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Everything posted by DavidJPotter

  1. Due to its shape it ought to be easy to make in Sketchup. DJP
  2. Placing my files in Microsoft's care is not attractive to me. I use multiple hard drives, Carbonite and Dropbox. Dropbox I use only for file transfers, not storage. Call me old fashioned but I distrust all these offers of storage without any exchange. What if something goes wrong, who will you ask for help? DJP
  3. Wall edges are defined by what is called a "Wall poly line". When selected the wall poly line will show "handles" that can be edited and to reshape the wall. You use this to fill any holes or anomalies like what you are showing. Another way is to go to the "Attic Level" (<A>) of your model and then manually draw in the missing attic wall segments. Whenever something is wrong there is always something you can do about it. DJP
  4. Please post some images and or a copy of your plan and a little more explanation as to what is wrong please. DJP
  5. Here is a video of my take on your post: https://youtu.be/IwNzspzLTiw I am the first to agree that Chief is far from perfect, when I see perfection, I know some users made it perfect and not because Chief is soooo good. Some of the things Chief does are annoying but 99.9% of the time there is something you CAN do about anything. DJP
  6. You use the "Raise off Plate" input box before building roofs (the truss tool merely fills the void created between ceilings and the underside of roofs), so you prepare the space when you build roofs and then draw manually the trusses. Such trusses are often referred to as "Energy Heel Trusses". DJP
  7. Here is my take: https://youtu.be/rbz2R1WIfVU DJP
  8. I mainly use surveyor drawn topo maps and site plans, not GPS. You might call tech support or Sales for help. DJP
  9. You create objects (soffits, slabs, poly line solids) apply soil to them and then place plants in them that project above their surfaces so it looks like plants growing in soil. DJP
  10. Your math is faulty, sorry. How can a piece of paper 36" wide measure "144 inches"? DJP
  11. I get a zero in X8 on my machine after it starts up. DJP
  12. I could not find or cause to be created automatically any deck framing. I know this is annoying but you can either send to Tech Support and hope for a timely solution, draw the deck framing manually or start over. I have never seen the software do particularly this since Version 4. DJP
  13. You must zoom in to select a point marker, once it is selected you can move it by dragging or using the dimension string to locate it. The marker is just an object like any other but due to it's own dimensions it is hard to select unless you zoom in to do so, that is the key and has nothing to do with walls or any other object. You just do it. DJP
  14. A layout without any associated plan file will by default be blank. DJP
  15. Add them to your profile plan in "CAD Detail Windows" (CAD - CAD Detail Management" that way they will be available to all future plans for sending to layout. DJP
  16. When the auto roof return function fails, you must draw the returns manually if you are set on having them. DJP
  17. Dear Chief Content, I do wish to complain that I am tried of doing a Library Browser Search using simple search terms but either getting "no results" or beau ceau returns that are not what I am interested in viewing. I am no genius but I am sure, given some careful thought a better organizational procedure can be developed and implemented by the pointed head guys at Chief Architect Inc. DJP
  18. I could find no trusses in your plan but there is roof framing. That is a mistake of improper sequencing: you set all default settings (Edit - Default Settings), then you draw your walls. Then you build roofs and then you build manual trusses. Lastly you then build roof framing-wall framing-ceiling framing if required for your plans. Lots of people just start using the software without any prior study or practice and then they of course get into trouble as you have. You have done well to this point for a new user just first take the time to really find out about how to do this using the software and stop guessing and wasting your time doing so please. DJP
  19. I started with Version 4 back in the dark ages, some habits just do not die even though the software has improved. Some of the old things I used to have to do still work today when all else fails. DJP
  20. You would not want to use a "Floor Camera" set to exclude the floor below. Setting the upper room to open to below is only part of the work, you also have to set the first floor room to "No ceiling above this room" as well. You should also check your first floor materials tab settings for something that might interfere. DJP
  21. You set your Foundation Defaults first. Second Set "Floor Defaults" to the kind of intended foundation you want (check each first floor room dialog to make sure they are set correctly) If for any reason the porch foundation does not build properly (might be the name you used for the Porch, check that each name has different default settings by room name). If all else fails (it should not but if it does) just draw in the missing foundation for the porch. There, I have covered all the possible bases without looking at your plan. DJP
  22. Contact David Gregory in Plano, Texas http://www.gregoryassociates.com (972) 612-2999 Business (214) 543-1706 Mobile david@gregoryassociates.com He will give you a great job and a fair price. DJP
  23. It is inevitable that all concerned see the glass half full or empty due to their own fixed ideas. Using two models for remodeling is how I have always done it since 1994, perhaps I was too stupid to see how "horrible" this was. I was merely happy to stop using an eraser. You all do as you see fit, you always do as I will do also. I know Chief Architect is not "perfect" especially from any given viewpoint but it is pretty darn good and I have no intention to go back to the drawing board, thank you very much! DJP
  24. just upgraded to 364.72, seems fine. DJP
  25. Not my best performance but I got it done finally https://youtu.be/XV--Yn7HU4k DJP POLE SHED (1).plan