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Everything posted by SHCanada2

  1. no it is not a bug, if you set the eave inside of the facia to be 1'6 and measure the top side of the rafters with a line accross, ti will match
  2. no i do not think so, and i figured why it is higher on the 12:12, the 2x4 will have a taller vertical depth
  3. yes, CA measures to outside of fascia. you can see the 1'6" above. I think I logged a support request indicating the doc was incorrect a few months ago
  4. i have not checked but my guess is because the top of fascia board goes to somewhere in the roof sheathing. on the right, top of fascia aligns to middle of rood sheathing, on the left, it aligns to bottom
  5. however it is backwards to how one would think it should be, as the 12:12 pitch fascia board is higher in the above. I gave up on friendly number for trusses many a moon ago
  6. Yes that appears to be the reason. if you draw a line across in a cross section, you can see the difference. 1/2" for the sub fascia and 3/16" for the fascia f
  7. I just added 12" and changed my pitch to 12:12 and get your same result my guess is it due to the fascia board dropping for the change in pitch.
  8. Where are you specifying the heel height in CA?
  9. The original question also asked if you could manually enter and have them automatically add up.:OR EVEN ADD UP AUTOMATICALLY IF I MANUALLY ENTER??? That is probably the simplest macro implementation, in which you create a variable for each, and then create a variable that adds them together. then you substitute the areas (see below ) from the room areas or the room label for the floor. Of course if you had multiple porches you would have to add them up first or preallocate a number of porches in the macro. The problem is one has to remember if you actually changed the number to match the plan. so best to use recognizable numbers as a default. The next problem is do you actually want to show floor 2 if there is not one? then you either need multiple macros or build in logic to take care of the scenario. And then there is the third problem, if you build a floor one but do not wish to report on it (i.e. basement development with a new window in which you need to show the elevation) you need a macro for just the basement. ie something like macro name area_total firstfloorconditioned=100 secondfloorconditioned=50 garage=25 totalconditioned=firstfloorconditioned+secondfloorconditioned totalunderoof=garage+totalconditioned printstring="Garage (sq ft): "+garage.to_s +"\nTotal (sq ft): "+ totalunderoof.to_s
  10. there is a topic in suggestions to make these tools better, please upvote them !
  11. if you are doing construction documents all the time, I think you would spend more time in HD Pro fiddling around than what if would cost for premier, where Premier you can setup the templates predone with elevations, floor plans, details. I do a lot of the same form factor, and can "redo" a new floor plan in a couple hours with a complete layout set
  12. different dimension sets for each anno/default set, A lot to setup depending on how you do it but it works well IMHO.
  13. closing down the web browser has worked for me. I think there is another post on this web browser issue if I remember correctly
  14. hmmm, what does this doing this impact? Are you scaling your drawing sheet, or how are you determining if 1/4"=1" or 3/8"=1" fits on layout? today I display the drawing sheet but I always seem to be moving around the plan in layout to centre it properly. I think some others always start at a certain x,y in plan view to avoid this, but it sound like you have another way?
  15. If I remember correctly, i think I tested the load path about 12 months ago and could not get it to work. Instead If I remember correctly, I put a function in the "tutorial.rb" file and it worked. Although tutorial.rb is distributed by CA so it will be overwritten on installation, probably ok for testing but not long term
  16. wouldn't you have to open every file anyway to actually use the new functions you wish to define in the .rb file?
  17. That is what I do as well. it looks like there are 4 of them in the picture, plus an extra one to flatten out the lower region
  18. click on the symbol and click transform replicate and adjust the Z to move down, probably around -15 inch
  19. CA calculated vertical structure depth shows at 15". implying the roof has been moved off the plate. If you manually built the roof and then changed the room height, this could be the cause. If that is the case, select the roof planes and then move the roof in the Z direction using the transform / replicate button
  20. I have added entire directories for other applications when the AV seems to want to go looking at running files. You may wish to try excluding CA's entire exe and dll directory as well
  21. i'm Saving as a PDF w/ the built-in Chief printer @144dpi. I killed CA and restarted after about half an hour. What is unusual compared to normal ( for me) is I have multiple PBR on my layout, and not the "send as image". It's taking a loooong time to print to pdf, > 45min
  22. anyone seen it before, and is there a way to recover? I've been waiting for awhile:
  23. I do perpendicular to property line, and to nearest points to buildings, in order to calculate setback compliance For surveys with single points, I will also dimension two points on the building to the surveyed point, for two kiddy corner survey points. useful for large parcels, where they just want it put "somewhere around that point there". in other words, they are measuring to the point and not to the PL, when they build, they are none too concerned about inches
  24. no, not on FB (unless I have to for marketplace), no tiktok, no chatter, nothing "social"