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Everything posted by dshall

  1. build a second floor and build it there.
  2. I strongly suggest the latest MAC.
  3. If you are interested in a zoom seminar.... I am going the 10:00 today, I think there is one at 200 today https://zoom.us/webinar/register/weeklylivedemo?id=1805&zcid=1609.
  4. Thank you Glenn...... not perfect but it works now. I don't know how you figured that out!
  5. this is using the 3d molding approach.... almost there, but when I got here.... I could not edit this....
  6. Not fun, 3d moldings are useless..... for me.... frieze boards are hit and miss for even the easy ones....... you situation will take tine......... I have a feeling somebody is going to prove me wrong. My latest attempt at using the frieze method is attached.....
  7. I would probably make one window with custom mutins. Just a thought.
  8. 2019-07-29 03.22 Meet Now.mp4
  9. I still cannot get it to work. Steve, would you mind taking a look to see what I may be doing wrong. thanks https://www.dropbox.com/s/qn3p253fo9a06wb/2019-07-29 03.22 Meet Now.mp4?dl=0
  10. Mmmm. , thanks, I will try again
  11. I am on a Mac, it did not land in the hour box
  12. It's been so long since I have done this. At one time I could hit the up and down arrows and it would change the time of day one hour at a time and I could see the change. Would somebody please remind me how to do this. See DBX, at one time I would put the cursor in type latitude box, 7 tabs and I would be in the time box and then with the up and down arrows I could change the hour one hour at. time and see the shadow move on the view. Now, when I start in latitude box, I hit tab several times, it skips the hour box. Has this changed?
  13. I think I may switch too. Some great tools, multiple desktops to switch too..... I think I am hooked up to using it thru drop box but I have not seen the cost ..... I am going to test out with someone now...
  14. I use drop box..... the greatest invention after the Ipad....... I have used GOTOMEETING since the dawn of time. I stumbled across ZOOM (a meeting app?). ZOOM looks like a great alternative to GTM. Any comments>?
  15. I have brought this up before, I am not sure why we cannot do what you are suggesting.....
  16. I place jewels, railing is continuous, invisible walls to define room.
  17. I usually do bury it, this was down and dirty.
  18. here is the fixed plan, go app one floor, drag that wall around corner.... AND THEN SELECT NEW WALL AND CHECK roof cuts wall at bottom (that will fix the siding glitch) 19-070 alt roof fixed.plan
  19. Every time I think about doing railings auto, I feel I do not have enough control. So I use individual. newel posts and a molding pline for the railing. I find it easier, quicker and I have more control. I put a quick plan together you can look at..,. Untitled 6 railing 6.planUntitled 6 railing 6.plan
  20. Okay, but now I think that means that particular wall will look like that in every view and we no longer have the option for some views to show top of wall and other views to show bottom of wall for that particular wall..... I know this is not a very common occurrence..... just wondering. Michael, am I correct in my statement?
  21. I was wondering about this. I think what you are saying is if I have two pony walls, pony wall A can show the upper wall and pony wall B can show the lower wall. I was not able to do that. If I kept the walls set to default, but change the display in pony wall defaults, the change effected all pony walls. I was not able to have two different walls display differently in a view sent to layout. Here is a link to the file if you can do it. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/swhr0e0iyn47vnv/AADZORt07AqQaAFf_LC27bJma?dl=0
  22. The reason for using soffits is the soffits control the height of the exterior finish. So, if you want your stucco veneer to stop at top plates, the soffit is not necessary. However, if you want the stucco veneer to go BEYOND the underside of the rafters and up to the roof sheathing, a soffit would be needed. By using a soffit without a finish, you will now be able to see the underside of the roof sheathing which will be plywood unless you designate the roof sheathing as "decking" which will give you the 1x6 T&G starter boards. Perry, any comments to this?
  23. I agree with Glenn. I have always used the the terrain break vs retaining wall.
  24. Someday we should put a list together of all these subtle CA anomalies....... like the FOUNDATION layer.....