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Everything posted by dshall

  1. Although Eric's method is relatively clever, this is not the way to do it...... too limiting. The best way to do this would be to put a 6' high opening on bottom and separate arches on top. Take a look at the pic, my method is on far right, Eric's is on far left, the old stand my method is in the middle. In fact using Eric's method, the plan view is incorrect...... I know there is a few options to this..... but I do not think this is the best method. Eventually I hope to do a vid on the usage of the ROOM DIVIDER WALL when I figure out some of the uses......
  2. The big advantage of this is you can DEFINE THE WIDTH OF THE WALL THAT SITS ON COLUMN, i.e. the distance between the springs of arches. Yeah, a pretty neat option.
  3. Yes there is. The long answer is in the SAM VIDEOS. You are relatively new, I would recommend you watch the MRLS, THE SAM and the ANNO SET VIDEOS @ chief tutor.com at this location..... http://www.chieftutor.com/scotthall/ I strongly believe these are some very good videos that will give you a good foundation to put together a set of plans. I have also done some follow up videos on these subjects on the old forum, (use key words "VIDEOS BY DSH" and on YOUTUBE.
  4. This my friend is very clever. I probably do not use the room divider wall enough..... especially in conjunction with a pony wall.... very very nice...... I must think of more uses of the room divider wall. BTW what Eric did not mention is the arch opening can only be as tall as the opening..... IOW, the arch opening cannot extend into the divider wall.
  5. I use the cabinet label to call out the sink, not perfect, but that is what I do.
  6. i think you will find that the majority of power users have one template for the plan and layout.
  7. Have you thought of having one template plan, open and save that, copy a base, upper and full cab type from a cabinet "warehouse" plan into your new plan and SETTING THAT PARTICULAR STYLE CABINET as the default cabinet style with one fell swoop via the SET AS DEFAULT TOOL?
  8. Yes, and you can add the framing to support drywall in finish ceiling
  9. And I might consider using ceiling finish to get the soffit.
  10. I bet he could but his method is quicker.
  11. Wow, how did you figure that out?
  12. I put nothing in layout except maybe revision clouds. All notes details etc are sent to layout from plan files.
  13. It has been moved to the Chatroom, thanks.
  14. ....... My gosh Jon, it would be an honor to have you join a WORKSHOP to share your thoughts on post production. I truly appreciate your time on this Jon. I will plan on setting up a Saturday Workshop on a Saturday in January at 6:00 am PST. Since you will be the host of honor and if this time does not work for you, please give me another time that might work better for you. I think there will be a lot of other users who would really appreciate some of your expertise. Thanks so much for your offer.
  15. I did a vid on method awhile back. Involves putting in doorway between house and bay
  16. Promise, will not host unless you are around....... hey where are you going? Mexico? If you stop off in San Diego let me know and I will show you around.
  17. I bet you have either painted the walls or applied a finish to the walls...... but just guessing
  18. Your wife and mine come from the same bolt of cloth. I can't empty the dishwasher without Lynn coming over and saying, "honey, let me empty the dishwasher, I don't want you breaking a glass and cutting your fingers".
  19. Lew, you find fault with everything CA does. Glenn's response was so perfect, we are not nitwits, we cannot expect CA to compensate for our ignorance, learn how the program works and most warnings will not be necessary. There is nothing wrong with making suggestions to CA to make improvements to make our job easier. But let's use some common sense. We cannot expect CA to make allowances for everything we may bungle. This warning message is akin to McDonald's having to put a warning message on their coffee cups, "The coffee in this cup may be hot, please be careful", or the warning message on a lawn mower, "Do not put hands under mower when mower blades are spinning" or "Do not drive this car over a cliff, you may crash and burn". I wonder if back in WWII there was a message on each and every grenade, "Please throw grenade within 10 seconds of pulling pin, if you don't, the grenade will explode and blow your hand off". Those knuckleheads at CA have enough &*^%$^ to fix without having to program inane alert messages. I sure wish CA would make elevations auto update......... and FIX THE STAIRS........ but before you do, will you please get me another cup of coffee, thanks CA.
  20. Graeme did not answer the question, Jintu is only referring to floor overviews and not plan views, Allen's solution will work but I do not think it is the best.... who wants extra invisible walls hanging around to get in the way....... an option would be to use CAD to show the stairs but is it not "live", the best answer is to use the REF SET aka the MRLS.
  21. That is some good stuff Jon. It would be great if you would teach a workshop explaining your methods using GTM . You know what, if anybody out there would like to share how they do this kind of stuff, I would be more than happy to host a workshop. Some really nice stuff Jon, thanks.