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Everything posted by DBCooper

  1. Even though Jason is using an old template (you can tell this by watching the video because of the warning message that pops up) and libraries that need to be updated, I don't think any of that actually matters in this case. In your pictures, it doesn't look like you first placed a base cabinet and then put the dishwasher in it. Chief has a very odd way of handling dishwashers and the library symbols are designed to go into cabinets instead of work as free standing appliances. As far as I can tell, the only reason that they do this is so that you will get the automatic counter top.
  2. I don't think your origin is the problem. Looking at your picture, the x, y, and z coordinates on your status bar look fine. Every time I have seen a problem with the origin, the coordinates were more like 10 digits which means you are miles away from the origin. My guess is that this is a video card or driver problem. Did you recently update your computer or video card? And was the software working before you did? HD Pro 2016 is pretty old at this point but I don't know how much that matters for this problem. Here is a tech article that covers a bunch of different video card issues but it may not be as helpful for this old of a version: https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00106/troubleshooting-3d-camera-view-display-problems-in-chief-architect.html If all else fails, you might want to try posting on the hometalk forum or even call tech support.
  3. If you want vertical ones in your user library, you can just make a copy of the horizontal ones that are in the Chief library and then change the texture and pattern angle to 90 degrees. You can also do this in the plan (if you only need the vertical ones) by just editing the plan material using the "adjust material definition" (aka rainbow) tool
  4. This is why people that answer forum posts and then later delete their answers should be beaten with sticks. If you have a foundation wall that is concrete and a separate interior wall that is framed, you need to make sure the framed wall is right up against the foundation wall without a gap. If you need a gap, then you will need to make a new wall type that has the gap built in. If the walls are snapped together than the window should go through automatically. If it doesn't you can check in the window dialog to see if the window is marked as "through". If this doesn't help you solve your problem, then you probably need to post your plan.
  5. There is more than one way to solve this. The first and easiest way is to first place a base cabinet and then drop the dishwasher on top of it. This has the advantage of giving you an automatic counter top that goes over your dishwasher. The second way is to open up the dishwasher and adjust the origin and bounding box so that it behaves normally. If you do it this way, then you will have to manually build a counter top over your dishwasher. I see that Jason types faster than me.
  6. In theory, that should work. Might be a problem with not setting it for the right room(s) or you set it for a floor but you are seeing a ceiling (or vice versa). I would usually set this up in my floor/ceiling defaults and then make sure all my rooms are set to "use default". If that doesn't help, you should post your plan and someone can look into it more.
  7. The short answer is you can't easily create a corner joined door. I would probably just use a corner joined pass-thru and then manually place symbols for the door panels along the wall. If you want it to look more real, you would also need to place a track symbol manually as well.
  8. You can try using the "reset to defaults" tool and check the box for "roof directives".
  9. Use the "edit active view" button. Go to "selected defaults". Click on the pencil button for "notes" to open the "note defaults" dialog Chose the text style you want.
  10. So just going to throw out some more random guesses... Are you working in a plan that was started with a template that was in imperial units? Are you exporting from a PLAN view or are you exporting from a layout or a cad detail? Layouts are always in paper space units and not real world units. When you are in the "export drawing" dialog, are you choosing inches ("in" ) or are you choosing some other units? Did you mess around with your "unit conversions" in your preferences? Assuming that you are exporting an imperial plan view, choosing inches, and you haven't changed your unit conversions, it should just work. You might want to post your plan and someone can see if they can tell what is going on. Other than that, I would agree with Ben and suggest tech support.
  11. You can only attach plan files to this forum if they are less than 14MB. Typically the only way to get them that small is if you first delete all of the stuff that isn't related to the problem (like fixtures and furniture but you might need to delete a lot more) and then make a compressed archive file (such as a .zip file). You need to make sure the plan is closed when you make the zip file otherwise it will be empty. The other thing you can do is put it online somewhere and then post a link to it. Both dropbox and google drive are pretty popular for this kind of thing.
  12. I don't think the restrictive selection tool looks at the "wall type". I think it only looks at other wall settings like attic, railing, invisible, etc. You might want to play around with a wall schedule instead. By default, it will group all of the walls based on the "wall type" and then you can use the "open row objects" tool to edit them all at once.
  13. Open up a room dialog and go to the structure page. Take a look at the slab pour number for the floor. Now open the wall dialog for each of the walls that are around the room and go to the foundation page. Take a look at the slab pour number for the footings. My guess is that you have a wall somewhere that is using a different pour number than the room is using. The program doesn't seem to like that so try making them the same. If that doesn't help you solve your problem, then post your plan.
  14. Not that I know of. Elevation views will always display the materials and plan views will always display the fill styles. About the only thing that I can think of that is even close is that in an elevation view you can use the "auto detail" tool to generate filled polylines for things like wall insulation. You may want to send in a feature request.
  15. It looks like you are setting the material emissivity. The light itself has settings for how bright it is. Try changing the light intensity instead. If that doesn't help, then post the plan.
  16. I would make either the left or right side "match front" and then turn off "flat sides" for the toe kick, and that should get you close to the look you want. The nice thing about the "match front" is that when you modify the front face then the other side will update automatically.
  17. Also, depending on what you want to do with it after, you could convert it directly into a symbol.
  18. Assuming you are trying to use the real time raytracing using your video card and not the CPU raytrace, this tech article might help: https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00106/troubleshooting-3d-camera-view-display-problems-in-chief-architect.html If not, then you might want to try tech support.
  19. Go to your drawing sheet setup and make sure plans have the same sheet size, drawing scale and line weight options. If it's not one of those settings it could be the layer set.
  20. Open up the ALDO. Find the layer that you are looking for. If it has a "+", then that means something on the layout is using it. Right-click on the layer and you should see "find objects on layer" in the context menu. "Find objects on layer" should take you to the object using it.
  21. Just to be clear, Chief has some grass materials in the library and these can't be applied to grass regions but they can be applied to other objects, like terrain features. Chief also has a bonus library of grass regions that can be downloaded and then you can place them directly into a plan. You can also create your own custom grass regions in a plan and add them to your library for re-use in other plans. I misunderstood your original question and thought you were trying to apply a grass material to a grass region.
  22. Maybe you accidently deleted that camera at some point? Regardless, if the camera is missing then you can't update the view. You should probably find the layout box with the missing view, recreate the camera and view, and then either relink the box to the new camera or just resend it.
  23. I don't think you can specify the resolution when using "export picture" from a floor plan view like you can with camera views. You just get the current screen resolution. You could try exporting as a pdf or a dwg instead.
  24. When you create a "grass region", the program generates the grass for you. You can change the way it looks by changing the various settings. If you have made one you like, you can add it to the library and then place it into other plans. You can't apply a grass material to it though. You can also create a normal terrain feature and apply a grass material to it. The grass region will look much more realistic though.