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Posts posted by Chopsaw

  1. 11 minutes ago, VHampton said:

    Wondering if making a clay view and then exporting that as a symbol would work. Then open a new plan and export the model to the Chief viewer?


    Great idea but Clay is a rendering technique not a way to change all the materials of the entire model.  We have Basic and Standard rendering as well as Glass House with the 3D viewer.  You could perhaps create a duplicate plan file an change all your material patterns to a clay style then it would appear that way in the 3D viewer basic rendering as clay but I can almost guarantee you if the client knows how they will view in Standard rendering so you would also need to change all of your material textures in the whole plan to clay.

  2. 15 minutes ago, rgardner said:

    1.) Create a full symbol from the model.

    2.) Place symbol into a chief oob template plan with just the terrain info copied over.

    3.) Send client that plan file for them to view.


    Yes that would protect you from loosing the contents of your plan file and custom template.


    The only issue I see with that is it would limit the number of tools you could use with the Client Viewer or Trial Version.


    You still may run into rendering issues with a Minimum Requirements system though as the surface count would remain the same.


    As previously mentioned I don't see any benefit of going through the symbol process for the 3D View as that is essentially what the 3D Viewer does any way.

  3. Have a look in the Roof Plane Specifications DBX


    Shadow Boards Panel
    The settings on the Shadow Boards panel allow you to specify one or more fascia shadow board profiles that follow the selected roof plane’s eaves. See Shadow Boards.

    The settings on this panel are like those on the Moldings panel found in many dialogs in the program. See Moldings Panel.


    Also it is best practice to start a new thread for a completely new subject.

  4. 43 minutes ago, DeLayDesign said:

    Any thoughts how how I might accomplish this?  Right now the 3D view is saying my plans are 348 MB so trying to bring it down to 50 is going to be impossible.


    I have not tried a file quite that large but if you want to totally avoid the use of a cloud viewer service you could try an embedded 3D PDF.  It is old technology but I think it is still better than the 3D viewer at this point but not as good as the Client viewer for image quality.

  5. 4 minutes ago, Dermot said:

    If the client has a fairly capable computer (one that can run X13)


    Not very likely since a lot us us can't even run all the features of  X13 unless of course their kids have the absolute latest gaming systems.

  6. Did tech suggest you look at this article ? 



    The viewer is unfortunately not capable of displaying a large and highly detailed model.  I have only been able to utilize it for small projects.


    If you think there is an issue with your system you can always post the link here and we can see if we get the same results.

    • Upvote 1
  7. Hi Rob,  I did a video a while back and a bunch of us discussed and refined the technique.  I think the conclusion was a 3D box was the most appropriate tool because of some of it's special properties and how it interacts with a roof plane.  I will see if I can find the thread for you.

    I think California claims responsibility for this technique of the " California Overbuild "

  8. That definitely won't be done with the roof tool.  Have a play with Ceiling Planes and or Polyline Solids.  The math will get complicated though when you skew the baseline of a ceiling plane.

  9. 6 minutes ago, BrownTiger said:

    Have you tried some of the monospaced fonts: Courier, Lucida Console, Menlo, Monaco, Consolas, Inconsolata and Source Code Pro, etc...


    No but I will.   Still working on a solution with everyone's advice and getting closer.


    I think I am hitting some limits with Adobe though.  Preliminary  analysis is that the auto recognition with Adobe Reader and Acrobat seems to have a limit of 5 commas and will not accept 6 in a website link.  Also even an applied link in Acrobat Pro seems to have a character limit of somewhere around 250 but have not counted exactly yet.

  10. 37 minutes ago, Alaskan_Son said:
    15 hours ago, Chopsaw said:

    Does it really matter if you can't read it then? No not really but it needs to be read by Adobe. 

    Then what's the problem with the jumbled looking text? 


    15 hours ago, Chopsaw said:

    And can't you just change the link text anyway? Is that even possible in Chief other than in plan or layout ?

    No, but neither is your idea of inserting a "hot link".  At least not that I'm aware of.  Are you saying that you're somehow using Chief to produce a PDF that contains a clickable link?


    No as far as I am aware chief itself is not capable of transferring a hotlink to PDF however Adobe will recognize any properly formatted text in a PDF as long as it is all in one line and provide the clickable link.


    29 minutes ago, Alaskan_Son said:

    By the way,  if you use Rich Text instead of normal text, I think you may reduce or even completely eliminate the tracking/kerning issues.  You might also consider using a font like Bahnschrift Light Condensed or similar which may allow for increasing the font height since it takes up quite a bit less horizontal space than Arial would.


    There is something you won't find in the manual.  I will give that a try but was originally thinking that the standard text that I don't normally use would help me out by providing the link in plan for my reference but now I see that may have lead me away from a workable solution.  Thanks.

  11. 1 hour ago, MarkMc said:

    @Chopsaw Hey does the attached PDF do what you want.


    No not actually.  I did not realize I was asking such a corker of a question.  I found 5 "Follow This Link" in your PDF however Adobe Reader only recognizes those as text.


    The engineer I am preparing this for may well have Bluebeam but at this point I am not in a position to ask.  I have a link that is 10 times longer than I am normally dealing with and want to disclose the full string but have it as a hot link and I guess this is just the perfect storm because I have a very limited space to put it into as this is not my original work.


    I was experimenting with some of Michaels suggestions and found that Adobe will not recognize a broken text string for a link but frustratingly it will recognize corrupt segments of it.


    After about 4 hours I got it to work but that sort of thing really takes a toll when you expect it should take less than a minute.

  12. 7 minutes ago, Alaskan_Son said:

    Does it really matter if you can't read it then? No not really but it needs to be read by Adobe.  And can't you just change the link text anyway? Is that even possible in Chief other than in plan or layout ?  Also, why not just add the text in your PDF editor? Sure but not much fun doing that for every little revision over and over again when the link is not changing. I feel like you're expecting Chief to do something extremely unusual and making it sound like its somehow totally shocking that Chief doesn't handle it super well.  Never once in my 20 years of typing up construction related documents have I seen or needed .25mm text. I would not call it extremely unusual since this will never be printed and it is not an issue to zoom in on a digital document and in this instance this detail is not required until you zoom in anyway.  


  13. 22 minutes ago, Alaskan_Son said:

    Not sure why you would need to do such a thing in Chief


    Firstly Chief is my favorite software for such things and I have a link that is about 250 characters long that I would like to hot link since not many people are willing to copy or even paste a link like that when the technology exists to click a hotlink but I have a limited sized space to place it that would make any sense for the application.