked plan view for this. Need more you're on yer own grab bar door.plan grab bar door.plan
  11. Preferences, architural panel, select room before walls in 3d. That will select the room. It will not select invisible walls.
  12. If plan view all off later set, turn on walls invisible
  13. Start new topic I noticed a request for grab bars that dimensioned properly and thought I had something some where. Attached plan has a few. They are really only one symbols but generated new block on resize. Have these set to center at 33" off floor, and label reads the width correctly based on center to center. Dimensions will snap to centers side to side and center in elevation. Change label, layer, and height off floor to suit in your library or in the object. In case you want to adapt any others- Started with a standard 24" grab bar, changed bounding box to 24" width, 0" height. Locked out height resize and set width resize to between the escutcheons. Offset vertical origin so it would dimension properly in elevation. grab bar door.plan
  14. Defaults, plan - ignore casing for opening resize.
  15. Yes CAD blocks have an insertion point that may not be at the overall center. The insertion point is the only thing that can be snapped to. Try a wall outlet in HD and you will find that the insertion point is centered at the back along the wall-same in Chief.
  16. You don't say what version you're using-please fill out your signature which makes it easier to help. IF you are using X10 AND send a plan with plan view set to "None" you can change the layout box layerset. You can also change the layout box layerset for elevations and it works pretty well. OTOH IMO the easiest way to deal with plans in X10 is to use Plan Views. In prior versions you can change the layout box layerset for plans but it gets weird at time doing that for elevations views so I don't go there. I posted a short bit on Plan views recently There is a bit more to layouts than just that though so you may want to read up on them.
  17. What he said (beat me to it)
  18. I've had a run of needing to create new templates tailored to each of my drafting clients and worked out a few things along the way. Posted a thing here
  19. Why mess with Plan Views- Annotation sets are great but they don’t save the actual view or floor, plan views do. You can have several plan views with the same annotation set, some for changing floor levels, some for zooming in closer, showing reference display or not. You can have a plan view that uses all of the annotation defaults with a different layerset. Opening a plan view from the project browser creates a new tab with the plan as you saved that view. I’ve had to set up templates for several clients, each with some changes. But you can’t import plan views. I can start with a template with some but sometimes need others or changes. Few things I’ve found useful. All are almost the same procedure. Setting them up fresh and making new ones easily Import annotation sets and layersets you think you will need (I have a few variations saved for this). Plan view tied to annotation set-Select an annoset and zoom view to about what you will need on the floor you want. Click “save plan view” and name it. Same view and annoset on another floor.- While in that plan view click “new plan view”. You’ll get a new tab with the same view and anno-set etc. Change the floor THEN click Save Plan view and give it a name. Repeat as needed. Same view with different annotation set. -In a view you want Click New Plan View, get new tab, change annoset. Save plan view, give it a name. Same view, same annotation defaults, DIFFERENT layerset. From view, click new plan view, get new tab, change layerset only, save plan view. By now you should get the idea. To protect my plan views and avoid confusion. Move the “Save Plan View” icon out of the way so you don’t accidentally or automatically click it. Then add icons for “New Plan View” and “Save Plan View As” where you will easily find them. If you use hotkeys make the key combo for “Save Plan View” dissimilar to the other two and more challenging to reach. Something like- S,N for New Plan View; S,A for Save Plan View As, (both one handed) and Z,P (two hands for most folks) for Save Plan view. Finally- Upon opening a plan, open a second plan view. Change something in one of these, doesn’t matter what or which one. Then close it. When the little DBX pops up with “This saved plan view has been modified since it was last saved. Would you like to save the current settings?” Check off “Remember m choice during this session” and select NO. That way when you close the plan you won’t accidentally click yes and screw up your plan view. I’m teaching my clients to do this last bit since they don’t want to mess with all the other complications and I don’t want them returning plans with messed up layouts.
  20. I have a different take on it. Where I see the confusion comes in is whenever you have a saved plan view. IF you send a view to layout with Plan View listed as "None" then you can rely on anno-sets. IF it has a named plan view that is what the layout box will use AND you can't specify the anno-set in the layout box. The problem arises when you work in a named view, ONLY IF you 1-change the anno-set OR layerset AND 2 save the plan view. You can change any sets while working and the layout box WILL NOT reflect those changes so long as you do NOT save the plan view. I now have been using plan views exclusively to send to layout but made a few changes to the toolbars. The only icon on the OOB toolbar relating to plan views is "Save Plan View" this is stupid under the circumstances and IMO part of why we see so many issues. I moved that icon to the far right of the toolbars, then add icons for "New Plan View" and "Save Plan View As" I also got in the habit of saying NO whenever the message pops up "do you want to save this plan view". I even try to force that box to pop up early in a session and check the box to leave me alone for this session so that I don't have to be sure to not read it when I close the file.
  21. Ditto, I use blue for undercabinet and orange for room, didn't think to mention that.
  22. Ruby won't do it. Here is what BT is talking about and I mentioned-few plan views from a remodel I'm working on. Import shows Blue DWG (s) that were converted from really bad real estate PDFs. To move between views use CTRL + TAB; OR click the drop down; OR open in library browser; OR resize the main window, tear off the Import tab, maximize the main window and use ALT + TAB to go between them. (I prefer the layout for that last one though) FWIW for the last 9 yrs. the majority of my meetings have been at clients homes with a laptop. I do use all the Side windows so have the ALDO. I do bring along a small USB monitor (1.7 lbs, 3/4" thick in case-3/8 without, no power supply needed) when TV and network is available it serves as a handy storage screen to send windows to while the laptop mirrors to the TV (used to use MS dongle, now a Roku which is easier and more stable) Since most meetings are at the dining room table without a TV that gets used for the clients to view.
  23. Few things you can do. Use a layerset (or in my case as part of an annotation set) that limits what is shown on the plan. I have an annoset that I use to dimension wall cabinets that can be used for molding with less clutter. Less Clutter- It also helps if you -select molding from library first BUT don't just go and click, with molding selected then select molding line (or hot key it which is what I do) If you select and then just click on the plan you end up with a closed molding polyline which you don't want. It helps to start with the molding that has the deepest profile first, add others later. Alternatively if you don't remember to select a molding first run the molding line beyond the cabinet so you can see it