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  1. dshall's post in Floor not showing up in garage? was marked as the answer   
    I see them,  make sure SHOW LOWER FLOOR IN FLOOR OVERVIEW is checked.

  2. dshall's post in Adjust Sunlight DBX was marked as the answer   
    Yes,  you are missing something.  Put in a sun angle in and then you will have an option.  Put in multiple sun angles and you will have multiple options.  Note that in may plan I 6 sun angles.

  3. dshall's post in exterior wall color/material was marked as the answer   
    That is the answer
  4. dshall's post in auto ext dims not work on wraparound deck was marked as the answer   
    That is the reason.  If you do not like that,  disconnect the railing at the perimeter,  do the shift-a,  and then reconnect.

  5. dshall's post in Can I Load Hotkeys From a List or File was marked as the answer   
    Import hot keys per pic

  6. dshall's post in Sill Plate Missing was marked as the answer   
    Build your framing.
  7. dshall's post in The 1/16" dimensions of my octagonal feature was marked as the answer   
    You might try changing the dimensioning format as shown:

  8. dshall's post in Roof Eave (soffit) lining height was marked as the answer   
    Attach the plan.....  but the quick answer is the soffit elevation is a function of the SUBFASCIA.  
    If you post a plan,  I bet you will get more answers.  You have been around awhile,  you know to post the plan for the best answers.  
  9. dshall's post in Problem Placing Window in Practice Plan was marked as the answer   
    A solution is to cut that little wall out,  move window over,  and then put wall back in place using PASTE IN PLACE.  
  10. dshall's post in Green Lines with Red Text showing near windows was marked as the answer   
    Those are topo lines.
  11. dshall's post in 2nd Floor Hall Room Settings That Won't Stay Put! was marked as the answer   
    Here is the answer.  Do not change in the ROOM SPEC BOX,  change it in the FLOOR 2 DEFAULTS.
    Open plan,  go to second floor,  open FLOOR 2 DEFAULTS and change them to what you want them.  It should stick and all will be well.
    You probably should of watched DJP's video.

  12. dshall's post in Default Cabinet color not taking was marked as the answer   
    Mark,  I could not follow your post,  if you want,  call me 619-200-1623 and I will do a 5 minute GTM to check with you.  (faster this way for me).
  13. dshall's post in automatic dimensions not displaying was marked as the answer   
    Heres's the poop.  You built a deck around the second floor and those walls are defined as non room def.  Auto dimensions will not dimension to the walls because of the surrounding deck...  I know,  a nuisance....  but here is a work around....  select a deck wall,  define as non room def.,  now do your auto dimensions,  and then redefine the deck wall as room def.

  14. dshall's post in Dormer Wall Issue was marked as the answer   
    I put those walls up one level. (Attic level). So they don't show in plan. Put them on their own layer as Eric suggests, and then post plan .
  15. dshall's post in Framing. Ceiling Joists not displayed in Wall Elevation view was marked as the answer   
  16. dshall's post in Compatibility Between MAC & PC was marked as the answer   
    No issues.
  17. dshall's post in Outside layers not meeting at corners was marked as the answer   
    See if this helps.  I changed the main wall layer on one of the walls....  I really don't know what I did,  but it looks better.
    cape plan 2.plan

  18. dshall's post in Send Elevation Shadow To Layout was marked as the answer   
    Did you check SHOW SHADOWS?  See pic below.  
    If you did post the plan.
    Here is a question....  if I don't want to show shadows,  what would I do differently?  I don't know.  I am not sure what you are doing wrong.
    Post it real quick,  I am curious to see if I can get the shadows to show.

  19. dshall's post in Why Isn't There Any T1-11? was marked as the answer   
    Isn't this the T-111?
    I know,  no 3D,  but that is solved with using bump maps I believe.......  I think it is difficult to have a material get the 3d look.

  20. dshall's post in Mysterious Attic Walls And 2 Other Quirks was marked as the answer   
    Steven,  here is a  pretty good vid that might help.
  21. dshall's post in Why Are The Walls And Floors Going Through The Siding? was marked as the answer   
    Did not look at plan, but you might be using a single layer wall....... Problem is with your wall definitions
  22. dshall's post in Gap Between Deck And Porch was marked as the answer   
    This was tricky.  I cannot explain why.  Twice it did not behave as expected.  However here is a vid showing how I got it to work.
  23. dshall's post in Retaining Walls Not Working With Imported Elevation Data? was marked as the answer   
    Elevation lines do not need to be broken.  If you use an elevation region,  that elevation region will override the elevation lines....  much quicker
  24. dshall's post in Roof help and Terms was marked as the answer   
    I do not think so,   if it is there,  why hide it?.  If you do not want it,  select roof plane and turn off soffit.
  25. dshall's post in Rotate orthographic camera was marked as the answer   
    Or draw a line at the angle you want camera, now when you use camera, start at one end of line and end at other end