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Posts posted by Chopsaw

  1. There is the  "Rotate/Resize About Current Point" tool 1783395160_RotateResizeAboutCurrentPointtool.JPG.7e6a482e24f58e027473faa0d174d84f.JPG

    As well as a setting in "Transform/Replicate Object" that both use the "Current Point"  that work great depending on the accuracy required.


    Are you sure you were using the "current" point ?  That is about the only deficiency of those tools since you can't be actively using points for other things.


    The other option is to center your grain bin on 0,0 and rotate about that, which is possibly the way you made the bin in the first place.

  2. I don't believe there is an Arc A layout template but you can adjust your page size but keep the scale at 1:1 and then create your own title block or edit an existing one to fit on page 0.  Once you are happy with the setup save the file as a template.


    You can actually have several title block templates in the same file but that makes the learning curve even steeper.

  3. 2 minutes ago, ChiefUserBigRob said:

    Cool, it is sometimes easier to just draw the beams manually and add the columns from the library as well.


    Only if you find something that chief just can't handle automatically but that should result in a Feature Request as well.

  4. 6 minutes ago, ChiefUserBigRob said: that running dims?


    Yes but that does not really matter.  If your railing is symmetrical just go ahead and break it at the posts and reverse every other section and dimension away....     Use the dimensions to place the posts exactly where you want them.

  5. It is completely possible but not quite as easy as it should be.  You will need to have a little knowledge of Macro's and Ruby as well as the new Number Formatter that was introduced in X12.


    Maybe start here: 



    Read through this:



    Or post your plan file and I will see if I can set up an example for you.


    • Upvote 1
  6. 6 minutes ago, TimelessJohn said:

    Old "Rafter Tail End Profile" from original Plan File...rrrr.


    You may be able to remove the auto tail and splice in a p-solid to be able to render the final look.

  7. 6 minutes ago, rgardner said:

    I think you may still be able to do it but you need a different profile instead of a block one maybe??


    Humm....    Maybe even more difficult than profiling a roof truss then.    More play required I guess.

  8. 2 minutes ago, rgardner said:

    Not a glitch.  It is set to use that profile as a rafter tail.  Look what happens after the rafter tail is removed:


    Ok then maybe not the glitch I was initially thinking but don't tell a union steel worker he can't profile an I beam.  What is up with that ?

  9. John are your referring to the roof rafters over the main structure (Great Rm) ?


    I think this may be a display glitch in X13.  Did you test this in X12 ?


    The cross section is correct but the issue is clear with a framing view.





  10. 2 hours ago, Plainwacky said:

    When I uploaded the DWG file in the free AUTOCAD program (see enclosed photo), I see the elevation...the hillside and valley. So, the elevation data must be there...right? Am I not understanding what you are saying? 


    True. I also saw that in the DWG fie.  I just don't think it is in a transferrable format.  It would be nice if I was wrong and it would be worth pursuing if someone else knows the answer.

  11. If there was a chance to do it over again I think that when you initially import it will come in and everything you just imported will be selected.  Ideally you would move it to a clear area at that point so you could work with it without interfering with your other work then bring it into position when you are ready.


    You have a lot of layers in the imported DWG but I think it would be wise to keep those active since you have a lot of complexity to deal with.


    I am not familiar with HD but there are likely many ways to accomplish what you need in Premier.  


    Perhaps someone who has HD experience can chime in here.   There are a few people here that work both forums such as @solver or @DavidJPotter


    Otherwise you would need to post that specific question over there.