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Everything posted by jonboy

  1. I am trying to add the TStud as a wall stud for my framing member.
  2. Can you convert a symbol to a material ..if so how thanks
  3. jonboy


    Go into preferences, to reset options, reset side windows
  4. Hi Mark thanks for the cabinet options and all the work you put into chief talk ... question for you, how would you create a face frame on a full height cabinet with the sides matching the full cabinet height (no toe kick) and manage the crown to extend out and cover sides. My thought for the crown would have to be a 3d molding polyline thanks
  5. I can understand the time learning PBR, but it seems that it should not be so complex as it is.
  6. What are you looking to have done. I do all of my renders in Lumion jb
  7. I have the same issue .. PBR is the same as a standard view. Preferences ... under render... global illumination off .. improve lighting on or off no difference
  8. Finally got it to work .... thanks everyone
  9. I would like to thank both of you for your input ... BUT I must have something wrong in my defaults ... Solver I followed your instructions to the T.. started with foundation default then once I have the foundation completed I go back and change a wall to the pony wall and I still get the same .. coming up short with the slab ... so that said I am thinking something in my defaults I am doing wrong .. thanks for the help
  10. Had to get the file small enough
  11. X10 Trying to build a foundation wall that has 4 cr of 12" block with the last or top course being 6" and centered in the middle of the 12" block... I built a wall using a poly wall with the top course 6" centered on the 12" block but then in 3D the concrete floors only builds to the 12" block leaving a gap. Anyone have any ideas....this is what I am trying to do thanks
  12. Yes it is .... render time is only seconds, you can make a movie in minutes, adjust lighting in seconds. Very easy to adjust materials but just like anything it takes time to learn. This was a test that I did a while back. Nothing special. Plams front 4.20.17.mp4
  13. Joe I am missing something ... in the AB how do you assign a text or macro ... thought it would be nice to have a poly solid or custom counter top that would total up the tops footage's almost like a room schedule for each room gives the footage, assign a number to each top ..ex T1 = T 2 = and then a total Joe, I am interested in purchasing your macros ... interested in the roof footage's that is live .. so when you change something on a roof the roof layout box totals will change with alterations. Please let me know how to go about purchasing them. Yourself and Alaskan Son do a really nice job in sharing tips Merry Christmas and happy new year to all jb
  14. Open up the item and change the item to its own layer and then un check the layer
  15. Joe In using dropbox does chief slow down at all.. I am told that could affect the program speed??
  16. You nee to turn your walkout wall into poly walls (upper wall siding and lower foundation) in elevation view to make it easy.. click on the wall and pull down your footing to meet code requirement you need ... on the sides for step footing break the wall and do the same
  17. Dennis where did you see a trailer on X10
  18. From movies to video games, computer-rendered images are pervasive today. Physically Based Rendering introduces the concepts and theory of photorealistic rendering hand in hand with the source code for a sophisticated renderer Sounds like it is an upgrade of what we have now.
  19. Once imported from Chief into Lumion ... set the lighting, plants and adjusted the materials and sky a bit, spent about twenty to thirty min, render is less than 5-10 seconds.
  20. Give your lights a different colors such as red, yellow and then run a vector or a technical view this will show you what lights are on ... another way to see how your light spreads in your scene .
  21. life is way to short to worry about topics of a forum ..for myself I enjoy the learning curve that all topics cover, I look at it as a possible opportunity to better ones product, just like the video mrscott did was worth watching ..ditto.. if you don't like it... don't read it.. now life is easy
  22. It is not a teaser ... you can do a lot, lot more than what they show, from animation of people, cars moving, easy to change lighting, changing property of materials and not complicated to learn at all.