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Everything posted by Chopsaw

  1. Does anyone use Truss Base for this type of issue? Johnny, Is this the video you were thinking about :
  2. Your picture did not post but if the windows are square it should not be too difficult by using a truncated pyramid polyline shape and applying glass material to it. Then just a bit of work to get it sized and positioned and the normal glass material changed to "Opening (no material)". However if they are not square there will be quite a bit more cad work to make it happen.
  3. Sorry Scott, I was out for a bit but there are probably several ways to do that, and mine was rather confusing so if yours works that is great.
  4. Not on my computer Michael, Not even while depressing CTRL or X with snaps off.
  5. Just wondering if someone could check the file size of Win 64 for me as well as Win 64 so I can confirm that I got them all. Thanks in advance.
  6. I don't see any reason why a note or symbol would not work for a standard situation like this but if you were doing something more critical why not include it in an elevation view?
  7. Larry, Maybe you could demonstrate the other cases because I am quite curious, but in the case of your electrical schedule I believe the snapping behavior seen in your video is just the text being squeezed and requiring another line, although I could not see the whole schedule.
  8. Yusuf, Thank you for that, If you needed to do more than just a few, that would be the way to do it for sure because it is a little tricky to set them up editing default wall heights etc. Here is the Tutorial on that method: There might be some trick that I missed but this is about the best I could figure with that method. See Below.
  9. You could try two railings stacked on top of each other 1 32" solid Railing with 10 spindle rail on top with No Room Definition and No Locate. I am sure there will be other suggestions but I think this is what I would try first.
  10. Hello Anna, Have you discovered this tool yet? This might be just what you need but again, just a guess.
  11. Thank You Michael, I think it is still related to a connectivity issue as well, as this is what Dan seems to be working on. The time of day also seems to be a factor as most of the Traffic on ChiefTalk seem to be during North American business hours and corresponding evenings with the exception of Michael, Glenn and I with a few others. Hope you start sleeping better Michael.
  12. Dan and Mike (Ridge_Runner), Thank you for sharing your experience and knowledge with the search issue. I am also running windows 7 with I.E. 11 and was getting the exact same scenario as Mike when searching a topic on ChiefTalk. I have since loaded Google Chrome and am getting much better results and a predictable patterns on ChiefTalk such as you would expect with a general internet search through Google where you enter a search criteria and are given a listing of results then open one of the search results to read then be able to use the Back arrow or button to return to the original search results. I now believe that the two issues are not likely related and will continue testing the Posting Issues with Goggle Chrome to see if that makes any difference. However since these problems have already been reported with Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer, I am not too hopeful. I don't believe we have heard from anyone using Microsoft Edge in Windows 10 or any other browsers for that matter regarding the Posting Issues. I did malware and virus scans with Window Defender as well as Windows Security Essentials and both came up clean. Thanks, Chopsaw
  13. Just a guess here without the plan, but try opening the fan symbol and check under Options if it is "Ceiling Mounted". Or possibly under the 3D tab check your Origin Offset for the Z Position, but not sure how that would get messed up.
  14. Thanks Dan, There does not seem to be any consistency to when this happens or why. Could you expand on what specific activities you are referring to when you say "post data to a website" as it applies to and when you say "follow a link" do you mean reading a searched Thread or jumping to another website from a posted link. This will help me be more observant so hopefully we can get this resolved. P.S. This time I hit the Post button three times and nothing so I tried refresh and it wiped me out.
  15. This should keep you busy until Michael wakes up. I think you can use any polyline shape and convert to Material Region and edit before or after. Work in Elevation View and use dimensions to size and position. Keep on Building, Chopsaw
  16. This issue has also been causing me a lot of lost time and patience when doing Forum searches I am quite consistently unable to return to my search results after reading a Thread and given this message. I think this issue may also be related to the others. Is this happening to anyone else? Now is the time to get it Resolved so please comment. Thanks, Chopsaw
  17. You are almost there now. Just be sure to select "Cut Finish Layers of Parent Object" as Glenn and Michael referred to. See Attached.
  18. I did not test all of the solutions provided above but was able to use the custom backsplash tool in two layers to cut the material on the corner of the wall. Layer 1: set to Opening (no material) and make long enough to cut corner material away Layer 2: set to Black or shadowy colour and stop at inside corner. You can use the Copy and Paste in Place tool to make the second layer and then just edit the colour and shorten accordingly. Not sure if this is the same theory as what Michael said in short, maybe so. Yes it must be because you will not want the 1st Opening layer to show in plan view.
  19. Thanks Yusuf, That was incredible, you have such a great talent for this. I suppose to build with bricks you would use all the same principals with polyline solids?
  20. David, As I mentioned before I don't consider Austin to be a rural area for internet service, such as Michael and I may be facing such issues as well as an older router. Do you have the latest high tech router and do you suspect any deficiencies in your internet service. Chopsaw
  21. Ben: Not so sure you will like this solution but this is how Chief suggests it can be done in CA training videos (#370 & #371) Best of Luck, Chopsaw
  22. Adrean, This is a great approach and thank you for explaining your situation. I am not sure exactly how the website determines their elevation data but it does not seem to be live or as accurate as the many decimal places suggest. I would be interested in using the Chief X-Y grid system to accurately plot GPS coordinates and corresponding elevations sourced from a variety of more accurate sources. This would be overlaid on a plot plan derived from an official survey such that once this has been established then using the X-Y grid system any theoretical or proposed point for new development within or even outside the plot plan could be assigned an accurate GPS position from the grid. This theory should be rather easy to understand but unfortunately in real life there are many obstacles to overcome to achieve this and a comprehensive technical overview of how to achieve this in Chief would be invaluable to many. This would have to include standardized procedures for converting all of the currently used methods of measurement for distance and angles used by surveyors over the last 100 years. As well as how to apply this within the program. I was working on this last year and made a lot of progress but did not complete the project when I ran out of time but still intend to finish as I believe this is possible in Chief but I am not aware of anyone who has done it. Please contact me if you are interested in working on this together. Thanks, Chopsaw
  23. Brian, This is still a major issue for me even when I have not changed my account login state. I will try to keep better track of the time factor but it seems that anything over 60 seconds is almost sure to fail like right now I am not seeing the "Auto Save Feature" on the bottom left of the reply box so I am quite sure to expect a posting failure with this post as this has happened to me many many times an I would say you are at about a 80% failure rate with me as it sometimes takes two or three tries to make a successful posting. This problem is also plaguing your Tech Support page as reported to Kirk this morning. I am using I.E. 11 for my browser and never get any sort of error message, just smoke. I would be happy to answer any other questions that I can as I am sure other users will to get this fixed. Thanks, Chopsaw P.S. Auto save just lost most of a post that I was working on for over an hour. Good thing I saved before pressing that friendly looking green "Post" button that just ate my post. 2:13 PM EDT
  24. Just like Joe said and here is the Picture that took 30 seconds extra.