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Everything posted by GeneDavis

  1. Hey Mick, @Kbird1! Thanks, but can you tell me what you did? What I want is the way I built this thing a dozen years ago. The cheek walls bear atop the sheathing and are 2x6 framing, just little things, their inner line lining up with the 2x4 wall below and the inviz one on the R side.
  2. I fixed it so anyone with the link can download it. Thanks for looking.
  3. Thanks but the roof does some unexpected snapping when I try all that, and I can never get clean corners.
  4. Here is a link to the plan file, I hope it works. A dormer with front wall rising from exterior wall below has two problem cheek walls, and they are not symmetrical as you will see if you examine the plan. Inside, things all look good to me, but outside, it sucks. All help is appreciated. In the closeup image, I point at the problems.
  5. So the only use of the offset setting is for vector views? Is this made clear in the help files?
  6. This is the forum for Chief Architect Premiere users. HD users have their own forum, and you should be posting this there.
  7. Show us the .calibz file in the folder that won't import. Post it here.
  8. "The guy wants a flat roof now . . . " Sounds like a guy who has no idea of how to build, has to build this himself because he has no money, and the idea of roof framing is as alien as mandarin chinese. Sometime you gotta say hey, I'm outa here.
  9. Can someone pinpoint the sequence of wall build that ends in the error? It sounds so simple. Pony wall, 8" brick up, concrete with footing down.
  10. There is SO much you can learn about using Chief on YouTube. I searched roof purlins chief architect.
  11. I cannot access Chief right now, but have this thought. In X15 draw some dimension strings and edit move all the text placements to irregular places. Then save and close and open in X16. Show us the two.
  12. The island shows a great way to use your leftover knobs.
  13. Chief has a sample file at their website. The building is a pole barn with metal roof and sides. The project is titled Post Frame Design and includes the plan file, a .pdf of the layout, and links to How To Design videos.
  14. I had not tried it, but was reading Chief help files which seemed to say stairs down were limited to down to terrain. Obvious not the case. I have no trouble in Chief annotating the same staircase as down in floor 1 plan view, and as up in the floor 0 level below. See pics. So what is the issue here @JBradleyConst?
  15. Always attach images directly. Members don't want to download .pdf files to their drives.
  16. I gave bad advice about drawing downward stairs. It only works going down to terrain.
  17. Stairs get their direction when drawn. They can go down by holding ALT key when drawing. Consider deleting your stairs and redrawing from the UP floor down.
  18. What software are you using? Look at my signature script for an example. Do same for you in your profile.
  19. I think you need to create a container, which is in effect the "as-built house" into which these various interior wall types are built to outfit it all for the purpose. Single layer exterior walls, single layer floor structure. The floor structure is the container floor blocking. It looks like your walls (the upfit interior, insulated or not) are modular panels with their joints set by layer material board size, cut down as needed per plan scheme. Is this a visualization project, or one for which highly detailed construction docs are needed, or both?
  20. This project is all upfit work inside shipping containers? And the insulated wall type is used around the perimeter walls of the containers? Sort of like a furring wall against the inside face of a concrete wall? And your 8mm floor is really the finish atop the container floor structure? Just post a plan.
  21. It's unclear what you've done. Close the file and post it. Zip it needed to be under 15 Mb limit. Chief walls build floor platforms. Exterior walls (those at edges of floors) typically have their exterior layers extend to cover edges of floor platforms.
  22. Those of you who are annotating RO WxH, and dim to locate height, all on elevations, show us how it looks. Thanks!!
  23. Trying to think like a framer, because that is who needs to know each openings R.O. H x W and how placed in elevation, I am in favor of placing it on the window schedule, but as this situation shows, it ought to be editable. I'd place a decorative window like this one in elevation view and adjust its position so it looks right to the eye, then check in section view to see where it is with a dimension, and adjust a tiny bit so as not to make the framer do anything to eighths or sixteenths. As for reporting in inches or feet-inches, I don't think the framer cares. His tapes read both ways.
  24. I don't do it often enough to remember. You're manually building and editing roofs, and you need that point where one roof edge intersects an adjacent plane.