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Everything posted by SHCanada2

  1. as solver states, create a new layer and open up the water polylines and assign the new layer, make a different layer for drains, then create a layer set for water supply and one fore drain lines
  2. i'd go for more memory. I only really run CA and word/excel, screen recorder, windows stuff on my machine on Win 10 and it is at 14GB. it all adds up
  3. got it, yes this is the simple way, and works well, i see the "3d hole" option now when i place the 2d polyline on the psolid. I think yesterday I had the polyline off to the side and thought it was a two step, select pline then place on psolid type of operation. clearly I was incorrect, and it is a lot simpler to place pline on psolid and then convert polyline->3D solid hole. looking good now:
  4. i have it working pretty good with the 2 psolids and the subtraction, but keep getting the "Serious error". if i move around the psolid i can make it go away..sometimes. the latest one I cannot get to do the subtraction EditBehavior.cpp(800): Error #272000999 "A serious error occurred. Do not save the file in its current state. If you want to try saving your work, use Save As to create a new file. Please restart the program and contact Technical Support." 05/23/2022 09:41:30 PM Build: Windows 64-bit anyione else seen this? 23.05.2022_21.44.33_REC.mp4
  5. yes thats a problem, and one of the reasons I went to the psolid as i wasn't sure it could be done from the help: To convert a CAD object into one of these 3D objects, select the object and click the Convert Polyline ../../Resources/img/btn/ConvertPolyline.png edit button to open the Convert Polyline dialog except there is no such edit button when I was trying earlier. Now I discovered it is only available if I am not on a CAD i copied it to the elevation and I can convert to polyline to a psolid. then the manual indicates: so now I have a psolid for my arch. I noticed solver you drew a hole, which I can as well using the 3D solid feature, but I already have the pline drawn, how can I use the pline to make the hole instead of drawing it by hand again? I also tried converting to a psolid and then placing the psolid on the other psolid and trying the subtract /union. etc. It appears I needed to select the large psolid first and then click on the subtraction icon, and then click on the arched psolid (otherwise it would subtract the other way).. Problem is it would not allow me to click on the arched psolid, it kept selecting the first psolid. I changed the arched psolid to a different thickness and now it works (although I had a couple "encountered a serious error" error a couple times. so after all that. two lessons, convert to psolid in elevation, and change thickness of psolid to allow it to be selected (although my guess is there is another way, I just do not know (there does not appear to be a drawing order available))
  6. the fake facade a few inches this side of the wall, with it cutout with the arch for the windows I've now created a psolid for the entire two floors and a pline arch, but dont know how to create a hole in the psolid with the pline this look
  7. I created a material region, but how do I cutout the arch? or is there another method other than material region thanks
  8. I am using P2P, its not dropping a marker. I did use P2P and dropped a marker far enough from the line and then moved the marker. but thats not what I want because I am moving the property line to get the correct setback. this worked well and kept the polyline rectangular intact. thanks works well too if I did it correctly, ironically I already had an end dimension there, I just never tried to snap to the corner (intersection of the blue PL and dim end) both the above two allow me to move the polyline rectangle and see the setback dim change as I move to get what I want thanks. the 3'6 is snapping to the corner of the vertical dim end line and the blue PL (I just moved it to the left) I dont understand, is this the same as putting in a dimension perpendicular, or is this doing something with the perpendicular tool
  9. I have a property line which is not parallel to the house, and for some reason I cannot snap to the line, it keeps wanting to snap to the where the off angle line meets the vertical line. I read the manual and thought it was the "Exensions" but I turned that off and it still does not work. any ideas. in the attached video it starts off snapping to the line but then moves off of it. any ideas? I can place a CAD marker to get around it, but I think I am missing something simple 21.05.2022_17.29.28_REC.mp4
  10. looks like you would need to use the pony wall functionality per solvers video
  11. I do this the dumb way all the time with scanned surveys, I just use the transform replicate repeatedly until the lot line matches the vertical crosshair line of the mouse pointer. it sometimes takes 4 or 5 tries, but it works to be close enough when I check with the setback dimension. nothing like trial and error to pass the time. The only problem is I never remember that neg relative rotation is to the right...or is it to the left...
  12. for interior doors I've always known the RO to be door width +2" for prehung off the shelf doors
  13. @solverhow did you get the frieze to show up on the short walls? I cant tell from the video
  14. i have a macro as well tied to a poly line. Draw a polyline in the elevation, mark the windows as being on that elevation and it will calculate a percentage. If Doug_N does not get you what you need, let me know. he has been around a lot longer so his may take care of more scenarios
  15. thats kind of what I came to the conclusion of...they were snapping too often to where I did not want. I'll also confess though that I never ensured the walls were on the gridlines
  16. The other tidbit I discovered to help prevent these (not equal to the correct angle) is the make parallel/perpendicular tool. Using this tool you can ensure your roof planes are always 90s or whatever, just not 90,123455 (draw a 45 deg line an then make it parallel to that line)
  17. well I turned off ray tracing and then turned it back on and now the samples are increasing on the dental camera (which I create a new one today) but now I notice the outside wall baseboard looks like a bad paint job, some light problems or something
  18. well interestingly, the status bar where the samples normally count just said "rendering finished", where the samples keep increasing for the lobby camera, but I cant tell the difference in settings
  19. ..well I think it is ... doesnt the little check box on the right mean it is?
  20. as a somewhat new person to CA, (been at it for a year and a half) I don't understand the approach comment. Rene seems to be able to get good ray tracing, but others cannot. What does that have to do with an approach? I'm confused Please all, enlighten me. For what I think was my second attempt at ray tracing, with some help from people here, I thought it turned out pretty darn good, but maybe I'm missingsomething
  21. use a railing with 4x4 posts, and hand draw a roof
  22. there is also attic walls on the second storey for the garage. you might want to try a quick model of putting the garage on the foundation, and build the house on the 1st level
  23. you might want to send it to tech support. The fact that the concrete wall works, and the wood wall does not seems odd, even when I cut the stucco with the roof plane, it still draws a thin attic wall. and I aligned the wood wall to the outside so i think it should have worked The pony wall idea did not really help (it is the same outcome as the other solution). so if you set the wall to "Roof cuts wall at bottom" and perhaps move the roof plane in, you should get the last output above but if you want ot play with the pony wall
  24. but it is also not modelled correctly between the two floors there is a gap in the concrete now, presumably for the sill plate. so not sure this is the best solution. If I just set the wall to "Roof cuts wall at bottom" it also works but the overview still shows off, but the attic wall is still there becuase if I toggle it off it no longer shows so not sure how to get rid of it I suppose you could assign that attic wall to a different layer and not show it, but probably not tte best solution
  25. is your intent to have wood walls below the terrain? if I change your wall type to concrete for the garage and this wall, then it works correctly. I then created a pony wall for that wall and moved the roof plane to cut the stucco: shows correct in floor overview but not in perspective, the attic wall is still there. if you toggle it off it will not show btw your closet elevation does not match the adjacent room