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Posts posted by Chopsaw

  1. Not really sure what Solver told you but this is not likely a bug.  I suspect that you have not included enough columns for the doors to sort the way you are expecting.  The only sort criteria that seems to be in play with your posted schedule is "3068 R EX" or "3068 L EX" so that is what Chief uses to categorize your doors for you in your schedule.

  2. 37 minutes ago, Kbird1 said:
    58 minutes ago, Chopsaw said:


    Yup just another wrinkle that make it harder to help out here on the forum that could be fixed with one little checkbox for.. 


    "Auto Save Untitled Files"


    Not that difficult I am sure. ;)



    Not a bad idea at all .......but that one wouldn't help Forum Files as they all have Titles, but I could see an optional popup for

    New Files to the local Chief installation ( using the Recent List Data perhaps ) to " Auto Save On or Off for this Plan" or

    perhaps make it an optional per Plan Default? ( On by Default )


    I like the idea of the Plan Default but not sure it would help out for Forum Plan Files as the Plan Default would carry through.  It needs to be a Preference I think.


    Also I create hundreds of temporary plan files for my own use as well as for people that post forum questions without posting the offending plan file.


    Too many pop ups can get to the point that regardless of what they say they get ignored unfortunately.

  3. 23 minutes ago, Kbird1 said:

    It can definitely eat up a SSD/HDD if you Open a lot of Plans like I do from Here and Clients..........

    so I just go in to the Archive Folder and delete every folder I know is not from

    My Current Projects about once a month or so.


    Yup just another wrinkle that make it harder to help out here on the forum that could be fixed with one little checkbox for.. 


    "Auto Save Untitled Files"


    Not that difficult I am sure. ;)

  4. Have a look for your autosave files and open them up and hope they were created without much lost work.  Then do a save as before you resume working with the files.


    C:\Users\User\Documents\Chief Architect Premier X13 Data\Archives\File Name\ File_auto_save_bak.plan\.layout


    You know now, but never forget to save your file and shutdown Chief before a windows update.

  5. Unfortunately elevations are generated as a camera view.   I am thinking you will be restricted to plan view and cad functions.


    You really should talk to tech support or if it is not feasible to upgrade your laptop possibly sales can help you out with a previous software version.

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  6. Or perhaps...   Preferences> Edit> Behaviors> Behavior Indicators  you turned it on.   



    5 minutes ago, Chief_QA said:

    Edit>Edit Behaviors>Connect CAD Segments  you turned it off.


    You can only temporarily turn that off as it resets to ON between secessions.

  7. You can do it if you don't use slats. Use one material with a bump map for the texture and then no pattern for the vector views.


    Just take a screen shot of what you have and use that for the texture and test it on another wall before editing the original.

  8. 1 hour ago, builtright3 said:

    Yes 90% of the jobs that I do are the same.

    So do I just unckeck SAVED CAMERAS when I save the template?
    What do you mean by save the layout link?


    Yes I think that will work.  If you have the saved camera in your template plan it should automatically populate your layout if you save the layout box in your layout template.


    Unfortunately every single job I do seems to be very different from the pervious one so far, so I have not done that setup in my own templates.


    You could PM @Kbird1 though and if he has time he could do some one on one with you since I think he understands that all very well.

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  9. Sure you can save section and elevation cameras in your template plan if you like and you can even keep the layout link if you really want to save time.  Works great if you do a lot of back to back projects that as somewhat similar.

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  10. Check your railing wall connections and properties for room definition.  If that is not it you may need to post the plan file. Hard to diagnose from the screenshot.


    Potentially you may need to connect the outer railing wall to the exterior wall of the "tower" with an invisible room divider but no guarantees.

  11. If you experiment with changing the "Smoothing Angle" of the symbol it can allow you to more efficiently delete surfaces to create a modified symbol.


    If you want to do something like move an embedded shower head then you need to delete every single surface with the exception of the shower head and create an independent symbol from it so it can be positioned any where you like.


    Apparently if you have the time to learn another program, Sketchup has some more efficient tools for editing their symbols.

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  12. You might want to provide a screen shot comparison so that others can respond or at least let us know what rendering technique you are using and where you are observing the blur.


    There are known issues but your observations are important.