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Everything posted by Joe_Carrick

  1. What would Ruby's CSV module do that couldn't be done with a defined method to read and build a "struct" or "hash" from the csv contents?
  2. FWIW, I don't believe CA charges the manufacturer. AFAIK, they just need permission and the 3D Symbols. In some cases CA might not need the 3D Symbols but I'm not sure about that.
  3. Gerry, I am looking at the possibility of creating a Struct:"Cabinets", :brand_series, :door_style, :overlay,....) must have the max number of members defined<string read from a csv>) ie: ["Conestoga Premium", "TW-10", "0.5"]<string read from a csv>) ie: ["Conestoga Economy", "TW-10", "0.5"] I would envision setting this up to fill the contents of the "Comments" by inserting a macro into that OIP field for a Cabinet. The "Manufacturer" field might have "Conestoga Premium" as it's contents - thus triggering the retrieval of the correct :brand_series data. This could expand the data available available to include such things as Door Style, Overlay, Hinge type, etc. All of these could be listed in the Comments column of the Schedule. It would even be possible to have extend this to use the "Description" to subclass within a given :brand/series. All the data would be in a csv exported from an Excel file. Empty columns would simply be ignored. Does this make sense to you? OTOH, it would be much better if CA simply provided access to all the other attributes
  4. Mark, One thing I noticed above was that you had width<9' and until 9" Ruby doesn't like that. Change it to width<(9*12) and until 9 and it should work - at least that part.
  5. I don't know of any way to do that other than deleting the existing Terrain on Level 1 and then creating it on Level 0. I believe that might cause some other problems.
  6. Just create a Layer Set that doesn't display the Building but displays the Terrain. Then use that as a "Reference Layer Set" for Floor 0.
  7. If you put the Chief Data Folder in a common location (Network or Dropbox) everything will be up to date for all systems. OTOH, there could be access conflicts on a Network. Dropbox would be safer since you really have the folder on each system and Dropbox just updates files as it can get clean access. You would IAE need to set that location in Preferences.
  8. That's very reasonable. I have a similar policy about setting up Templates for other users.
  9. It's a matter of menu programming. It's much easier to set the "access/color" of a menu item than is is to create a completely separate menu. Menus and Hotkeys are independent of the current active window within Chief - so the menus are shared but the accessibility of each item is dependent on the active window.
  10. In Preferences>Edit check the box "Show Start and End Indicators"
  11. My macros to display the Table and the Totals will work in Layout because they are accessing the Global variables created by the first one in the Plan. OTOH, I prefer to put them in a CAD Detail Window in the Plan and send that to Layout. It's much cleaner and more reliable.
  12. Scott, "Living Area" is an attribute of Rooms. Rooms (including the phantom room defined for the "Living Area Label") only exist in the Plan, not in the Layout. The Layout is only Sheet Size 2D CAD.
  13. Because it isn't supported in Layout. It's only a function of the Plan. See the Help File (Defaults - Plan - Living Area)
  14. I have a "Living Areas" Macro Package that consists of 3 macros %Living Areas Get Totals% - when placed in the Default Room Label accumulates all Floor Living Areas %Living Areas Table% - placed in a Text Box displays each Floor Living Area and the Total %Living Areas Total% - placed in a Text Box displays the Total Living Area of all Floors This Package is $10.00 usd. Let me know if you want it.
  15. Golf is still an individual human undertaking. Sometimes I wish for a Golfing Robot - but I would most likely never be able to beat him.
  16. It wouldn't make any sense for CA to eliminate an attribute that is undoubtedly used by many user text macros. It would PO a lot of users.
  17. Why wouldn't it? That should work in a user Text Macro regardless of the Chief Version. owner.automatic_label is a string. owner.automatic_label[n] simply returns the character at that location.
  18. Larry, My Plan View Labels are in a Rich Text Box in the Plan (custom macro controlled) My Section, Elevation, CAD Details, etc use which matches the name in the Project Browser. I use %box.scale% (actually %my_box_scale%) in the Layout Box Labels and just move them to the location I want.
  19. No, there are no defaults for Layout Boxes. OTOH, The %scale% macro in a view sent to Layout will display correctly when the Layout is printed.
  20. Refer to "Help" Search Help for the subject. Ask here - but POST THE PLAN
  21. Boy, we all jumped on that in a hurry
  22. Open the Wall dbx and set the Beam Size in the "Rails" panel. There's a drop-down that allows you to edit each rail. The Beam is considered a rail.
  23. There unfortunately no way to get the lengths of individual edges of Roof Planes. We would need to have those lengths and they would need to be broken down by gutters, hips and ridges. Currently, that data isn't available as Ruby attributes.