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Everything posted by SHCanada2

  1. yes that is how it is done...cropping. the trickier part is aligning them if there are more than one. CAD lines on layout usually help, then turn the CAD layer off before printing
  2. yes, it looked too perfect I'll search for the seamless, thanks
  3. thanks guys. Normally I do not care but they decided to print it on 24x36, so it looked very very "basic". I have it at the grass 7 with the x y changed, which actually looks not bad. But I'll try the above two. i tried the high def grass but it looks too perfect. I need some variance, and ideally more like wild grass as this is not a city suburb, but in the middle of nowhere on the prairie. I downloaded twin motion last night, havent figured out to export from twinmotion yet, just playing around with it in twinmotion. probably cant export it because I haven't purchased it...
  4. I think I put an enhancement request in for that one
  5. or just put %depth*width*height% into one of the fields in the object information panel of the cabinet, and then report that on the schedule. result is cu feet
  6. as joe says rescale. do this by right clicking on the layout box, click "rescale layout view" from the shortcut menu. The picture becomes unfuzzy when you print some camera views cannot be rescaled with the menu. hold down the X key and click and drag a corner to make the window larger
  7. you could also strip out the " in excel. There are lots of tidbits on the internet for manipulating excel data, adding " as a delimiter might even work using the excel import function
  8. Chat withMilo Chat with MiloMinimizeOpen options We reply immediately! Hi theref you need any assistance, I'm always here. Please introduce yourself: Sign up for our newsletter your examples show a building outline Hello, not sure I understand your question here. how could you know the building length and distance to property line Using satellite view. you show a distance from roof to property line, which could be determined from satellite your examples show a building outline Correct, we use rooflines. but you show building lines. where do these come from, a guess?? Still not sure what you're referring to. We clearly label rooflines on the buildings as rooflines. on your examples you show a dashed line for the building, correct? No, we cannot accurately show the floor plans of buildings without being provided with such. Therefore, we use rooflines to present the buidling outlines. ok, thats makes sense as other software does similar. someone told me you did buildings but you clarified that We do site plans, not structural plans. site plans here require the building footprint to be shown for bylaw compliance to setbacks so in your examples where you show a building outline, did that come from the homewoner? We can show footprints if you provide the floor plans/structural plans. got it, makes sense you line up the floor plan with the roof outline POWERED BY
  9. I did stumble upon doing this while experimenting: in a polyline label: %$file88="%file.dir%"% it seems to set the global variable $file88 with the filename directory. In another another macro I have (in another polyline label), it uses $file88 to read in some stuff in a file, such as customer address.. Testing by issuing a "save as" to another directory looks to update the contents of the file in another directory. so I looks to be working. I assume it could work for other CA internal macros. I think you could then in theory use one polyline label with: %$filedir="%file.dir%"% %$filename="%file%"% ..... and then use the global variables as you please
  10. @Alaskan_Son This is good news, does it work on layout as well? I have some information which goes to layout, and some which go to plan? I thought I'd have one file for everything and parse it into each Jason
  11. and check the headroom with a cross section. There is a CA video on this
  12. Earlier this year I could not get the current plan's filename, joe had posted a suggestion a couple years ago, which I added my request to as well today I was playing around with material lists and came across a method to get the current plan filename and/or path into a global variable. I would like to know if anyone has tried it(or another method) and had success or not. Essentially you do four things for this method: 1. in the OIP put in %file.dir% into one of the fields, I used "manufacturer" 2. in the components tab, pick a field, lets say "manufacturer" as well, and put in =manufacturer 3. in another field on the components tab, lets say, "comments" put in a macro lets say named "=macros.setpathname" and have it use "apply formula to line item" 4. in the macro setpathname put in $file1=manufacturer I think the reason it works is that the file.dir gets converted to a string once the materials list applies the macro in the formula Couple caveats, in order to get it to update, you have to do one of two things that i have found so far: 1. go into the components tab and click on the field where the macro is specified. It will fire the macro once you leave the field 2. generate a materials list so of course the problem is once it runs, the value is only in the global variable and does not actually get stored as text somewhere in the plan where it would be static until the next time it runs. This means everytime you open the file in CA, the textbox containing your plan info is blank (because the global variable has not been set). it is static in the materials list,, but I'm not sure how to get it out of there any ideas on either how to store data from a global variable in a plan file such that it does not get updated if the global variable is not set? or some other method to get the materials list to fire automagically ? thanks
  13. I have your same thoughts. it seems a bit of a time waster fiddling with the number of risers/treasds trying to get the riser height to be less than 7-7/8 but more than 7
  14. I see this as well, the "little" live camera on layout. I've gone to using images 95% of the time (for the pdf size as well). i'm actually just investigating how to either crop the images properly with a macro, or get the zooming just right before sending to layout. This is currently where I seem to be spending most of my "rinse & repeat" time for customers who have a lot of scenarios/changes. I think I will be at a minimum programming one of the ten mouse buttons I have to "send image to layout" from the camera But if you solve this, please do post it.
  15. that was simple, Thanks a lot, I appreciate it
  16. I looked around a little more and got it recalculating correctly. I have to do one of two things to get it to work. i) set the label of the wall to a predetermined elevation name, say"E1", or set a custom property(ex: create "elevation" as a custom property) and then set it to "E1 for the windows I need to calculate. Each has a benefit and draw back. Setting the wall label means for a two storey I need to set all three walls(although this can be done from the elevation). Setting the windows is risky in case I copy and move to another wall. As such I put in the contributing windows in the label, so I can at least sanity check the number I put the macro on the elevation(in the polyline label) with the polyline around the elevation area. as the elevation area is calculated from grade to eave. I then saved this in the user object library for re-use Thanks Joe for all your posts, and contributions. I could not have done it without your's and brownTiger's posts. The way I ended up doing it was to reset the window schedule, area cache on a macro in the plan view. When the elevation updates, or refreshes in the layout, the cache gets updated by the windows in the elevation, and the total/percent values get recalculated on the polyline label macro
  17. there is a video on this somewhere if you search with the different methods. I followed it after having the same issue, and then it looks like joey's
  18. may I ask why the rafter tails attached to the trusses, instead of proper trusses?
  19. I also noticed it had 25% 1 star ratings. but in reading some of them it seems mostly related to using it on a phone and not their hardware widget. If I could run around tracing all walls with the HW gadget and it produced a floor plan, I'd be happy to retrace in CA
  20. never noticed that check box before, thanks
  21. the website looks like it is for exteriors. Need to start a pool to fund someone to try in on the interior
  22. interesting, for my default windows, I use: [ %schedule_number%] %width%W x %height%H what is the %automatic label% used for that you have, as you do not have the schedule in your macro, but your output shows it