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Everything posted by Kenoeightspot

  1. 1. Make your own stamp like I did or buy from internet. 2. Theory behind title block text being 90 degrees-- you can read the title block information when the drawings are rolled up
  2. Place terrain on level 1 seems to fix it.
  3. Something else is going on with the "Terrain". When I place a fence in 3d it will work but when I place a fence in plan view I get the same results as you. ?????
  4. Delete then place new fence MORGAN AS BUILT SITE-REBUILD
  5. I can come close to what you have. If you do not want to send the plan then send images from the DBX.
  6. Kenoeightspot


    I will be in Orlando for the show on Wednesday and Thursday then Cape Canaveral then six more days driving down to the Keys.
  7. Kenoeightspot


    My Guess is the end of this week or the beginning of next , right before the IBS. International Builders Show in Orlando.
  8. In Plan copy the top callouts and paste into front elevation adjust into position. In Plan copy the top callouts and paste into back elevation the flip direction and pt. to pt. into place. Similar with side elevations. Not much effort after grids are placed in plan but could be more automated.
  9. Use a call out copy and flip to use on opposite elevation
  10. Brian-sdesign, Create your grids on any plan, place them on a layer called Cad-Grids. Copy and paste to other floors. I would like something more automated.
  11. Johnny, For that type of door I use the manufacturer's cat. then change the glass material.
  12. Last summer I had a client that wanted the basement slab dropped 18". I used another foundation wall on the inside , dropped the wall top to match the existing footing.
  13. The points are not connected to anything. You can grab the diamond handle and reconnect to an object.
  14. Those are "Point Marker" dim. Use Manual or end to end Dim.
  15. Revit Lt. is $410/yr. Special at $360.00 first yr.
  16. First click start the dimension. second click selects the dimension and the third click set the dimension string.
  17. I have been submitting drawings electronically for 6-7 years to some of the building departments. Your stamp and signature can be place on sheet "0" in layout or on the sheets you need.
  18. Joe, I heard the term "Head Casing" in the early seventies. I am also a contractor so I might have heard the term in the field. Below are two more website references and photos from four books I have that uses the term. Two are from Graphic Standards.