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Everything posted by dshall

  1. Amen brother Perry. We can spend countless hours setting up templates for different scenarios or you can spend 32.7 seconds changing the default template to work for the condition at hand. I and I am assuming Perry, quickly switch from MONO SLABS to RAISED FLOORS or CONVENTIONAL ROOF FRAMING to TRUSS FRAMING or ......... one template is all you need.... you can quickly change it for your particular project.
  2. Well, someone could write a book explaining this, or someone could do a video explaining this I have not written a book on it but I did do a very long video explaining the process. You could watch the vid..... I think it is called anno sets for dummies.
  3. I do not believe this to be true. You do need a separate LAYER SET, this is what controls the size of text, but you do not need a separate annoset. However, the way I work, I do need a separate annoset for the layer set. I have talked about this ad nauseum. The reason for this is ANNO SETS are king. If layer sets were king this would not be necessary. My 2 cents, probably will not change anything, but not a big deal to me anymore.
  4. Incorrect, they are a live setting and can change depending on the layer set you are using assuming the text size is controlled by the layer. I can flip back and forth between two layer sets and the dimension text size will change..... however, I do not believe the size of the arrow will change size.
  5. I went thru this about a week ago and Glenn explained it. It works with metric and imperial plans.
  6. The nugget for me was when Jim pointed out that the origin is determined by orientation IN PLAN VIEW. Joe, remember we couldn't locate the symbol bounding box in the positive "y" direction, or was it negative direction. Why not rotate symbol 180 in plan view and create new symbol. Now we can alter the alter the bounding box in the direction we want.
  7. Nice job P. I hope this helps Brian out.
  8. Isn't this the dumbest thing...... hey P. you remember 8 years ago sitting in that CA seminar with Mont, and we figured out if the framing was blocked it would not show in 3D. If I remember exactly, it was a POST AND FOOTING under the floor that we would block and transform replicate..... unfortunately if it was blocked we could not see it. Hey CA, fix this please after you fix the stairs, thank you. EDIT: It wasn't 8 years ago, I think it was 9 years ago, November 2005....... jeez, have I been struggling with this program for over 9 years already? No wonder I am fat and bald.
  9. Absolutely not. The reason it happened is because he defined the top riser of the stair.......... that is the problem with stairs I think, if you want to define the bottom of stairs...easy peasy, if you want to define top of stairs, not so easy because you can only define the TOP TREAD and not the TOP OF LANDING that the stair connects to.
  10. A well earned nick name.... he can tell you the story if he wants.
  11. Here is a vid Annik, it will not win any Academy Awards and is probably very painful to watch, but you may get something out of it. I sort of did it for me to see if I could get something out of it. http://youtu.be/P2iMQeIBEBQ
  12. That is interesting that you see the same slow down that Mumbles sees, I did not see it in this particular case on my MAC. This should be good feedback for Brian, Alan, I hope you send your plan into Brian, thanks.
  13. So yesterday afternoon I went a bit nuts and gave out a bunch of "kudos", and then reached my maximum limit for the day. This morning I try to give ArthurDent a "kudo" and I can't do it because I reached my limit from yesterday. Point is, I suppose you can only give out a limited number of "kudos" in a 24 hour span versus one day to the next. Hey CA, I know you guys are busy with this STAIR IMPROVEMENT PLAN, but would you mind looking into modifying the number of "kudos" in a 24 hours span, thank you.
  14. Arthur, you answered his question in less than 5 minutes..... what took you so long?
  15. ...... I am not sure if this is related to the Non Darwinistic Laws of Natural Selection or not....... I will do some research and get back to you...... but no delay on my end. However I am not surprised you had a delay..... my delays are random..... sometimes there is a long lag editing and sometimes not..... and in the same plan..... have not figured out what is triggering the delays. EDIT: my deletion of column was not instantaneous, maybe 1/10 second.... almost imperceptible delay, but a delay.
  16. Make it invisible and it won't show or connect four of those and it will disappear.
  17. I wonder if it would work if you painted the glass panels in a wood material.
  18. You maybe correct, it just looks like he might of done something more "magical". It looks really good.... of course it is a RENDER VIEW, a VECTOR VIEW may show us what he really did. Hey Rich, where the heck are you Bud, help me out here, am I missing something "magical" that you and Antoine have come up with?
  19. Yeah, I had a feeling there was an issue with that. I still do not know how he did what he did.
  20. I would take Glenn's approach, but I am sure both approaches would work.