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Everything posted by dshall

  1. Cleaning out my office I found my old X10 key. I am willing to part with this relic for the price of $0.38 OBO ....... and if you beg nicely, I just might give it to you for free....... it's so small I could mail it to you. A photo of the illustrious key is below. Isn't that weird, it still has the sticker on it...... email me at dscotthall@mac.com
  2. No, the fill is limited to certain objects....... I suppose that would be monolithic, i.e. terrain, concrete slabs, walls (not monolithic), not cabinets, not end grain, not counters, flooring? don't think so, great question, would be nice for a pattern for a section thru cabinets, counters tops.....
  3. Larry, You might want to double check this. You can define the default floor structures for all floors. Build a 20 story building, they all have the overall default floor structure, you can now go into the default floor structure for the 14th floor, change it, and that new default will override the OVERALL floor defaults, and then after the 20 story building is built, you can go into the default floor structure for the 8th floor and change the default floor structure for the eighth floor. The point of this post is you can change the default floor structure for a particular floor or all floors after the floors are built. I will be glad to show you how to do it in a GTM.
  4. As I said before, blocked framing does not show in 3d. It is a nuisance. Solution, unblock framing for 3d views.
  5. Yep, attach the plan... but viewing blocked framing has always been a problem. I do not know why, but I do know going back to 2005, if the framing was blocked, you could not se it in 3d....... solution? unblock.
  6. Imagine your 2x12 form boards are 8" above bottom of footing trench. The concrete will ooze under form boards by about 3" to side of trench. Note that trench for footings was dug @ 12" wide. I need a minimum 12x6 footing with bottom of footing 2" into grade. thus we have a "stem wall" that connects the footing to the slab. Note the "stem wall" needs to be between 6"-8" wide (not s wide as footing), The point being, big time developers who are building a 1000 homes is looking to cut costs where they can, so by using a narrower "stem all" he can save on concrete materials. think about how you would dig the trench for the footing (a bit wider thane the perimeter of house), put in form boards..... think about it.... the concrete oozes under the form boards.
  7. Joe you are correct. CA, please fix the mono slabs.
  8. I can not do what Joe wants. I was there in the beginning when mono slabs came out. I requested this in the beginning. They ignored my request. I have given up trying to get them to improve it, now I use what they give me. I can actually step a mono slab footing, I think I did a vid on it. I attached a plan and pic of a mono slab with a stepped footing. mono slab with step footing 1.plan
  9. You are confusing the issue, Joe wants to build a mono slab, but he does not know how to do it. We are in SOCAL, we don't have frost walls... we would not recognize a frost wall if it hit us over the head.
  10. You are not clear in regards to what is not working. If you think the plan you just posted is a better example of a mono slab, you and I are dealing with different mono slabs. The mono slabs I build with CA could be improved by giving me by being able to define the SLAB, STEM WALL, AND FOOTING in lieu of what I can control now which is THE SLAB and STEM WALL/FOOTING....... but other than that, they do a pretty darn good job of showing what I want to show. The way I see it, both Perry and I can make the mono slabs work for us, and we probably do more mono slabs foundations than anybody else in this universe...... hyperbole is my specialty.
  11. Joe, I was able to get the slab to show in 3d if I went to level 0 and specified mono slab. However, I understand that you like to build your mono slabs differently than CA recommends or the way I would build them. I think if you learned to build mono slabs the way CA works, you would have fewer issues.
  12. I wish he had posted a plan. These foundations can confuse the heck out of me. I can do them, but .... That being said..... the plan I showed was an auto build slab foundation and....... and........ I can make the slab disappear by turning off either the SLAB LAYER or the FOUNDATION LAYER. I suppose my main point was, FOUNDATION LAYER can control the foundation you see in 3D. Truly I am confused..... the FOUNDATION LAYER can control whether you see a MONO SLAB in 3D, but..... it will not control whether you see a mono slab built as ........ oh heck.... I can't put it in words... if you were to play with it, dealing with mono slabs created with using room below or mono slabs as not using room below, you will get different results. It would be interesting to see how CA would teach someone the subtlties of foundations.... I would bet they could not explain it.... If my GTM was working, I could do a vid explaining what I don't know..... oops, that might be a very long video.
  13. a pretty good vid by Glenn, but still as clear as mud. There are 4 layers that I can think of that effects what is seen in 3d in regards to floors: -FLOOR LAYER -ROOM LAYER -FOUNDATION LAYER -SLAB LAYER Note that I mentioned the FOUNDATION LAYER....... take a look at the attachments, by turning off the FOUNDATION LAYER, the mono slab will disappear.
  14. Not sure if this is what you want. BTW, for this view the ROOM LAYER and the FLOOR SURFACES LAYER is turned off. Is this a real slab? Is this a virtual slab? Do you have the FOUNDATION LAYER turned on? Someone suggested posting plans to get quick and accurate answers. You might try that approach.
  15. Interesting, I had not noticed, I know that if I used a lot of CONCRETE FILLS, I did get the sluggishness, I don't notice it so much any more, I think my machine is faster than it was. But again, I had not noticed white fills slowing down the 'puter, in fact I would guess the white fill would be faster than a cross hatch....... maybe CA would not mind commenting on what kind of fills slow down the 'puter.
  16. I did the transparent cross hatching at one time, but now I leave the OBB white fill (I think that might be NKB norm), but I give the white fill a semi transparent fill..... I like it better than the crosshatching .
  17. Great question..... in fact I posed this great question to Brian "soon to be a Father" Beck at the UGM...... I think it was Brian.... quick answer, no. This has been my bane for many years ago. Apparently the problem is based on the fact that prior to turning countertops of base cabinets into custom countertops, the countertops and base cabs are inexplicitly tied to each other. As soon as the base cabinet relies on a custom countertop, all goes to he** in a hand basket. This is what I have been doing... I put the counter top on ... I think it is default layer (base cabinet is hidden now), I then draw a CAD line where base cabinet is, put that CAD line on base cabinet layer, and put in front group. By doing this, you can identify extent of base cab, the countertop hides the floor fill, and base cab looks good. This scenario is very common with custom countertops for islands. A PIA, but doable relatively quickly, upper cabs is more trouble..... yep, another cad line to represent the now hidden upper cabinet and give it a fill. There should be a way to fix this. I have been sending this into Brian for about 4 years now. It has not been fixed yet. I think they think it is trouble to fix.
  18. Rich, you are almost as funny as Alan L. FYI, a kadoodleterra is approximately a zetta to the third power.
  19. Rod, why do you think this is a productivity killer? If I remember correctly, there has been a time or two when I could of used this feature, but it really was not a big deal to me. So, how is it a productivity killer?
  20. Genius at work.... again.... thanks Glenn....... however, I am not sure why a symbol used as a panel for a railing at stairs would not work just as well or better. I think the OP's beef was the cable railing was using small diameter rails whereas he wanted to use 1-1/2" diameter rails...... if that is the case, create the panel symbol with 1-1/2" dia. rails ..... would also read better in plan and newels may also be employed.
  21. Are you kidding Rich, I have a 43.67 kadoodleterra byte size hard drive. I could put the entire Library of Congress on my 'puter. I have progressed mightily from the 40meg hard drive that was on my MAC SE30 BACK IN 1989....... jeez...... am I really that old? I wonder if my wife is going to put me down in a humanely way soon........
  22. Take a look at the attached plan and see if this might help. rod and shelf.plan