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Everything posted by dshall

  1. Ooohhh, that is mean....... Good idea.
  2. So in another thread someone asked, "I wonder what the big beefs REVIT users have ?" So me, being a bit inquisitive, and having a son who has been using REVIT for the past 5+ years, decided to ask him, "Errrr Dave, what are your 3 big beefs with REVIT?" Without hesitation he rattled off 3 beefs..... 1. Terrains in CA are more user friendly 2. Rooms in CA are predefined with moldings, floor structures, ceiling finishes, heights etc., whereas in REVIT it takes more work 3. Symbols..... we have more symbols in CA than we know what to do with meanwhile he has to create.... "families"....... what the heck is a family? So I ask Dave, "Dave, how do you know CA's terrains are more user friendly..... and why do you recognize the advantage of CA's system of predefined room attributes..... and how do you know that we have this great symbol library?" His reply? "Why Dad, I watch your videos, I learn from your videos, I see how easy you guys have it and so I try to duplicate in REVIT what you guys already have" (A shameless plug for CA) One more shameless plug for CA....... ( and believe me, I am a member of the choir but I have no problems getting on their case), I ask Dave how is the REVIT Forum...... he told me that back in 2012 it seemed to him the user forum dwindled, however he has found a few REVIT users who provide videos that have been of value to him, one REVIT video producer being "THE REVIT KID". Bottom line, we are fortunate to have a user base who is more than willing to give up some of their time to help out fellow CA users. The point of this post....... yeah, CA can definitely be improved, but it may be the best option FOR WHAT I DO. So if you want to CA improve, keep bashing them, but at the same time realize that what we have ain't half bad, and the program for all of it's shortcomings...... is pretty darn good. BTW...... I think the Padres might be pretty good this year..... I think we have 6 all stars on the roster...... World Series,,,, here we come!!!
  3. Give it to your Father in Law. Just give it to him. What is the worst that could happen? You make no money on the job. The up side is he is older than you, he will die sooner than you, you will inherit the house...... yeah, and you are correct, do not do business with family, give it to them for free.
  4. You know P.,, I haven't done it yet, using the "transparent fill" might be another way of "masking" the existing area that is not to be altered.
  5. Go to bottom level and delete the invisible wall, select game room and default CEILING FINISH.... you have now lost the 23" drop ceiling in game room you wanted, to remedy this put in a CEILING PLANE with no pitch to create the drop ceiling... IOW, do not use the CEILING FINISH to plane out the drop in ceiling due to step above, use the ceiling plane.
  6. Well, ain't that a pistol, I suppose I never tried an elevation view, thanks JC.
  7. Yep, I was unsure what JC was talking about.
  8. I am wondering, did I give out some incorrect information?
  9. Joe, Joe, Joe, mi Amigo, The soffit can have it's own material. The fascia can have it's own material. The rafter material can be defined by you the user. The only time you lose control over specifying each material differently is when you DO NOT have a soffit.... and what happens then is the rafters match the fascia material which is how it works with 99% of the houses out there. Should I be able to give the fascia a different material than the rafters if I have no soffit? Yes, but it has not been an issue yet.
  10. Believe me, we have put up with a lot worse, at least you have it figured out with Athenian's help.
  11. Chief, Chief, Chief........ in the first pic there is no fascia, you might see the sub fascia, but you do not see the fascia. In the second pic you are seeing WHITE FASCIA. The reason the rafters and the fascia are not the same material is because YOU HAVE A SOFFIT. If you have a soffit, the rafters take on the material of the framing. If you do not have a soffit, then the rafters take on the material of the fascia. Think about it.... if you have no soffit, don't you want the fascia and the EXPOSED RAFTER TAILS to match? Try this, eliminate the soffit on one of your roof planes, I bet you will find that the rafters for that particular roof plane uses the FASCIA MATERIAL.
  12. Jeez, that is a no brainer.... I would think Mike has that dialed in correctly, but who knows.....
  13. Yeah, I think you are in New York. What I have noticed recently with my MAC, is the time right be off, but if I click on the computer clock, it corrects itself. I do not know if that would have anything to do with what you are experiencing.
  14. Good question, if you do a framing overview, I think you will see the SUBFASCIA, but I do not think it shows the FASCIA, the fascia shows if roof planes are on. So do a framing overview, you will not see fascia, now turn on the ROOF PLANE layer, and you will now see fascia.
  15. that is weird, I thought they auto adjusted for your own time zone. Are you sure you are not living in Hawaii? Stick your head outside and see if you see blue skies and 78 degree temp., if you do, you are probably in Hawaii, if you see snow..... you are probably where you think you are and that would be New York.
  16. That might be part of the problem....... but...... if the base lines were the same, if the fascia heights were the same and the pitch was different and the soffit overhang was different.... maybe it would work.... just throwing out ideas.... you guys know better than I.
  17. I do not do many if any frieze boards.... but I am assuming if you have different pitches, you are adjusting the overhang/soffit height to accommodate the freieze boards..... just asking out of ignorance on my part.
  18. Thanks Larry for giving this a try. I think you have now experienced what I have experienced....... many many times........... and that is......... We do a FRAMING OVERVIEW and we want three options.... 1. to see the finished floor material 2. to take off the finished floor material and see only the plywood below 3. to take off the finished floor material and the plywood sheathing and see only the floor joists As you have experienced, we can do this SOMETIMES by turning off the ROOMS LAYER, or the FLOOR SURFACES LAYER....... sometimes it works and sometimes it does not work...... I don't get it...... this is the kind of stuff I wish we could get with CA one on one and discuss. I am sure I have sent this in, but I think these reports went into the abyss. Would be nice to get some acknowledgement that they recognize the issue and they are working on it. But quite frankly, this is not a deal breaker, just a pretty neat feature that when it works it is kind of cool.
  19. Here is the vid. Great question and great vid, thanks for the question Mickey Too. http://youtu.be/Wu13tkKrHkg
  20. The problem with your model is you have a sill plate between top of stem wall and bottom of slab....there should not a sill there.... and the second problem is a 1" slab vs. 4" thick slab........ I can do this quite easily with the exception of eliminating the sill plate on top of the conc stem wall
  21. As I think about it, your suggestion is much better (will work better around windows)..... I must start thinking about using this tool.
  22. Got it, thanks Alan. So how does someone find the sink in the USER CATALOG if there are 1000 items in the catalog. It seems that the imported symbol should have the same name as the CALIBZ FILE.