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Posts posted by Chopsaw

  1. 13 minutes ago, AdeleMinton said:

    in the default settings - Walls - interior walls - wall types - change colour.  I actually duplicated the drywall in library, renamed to plasterboard as we refer to it and used a paint colour.


    Ok great you avoided the most common mistake of adding a thin extra layer to you wall definition that seems quite logical but does not work.

    I am also not sure what the issue might be but the plan file may show what the problem is.

  2. 8 minutes ago, glennw said:

    I am pretty sure that copying existing framing members that make up the truss works OK.


    Yes I believe that is the only way.   Also if I remember correctly a cad line would only work for a square cut but now it seems to be ok for any straight cut.

  3. 33 minutes ago, glennw said:

    These members are General framing members, so if you need a new member you can use a General Framing member.


    Not the same kind of  "General Framing Member"  that you can draw with the General Framing tool though unless you have a special trick ?

  4. Plenty of ways to do that.  You could put a transparent gray over your cross hatch but likely better and sharper to put a cross hatch without background over top of a solid gray.



  5. First scale the imported plan.  Then trace over with cad lines and turn on the Length and Angle settings.  Those format options are General Cad Defaults.  Let us know if you run into any other issues.

  6. 4 minutes ago, KnotSquare said:

    Ooh, Ooh! Closer yet. Do you know how to control the first number?


    It may be possible but raises the complexity significantly.  The " # "  is rather special by itself and not sure it can be altered.


    Set it up with A1.0 as a fixed number and then the next sheet can be A1.# for now and see how that goes.

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  7. Yes it is a little confusing until you see how it works.  You need to use the Layout Page Specification DBX.


    This is mine but your will be similar.




    Then you can use the %layout.label% and %layout.title% macros in a text box on page 0 of layout.

    So the first instance of my Project Overview will be labeled as A-101 and subsequent copies will auto label as A-102, A-103 etc.

  8. If all your page numbers appear with a decimal that should not be an issue.   S3.#

    Although I think it starts with  " 1 " so try to use S3.0 always and then S3.# for the following pages unless you can skip the " 0 ".

    It has to be done manually if only the addons have the decimal place.

  9. 1 hour ago, armfx89 said:

    Hence I tried to manually edit the webbing of the truss to create an attic space. However the custom webbing doesn't show in 3D Framing view but just the envelope.


    As Gene is suggesting it may well be possible to auto generate that condition but I have not tried.  When manually editing trusses you can't use a "General Framing Member" as a structural component of the truss.  You need to copy and modify an existing "Roof Truss Member" from the same truss envelope. General framing members can be used to trim with but will not show in your framing view even if the layer is turned on.

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  10. Yes that is most likely the situation 2x4's were actually 2" x 4" with square corners and used for all kinds of things that they would never meet code for these days.  Ironically a lot of those buildings are still standing after 70 or 80 years and doing just fine. 

  11. 46 minutes ago, Longroadahead said:

    As a follow up question, the 36" door dimension consist of both casing and the 14" would be from interior drywall to the left casing. Is there a way to set the 14" from the left of drywall to the door opening instead of the casing?


    Yes. Set your dimension default to "Sides" rather than "Casing" for Openings.

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  12. The doorway most likely has a 1/4" reveal set for the casing on each side and your 14" dimension is not snapped to the wall surface.  Not sure about the 98" dimension but it may resolve itself once the 14" is corrected and then the doorway snaps are checked.


    Hopefully you have not set your dimension accuracy to 1/2" as that can sometimes get you into trouble but not sure that is the problem here.


    If that is not it you are welcome to post the plan file and one of the experts can take a look.


    Welcome to ChiefTalk.

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