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Everything posted by SHCanada2

  1. interesting technique, took me a bit to find it... defining the global variable right in the label: " Proposed Garage Garage Area = %$gasf=area.round()% %$ga=(area.convert_to("sq m")).round(2)% m² " I never thought of doing it that way. I was always calling a macro to set the variable. Doing it the way you've done it means no macros Thanks for the insight.
  2. Thanks, ironically, I did that (added in two lines,before and after) about the same time you were writing it. so good to know that is the correct way I watched the videos again, and the difference in size of retaining wall is her terrain does not go to the bottom of her foundation. Mine does because it is a walkout. So when she draws the terrain wall it is only a couple feet deep. Anyhow, thanks for helping.
  3. I find I am not there yet. sometimes it is full sets. i do a lot of basements, addtions, suites, but the size varies, so it is sometimes at 3/8, sometimes at 1/4. sometimes there is a stair section, but if I do not have to do two floors there is not. I tried to use my full set layout, but there were too many pages. In thinking about this some more, to make it as general as possible, there should be as little unique plan info on the layout as possible. Today I have the section callout on the layout(I think I followed one of CA's videos) it keeps the callout label consistent size, which is nice. but I have to move them around if I have more or less sections. It would be easier to have this on the plan, and perhaps live with the callout label size inconsistency (and have to constantly place them on the section...which is why I think I moved them to the layout to begin with). I guess where i am gong with this thought is, if you had to create mutiple options for the same plan for a client, and started a new template for each, it would be a bit of a pain to repopulate the layout with all of the details (that did not come from a plan) and do any other adjustments to the layout (notes). The only way to do this today would be to do the whole process of, save layout as new, rename linked plan, open layout, link to new plan, rename old plan back to original name. I'll try out the tool for a bit, and see how it works. If it seems useful, I'll post it. The other thing i might get added to it is a function to just not associate any plan file to the layout. This would essentially create a template layout from any layout without having to go through the rename thing
  4. extend you second floor walls over: i moved the roof back to take a look moved back:
  5. thanks: yes that is the conclusion I made in my earlier post: "So i think the lesson here so far, is I cant just go into the room to change the elevations. I need to setup the floor defaults/structure defaults to match...if I have a tiny room(wall beside foundation). Whereas before I always just set the room elevations to be correct and did not care what the defaults were." in other words, you do not have to change your defaults the vast majority of the time. The vast majority of the time you can just change the room structure values on the room dbx. But if you are changing a room to be a tiny room, CA then all of a sudden changes the current room structure values(based on the defaults)...for some unknown reason. So in this specific tiny room case, one MUST go and change the defaults. I'll log a ticket and see what they say. I'd actually appreciate it if they had a category of published notes which showed this type of odd behaviour, so one could go review them. This is not an easy thing to just search for
  6. I read the manual on Dynamic defaults. It states: Dynamic default text fields have an Active Defaults icon in the value field. • Click on the Active Defaults icon to remove the red check mark and prevent the value from being dynamic. • Type a value into the text field. The red check mark is removed from the Active Defaults icon and the setting is no longer dynamic However clicking on the rough ceiling elevation red check box on the upper floor in the attached plan will not remove the check box, it will only remove if I actually change the value(the second part of the above). it seems CA is using the red check box for two purposes, i) identifying when the default is being used, ii) not overwriting a value which differs from the default. Unfortunately this means there is not a way in the room DBX to ensure the value does not get overwritten by the dynamic defaults, at least that I can tell ideally to try and achieve what the user manual indicates, there should be an indicator for "is default" to indicate it matches the default and an indicator for "do not override" which stipulates to not be overrriden by the dynamic defaults
  7. yeah I saw that too, and changed it, did not make a difference if I remember correctly. it was a "very bad way" to show grey for a 12" ICF wall I did previously. as the ICF was showing blue interior and exterior. lazy just pure lazines
  8. @SNestor look at the one I just posted. the original posted one I had fixed (just did not know how I did it at the time how i did it)
  9. it essentially modified an existing room' structure with the defaults once I moved the wall to make the room puny. Granted the defaults are wrong, but who would have expected this kind of "if room made small, then change other room to defaults" behaviour
  10. plan as I will post: that living label is for the puny room between the interior wall and the foundation wall current elevation everything looks good: move that wall to the foundation, it forces the puny room to become really small (to the left of the stairs) and now the elevation is hooped plan attached chuck fed up.plan
  11. sorry i'm a windows user and posted a zip file to keep the size down. Let me see if i can post a smaller file
  12. i stand corrected "DYNAMIC" defaults. good thing you reminded me otherwise I'd be reading the wrong topic .... and I spend a lot of time reading
  13. Thanks, my next question was going to be, how many people just redraw from scratch after spending hours trying to fix it? Its actually posted at the top, but I think I have most of it documented now. I would suggest that the puny room problem is a bug. i.e. if I have two rooms, setup correctly, and virtually eliminate 1 by moving the wall, the current big room or the puny room, should not magically change elevations based on the defaults. it looks to totally be a function of the room size. but i need to read up some more on the active defaults. So i think the lesson here so far, is I cant just go into the room to change the elevations. I need to setup the floor defaults/structure defaults to match...if I have a tiny room(wall beside foundation). Whereas before I always just set the room elevations to be correct and did not care what the defaults were ...but i'll read up some more on the active defaults before asking for some assistance on the plan thanks all
  14. I shall do that, thanks, it might explain a lot...except for the whole, make the room puny, then bang, CA changes the heights of the current room, but never know, I'll read up on it
  15. ok this is interesting. I go into my room dbx, structure for rough ceiling for basement is at 91, and 94 for stem wall. This is correct, same with my micro room between the wall and the foundation wall. Then I go to edit ->defaults settings->floors and plans->Floor levels->Floor zero and change rough ceiling to 85 just to see what happens, stem wall still at 94. click ok, get out of there, and then go back to my room dbx. The rough ceiling is now 85. I did the same for the top floor except changed floor 1, and sure enough it changed the room on that floor as well. This is interesting because what it means is the room structure rough ceiling height can be overridden by changing the defaults for the floor. But I believe this is inconsistent behaviour. Most other defaults only change, when a new item is done. For instance if I change the default window size , CA does not go around changing my existing windows. Granted floor structure is not the same as room structure, but it obviously is overwriting the room values. also interesting is if I am at the correct 91 and 94, and go and change the edit ->defaults settings->floors and plans->floor/ceiling platform-> floor structure from 10 to 11, my room rough ceiling changes from 91 to 92. This explains why my ceiling went down when I changed from 11-7/8 to 9.25. although I would suggest CA is moving it in the wrong direction. If I decrease my joist height, shouldnt the basement ceiling get taller? the setting lock floor top/bottom on structure resize did not seem to change the behaviour. and it does not seem to change the basement ceiling elevation, it still sits at 10" after I changed the floor to 11, but it does uncheck the default.
  16. ..hmm I dont remember, but after I did the video I rechecked the floor 0 defaults and they were not correct (not sure how it got back to that), so now it is back working, for the second time. still seems odd that when I eliminate a room, or make it micro sized, all of a sudden it transfers the defaults to that room. me thinks CA has a "if room size is less than x sq ft, then ignore current room structure heights, and use defaults" rule
  17. attached is a video which shows the problm e 1245980094_bandicam2021-05-2322-18-49-572.mp4
  18. thats where I was, that what the screenshots were from. But I found something more interesting. If I keep the inside wall away from the wall, I can select the "room between the two walls" nd I can set it to 91 in the dbx, click okay, but if I open back up again, it reverts back to 98-5/8, but if I move the left inside side wall by the stairs to the right two bumps, it will keep the 91. I've seen this before, I remember keeping the inside walls away from the concrete foundation walls. This works most of the time, but because I have stairs along the outside wall in this plan, I need to maximize the square footage. I cannot be losing inches simply because I cant get the program to work. Maybe a double wall is the better answer? I cant be the first person to have this problem...
  19. so this got me thinking. The screenshots above are the defaults. so why is there a default checkbox in the defaults dbx. by simple definition wouldnt anything in he default dbx be "default". why is there a check box there? perhaps this is the default from somewhere else? if so, I cannot seem to find it, and the documentation does not seem to differentiate between the dbx called from the default and not called form the default. i tried checking and unchecking, and it does not seem to make a difference, but now it seems that it is working. No idea, its almost like some setting changes a cache or something
  20. found a programmer in France to do it up, $18 see attached video. Where I notice this could be most useful is creating plan options for clients. I just did 5 options of the same plan in the same day for a customer. after option 2 I gave up creating new layouts and just made the changes betting they would not go back to option 2,3,4. So even though I had 5 PDFs of layout with different options, I only had two plans and two layouts. With this tool, I could quickly copy the layout and the plan to a new directory, run the tool, and KNOW that the previous plan and layout were never touched. Part of the problem with the whole renaming method, is I question as to if I "got all references" and am worried that I did not and am worried I will be altering the previous plan. So what I would do to mitigate this is copy off the plan and layout to a backup directory as well. Then on the first save I go and check the filedatetime of the plan file to make sure I am changing the right one. Kind of a pain if you are trying to get a bunch of options quickly in front of the customer, and you know the layout will not change. bandicam 2021-05-23 14-32-56-963.mp4
  21. not with the ladder method of cribbing as you can then nail away on the ladder... or if an engineer says you do not need it
  23. I did something similar in my example above, changed the roof pattern. the problem is that is great for the roof, but he wants everything else plot line. It looks like your example is color plot line, same as my example. which from what I can tell, one cannot get only the back and white pattern to show. i.e. your wall, doors, batten, and if you had brick there, show color fill, as opposed to outline line.
  24. it is "measure on gen 1" that I have
  25. I'd strongly suggest you get the GLM50C with bluetooth. Bosch Model # GLM 50 CX 165 ft. Laser Measure with Bluetooth and Full-Color Display: Tools & Home Improvement with the bluetooth connected to the app, no typing. saves a TON of time. typing numbers is no fun. I use Meas on gen 1, it says v1.3.8 on my tablet. interesting that there are two now, as I was emailing the Bosch people about 3 months ago and they said a new version was coming, but I never saw it, so maybe it is out now. Nice guys, very open to suggestions (including the snap to angle for detailed). I just looked in google play and I do not see just a measure on, maybe it is the new version and only available in the US or only on apple or soemthing Couple things. use on a tablet, dont try on a phone. practice one first. it takes a bit getting used to switch the mode from panning to clicking walls. I will accidentally draw walls all the time because I forget to change back to panning. use quick sketch and then convert to detailed to measure. you can use the detail right away, but its a bit of a pain as it does not snap the walls to 90/45. I used to actually start with detail every time, but I practiced with the quick sketch first and it seems better attached is what it looks like, and the resulting output. One limitation is on T walls. You can see in the attached. The software breaks it into two walls. So what I will do to double check the inside dimensions is to create a "dimension line" and take a reading. I also do that for larger spaces, as a double check. Be careful not to measure a wall, and then create a T after you measure. you will lose your original measurement as it does not know how to divide up the measurement correctly, it just dives it, presumably based on scale of where you added the T wall. the other limitation is posts. so I either put a note in or draw a dimension line. one thing, dimension lines do not show in regular wall mode, you have to tap on the arrow For windows, it takes, W, H, from floor, and distance to wall, you can pick left or right the workflow I use is to draw all the walls, then go from wall to wall, tap, tap which side of wall then press the button on the bosch, and it will show up as the dim on the app, save, repeat. The extra dimension lines in the screenshots are the double check for the longer distances. Before I leave I do the rough math in my head to see that the walls add up I dont export for CA, I just move around the app, as the export numbers overlap. you could export and trace in CA, just be careful to use actual measurements. once the app detects an incorrect ratio it will no longer auto size walls, so you have to double check the walls lengths anyway in CA vs Bosch 64ave_se_New_detailed_plan.pdf