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Everything posted by Alaskan_Son

  1. Could it have something to do with the fact that the roof plane below (in your original post) is detached from any kind of room? I spent a little time messing with it and wasn't able to figure it out for you either, however what I did notice was that everything is fine when that roof plane is moved to above the deck. It seems like the roof plane is attaching itself to the "deck" room above.
  2. In my opinion that particular image is going to be extremely difficult to turn into a seamless texture and even if someone does take the time to do it, it's still going to take on a tiled appearance. That Big Stone on the lower left is simply too distinctive for such a small sample area. You're going to see that same large recognizable stone repeat itself every 24" (or whatever it is) and you probably won't like it anyway. I would personally either find a much bigger sample image (of a bigger area) or just use another texture from one of the manufacturer libraries we already have that fits the bill (El Dorado stone for example has a lot to choose from).
  3. Its just a very brief exploration of the subject and by no means does it cover all the different techniques and options that can be utilized to reach the same end, but here is a quick video showing my initial thoughts on the subject. Please bear with me...this is only like my 3rd video and my first with sound. I'm not the best speaker in the world so it might be kinda crappy...but I'm giving it a shot anyway.
  4. Seemed like an undeserved kick in the nuts to me.
  5. Not an answer to your general question, but to find more posts you've made...
  6. Hey Barry, I can't help but notice you never seem to post any kind of plan or screenshot to help us understand and better assess your issues. Is there a reason for that? I'd like to be able to help, but how are we supposed to know how you've "always done it"? I further don't know what you mean by encompassing vs. not encompassing and don't know why you would have to convert back and forth between line and polyline. There are a number of ways to achieve your goal depending on what you're trying to do. A whole bunch of other things come into play too. Are you actually using a polyline solid or a solid? Are you trying to create the hole via the polyline solid toolbar or using another polyline solid ( or solid)? Are you trying to do all the work in plan view or an elevation? Or are you starting in one view and then trying to cut a hole in the other?...
  7. I haven't had a chance to view all your videos yet, but so far...very nicely done. You seem to have a gift for teaching and making it easy to understand. Thanks Wendy : )
  8. A bug that should be fixed, however until that time, you probably realize this, but you can open the line segment with the offending arrow and uncheck "Include Arrow".
  9. Not something I find the need to do myself, but I tried for you... I can't seem to figure out a way to globally un-fill everything either. Seems to me like something you may not like once you have it either. I can imagine your plans would become pretty messy? Seems like something that should be doable though. The capability seems to be there because you can essentially get what you're looking for using reference display settings but its really only visual and not usable. I might note that its also quite messy.
  10. This should probably be posted over in the general Q&A section. It also might help if you could describe your reasoning for wanting to turn fills off. There may be other ways of achieving the desired result.
  11. Its funny you bring this up. I only tried using those markers one single time and they wouldn't snap. I figured they were useless and since I didn't really need them I didn't explore any further. Who knows, they may come in handy sometime now that you've pointed this out. Thanks!
  12. Barry, It would really help if you were to attach a plan and layout or at least give some kind of screenshot. I for one dont seem to have any problem like what you're describing. I would also suggest that perhaps you consider not placing all those notations in layout and place them in the plan instead. Once you get used to doing it that way, I really doubt you'll ever want to go back.
  13. I think when people are talking about putting a roof on its in reference to interior renderings. Many of us who do a lot of cabinetry or other interior design never build the foundation, roof, etc...only what's needed for the scenes being rendered. Your example was the opposite of most I've's usually light coming from outside in, yours is light coming from inside out.
  14. Agreed. This is a pretty major issue. I do a lot less ray traces in large part because of this one single issue. Not as much of a problem with the lower quality ray trace settings but then I start to think...whats the point?
  15. You need to first select the room and "Make Room Molding Polyline".
  16. 3 questions come to mind... 1. Does CA even support semitransparent watermarks? 2. Have you tried printing that page to see how it prints? 3. Have you tried doing a save as PDF to see if that works?
  17. It has to be in an orthographic elevation view Scott.
  18. Not really my specialty, but open an elevation and then... 1. Explode your mulled unit 2. Select your double door 3. Unload Muntins (tool in lower toolbar) 4. Select the "etched glass" section of the door (its a selectable CAD block now) 5. Copy/Paste in Positiion 6. Move copy over to second door 7. Load Muntins
  19. Posting the plan would definitely help.
  20. Can you attach the plan? Definitely looks like a ceiling. Also looks like you might be selecting the wrong room.