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Everything posted by Joe_Carrick

  1. Chief will at some point - not very far away IMO - be able to extract 3D Cut-a-Way details from the model. At that point, I expect that 2D Details will start to disappear.
  2. What is your reason for object snapping in the Elevation View? If it's for dimensions don't worry about it. The Dimension Tools use appropriate Objects. It does seem that Object Snaps should work to anything in the Elevation but only seem to recognize Roof Planes. OTOH, they work to just about everything a Section View.
  3. Brian, If you use Chief the way it's meant to be used the annotation and drafting is practically automatic. A complete set of ConDocs can be created with almost no manual annotation or 2D CAD drafting. Those 2D CAD programs only seem to have "more powerful 2D capabilities". There's very little that can't be done with Chief's 2D CAD - you just have to learn what to do in 3D and how to turn the results into the 2D views. The tools needed are all in Chief. I seldom need to do any 2D CAD in order to finish a set of ConDocs.
  4. Glenn, So basically you did that with a double wall and eliminated all the studs (except the first and last) and then bridged between those two studs. It's not quite the same as a uniformly spaced "furring" layer in the wall type.
  5. DaViper, It would help to communicate if you would edit your signature so we have a name (at the very least). IAE, Pole Barn design similar to Log Structures pose unique problems since they are not "conventional" framing. I'm not very familiar with the Pole Barn Structure, but I do Log Homes occasionally and I use some very different techniques for those. 1. I use a Wall Type that's just a single layer transparent material about 8"-9" thick for the Log Walls. It's kind of like a solid concrete wall except that it's transparent instead of being concrete. 2. I insert all the Doors and Windows in those walls. 3. I superimpose Log Symbols on the transparent walls and stack them just as if I was building the walls in real life. I think for a Pole Barn Structure a similar process might be appropriate. OTOH, it would be nice if Chief had a "Horizontal Girt" or "Horizontal Furring" material type that could be defined in a wall similar to how the Stud Framing material is defined. Then it could be a Layer within the Wall Definition.
  6. It would help if you could explain why you want/need to do this? Note: There are 2 different ways to set the Stud Spacing: 1. Use different Wall Types (where the Framing Material has the Spacing) 2. In the Wall Framing Defaults: a. Uncheck (Use Wall Framing Material) b. Set Stud Spacing to the desired distance.
  7. There are 3 possibilities: 1. Materials List - limited capabilities. 2. Framing Schedule - not currently provided by Chief. 3. Custom Macros to display the Labels a. Labels can be formatted to display the data as desired b. Lengths can be exact or rounded c. Members can be accumulated and displayed as tabular lists. (cut list or buy list) I have a macro package that will Label all Framing - very close to what's shown in post #1. I do not currently include the tabular lists but it would be possible. I can't say what Chief might provide in any future version, but Labels as shown require more than it provides at this time.
  8. It's possible to utilize a "Plant Schedule" to do Keynotes. There's a thread someplace in the Forum about how to do it.
  9. This is pretty easy. Just put the windows in before connecting the intersecting walls. You will have to make sure that the intersecting walls at the corner window are different (Wall Type or Layer) so that they don't connect as one wall when brought into contact.
  10. Chief tends to use Check Boxes in a lot of Dialogs where they should use Radio Buttons. If I was the boss there would be some GUI standards inforced. Check Boxes are intended for Multiple Choice Radio Buttons are intended for Exclusive. But Chief doesn't seem to have any consistency in how they use them.
  11. The Pier Foundation is basically intended to be below grade piers, not pilings. For your project I would use the Post with Footings Tool. I would add a Floor 1 as the open space beneath the house and make the walls at that floor invisible (except for the storage, etc that you might have under the house). You might designate that space as Garage, Utility, Storage, etc. IOW, the space beneath the house is a "Floor" even if it isn't surrounded by walls. You could still use a "Pier with Walls" Foundation but you put Pilings (Round Posts) between the Foundation and the Floor above.
  12. You can set those locations in the Dimension Defaults (Locate Objects)
  13. In the Window Schedule you can list the Size, Width, Height and the R/O. Typically Size is the item used for ordering which corresponds to Width & Height. The R/O is larger. Size: 2640DH ....2'6" wide, 4'0" tall, Double Hung Width: 30" Height: 48" R/O: 32"x50" (1" gap all around) the gap can be set in the Window dbx or in Defaults.
  14. It's not a purpose. It's a limit of what the GPU (Graphics Card) is capable of. Some GPUs can only show 4 light sources, some can show 8. I don't know what the limit is for the real high end GPU's
  15. The key to this is in the Wall Type definition. There is a setting for "Dimension to Exterior of Layer" which is generally set to the Face of the Main (framing) layer. To dimension to the face of the Sheathing you would need to change that Wall Type. Personally, I would not do that since it will tend to make the Foundation a different dimension (although that can be set to "Foundation to Exterior of Layer". But if the Foundation is at the face of the Sheathing then the studs will need to be inset to allow the sheathing to be flush. Most builders want dimensions to the Exterior of the Framing Layer. That's pretty much standard drafting practice. IAE, it's all controlled in the Wall Type Definition.
  16. The Molding Polyline would be my first choice but you could also use a "Slab" edited to the shape of one step and then copy-repeat to create the additional steps.
  17. Which of course has nothing to do with Ray Traces. For Most Ray Traces you want to "Turn Off" lights that are not in the Room. Otherwise they will effect the speed.
  18. Here's a link to a thread with a video I did on this subject. Maybe it will help you. Note that I use a Glass Wall with a Tile Pony Wall. The Pony Wall is a single full thickness Tile material
  19. Ken, I know you said you are using the latest version for MAC but it would help to have an actual product and version number. We can't help if we don't know exactly what software and version you are using.
  20. Ray, I think he want's to have it look like it was cut from a single piece of plywood so the grain is continuous rather than each drawer having a separate grain. The only way I know of doing this is to make the Doors and Drawers a "Transparent" Material and then imposing a single Solid with the desired material just behind the front of the cabinet face. It's kind of tricky but it will make the grain appear to be continuous.
  21. It happens once in a while but you shouldn't have edited my number in your reply.
  22. I tend to agree with Michael. Walk in Closets are nice if you have the extra space. But it takes at least a 7'x5' deep Walk-In to equal the hanging space in (2) 2'x5' linear closets. IOW, 35 sq.ft. vs 20 sq.ft. OTOH, if you have the space for a larger Walk-In you can have dressing areas, a bench, mirrors, etc inside rather than take up room in the bedroom or bath for those items. So sometimes the best solution isn't a Walk-In and sometimes it is. It's all a matter of what works best and looks best.
  23. Definitely different things. I would do that with 2 Base Cabinets and just span the space between with a Custom Countertop. That configuration would not be able to use a Lazy Susan so just consider that pie shaped space in the corner as "lost". In theory, you could use a single cabinet on the diagonal but it would actually give you less storage space.