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Posts posted by Chopsaw

  1. Not that it will help you out this time but I have had printing issues before that ended up crashing the program.  Since I had a few serious losses doing that I got into the habit of always doing a manual save before printing.  Convenient that those tools sit side by side.


    There has to be a significant amount of data in the undo file but don't believe there is any way to recover it.  Sorry.

  2. You should be noticing some " Ceiling Break Lines " in plan view when you have a condition such as that if the layer is turned on.


    Unfortunately the only solution is to raise the roof or reduce the thickness of the roof structure.


    If that does not make sense you may need to post the plan file for someone to help you out with it.

  3. 6 minutes ago, SH_Canada said:

    hmm thats not good, I think then the answer to my question will be "no" it is not possible. so what do people do for "actual" 3d neighborhood model. Do they just take photos or screenshots at specific angles and do a lot of photoshopping? paint every pixel?


    I would love to hear a better answer but I think you might be right.  Very difficult to illustrate a lot that is not at least partially prepped for the build.

  4. 17 minutes ago, Alchemyjim said:

    I do file-> import -> DWG.


    Ok so just to confirm when you do that the import DBX does not even open and the program freezes with no error message ?


    If so I would suspect your installation has become corrupted or you have a hardware issue of some sort and you should contact tech support.

    • Upvote 1
  5. 8 minutes ago, Dermot said:

    Might also depend on whether he is dropping the DWG file into Chief or going through the File->Import->Import Drawing from the menu.


    Ok that could definitely make a huge difference.

  6. 3 minutes ago, Dermot said:

    My best guess is that it's probably something specific in the DWG file you are trying to import.  You could see if you get the same results with a different DWG file.  You could post the DWG file and see if someone else can duplicate the problem.  Or, you could contact technical support during their normal business hours.


    I would have suggested that as the most obvious variable but he is not even getting the DBX to open ?

  7. Not really even sure where to start on troubleshooting an issue like that.  You may need to contact tech support in the morning.

    I don't see how it could be a hardware issue unless your mouse is fried but that would cause other issues as well I am sure.


    Did you confirm  v.  It shows in the Startup Options..  Bottom Right.

  8. 1 minute ago, mkennedy2000 said:

    I didnt quickly find a way to add new column headings using the schedule tool. I didn't find a way to do things like an electrical load calc or a plumbing fixture load calc. Spreadsheets are so fast and easy, a spread sheet version of the custom schedule might be a really useful feature. As opposed to using macros and behind the scenes stuff.


    True but we are not quite there yet.  You can link a spread sheet but is still quite awkward and not quite live.  You might be surprised how much can be done with macros.  If you have something that you do all the time it is worth automating it to reduce the chances of human error and speed up production but it can be a bit of an initial investment if it is something complex.

  9. 2 minutes ago, joey_martin said:




    Got it ! :)


    If any of you are interested in having all that in one schedule that sorts and tallies itself I could likely set it up for you on the weekend.


  10. 1 minute ago, joey_martin said:

    Not sure what you mean. The conditioned schedule includes all the "living spaces" and the unconditioned schedule includes spaces like garages, unfinished basement storage, etc..


    I am just not sure what you are calculating or how you are calculating it.  It sort of sounds like you are just creating two lists of rooms using note schedules,  but I am a little confused as to the value of that ?  It seems if that is what you are doing if would be more beneficial to just include conditioned or unconditioned in the room label.


    I envisioned that OP wanting a schedule that listed all the room names and gave an area for conditioned or unconditioned and then tallied them.

  11. 11 minutes ago, joey_martin said:

    Use the CUSTOM SCHEDULE tool. Create one for the conditioned spaces and one for the unconditioned spaces. Save them in a CAD detail in your template plan and you only have to do it once and will calculate those for you automatically from then on.


    How are you doing that without access to the conditioned space information ?


    Pretty sure Rob's method would work but we should not be forced to dip that low. And chief will have difficulty totaling material names.;)