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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. No , I have not tried that low of an exposure ...will have to try it, Thx.
  2. The Color cast issue from backgrounds has been around since we got PBR 4-5 years ago , and it seems in X13 the Lumen levels are even higher ( though labelled the same eg 100,000 ) , which has made 3D Viewer Exports for me unusable for Client Viewing as they as so overexposed you can't see colors well especially on the Interior. M.
  3. *** Hold on there.......The Drivers may not help on win10, people have issues including myself, but as yet Chief has not been able to figure out why ...or at least aint tell us. You can run X13 and X12 on the same system though with no issues, so worth a try ...perhaps your luck is better than mine or others.... For notebooks/laptops this one...... https://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/187099/en-us *** and YMMV in regards to X13 since you have Win10 , this driver is helping some on Win 11 though. I too have noticed many of the new Videos no longer show the Version of Chief in Use.... M.
  4. Yes I agree a common issue around stairwells and double height Rooms eg the average Great Room. M.
  5. X12 only has the Original PBR View X13 has the RT- PBR View If you have SSA ? X13 is a free upgrade and should be in your Digital Locker for download. It looks like your Nvidia Drivers are badly out dated as version 511.79 is the most current from about a week ago and it supposedly helps some with Issues in X13 with 3000 Series Cards. See my Topic below.... https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/16205-nvidia-drivers-updated/page/4/?tab=comments#comment-261659
  6. It sounds like your Laptop is not using the 3080 for Chief and is instead using the Intel iGPU , show us a screen grab of the Preferences , V.Status tab to confirm. I think Eric has pointed you in the right direction to get the 3080 working... M.
  7. So do I but currently the cost of a GPU can be almost the same as a whole Prebuilt, certainly no GPUs are MSRP these days, and since you are still on a 4-5yr old ? Z170 it maybe time anyway...... was just a thought. M.
  8. Try making a Cross Section, Framing Layerset , and assign it as your Default Layerset for Cross Sections if needed or just switch to it as needed once in the Standard CS View . M.
  9. @robdyck @SH_Canada @LevisL Are in Alberta I believe , not sure where though. M.
  10. I played around with some Code I found on the Forum for converting decimal inches so you can display true Inches not decimal Inches, I am sure Chopsaw, Solver or Michael could do it more elegantly ( I am no ruby expert) but these work , they are inserted into 1 window below. # Window Size MACROS - Import these via TMM into your Plan and Template MHD_Window Size From RO_Inches.json Mick
  11. He wants to Input the RO at say 36" x 60" and have Chief automatically size the window with his 5/8 " RO size accounted for ie window is 34 3/4" x 58 3/4" which isn't possible ( yet) but the Schedule can report it like that..... continue what you are doing and just remove Chief's RO Column and add a new Custom Column of your Own called RO using the Width and Height Macros and then add a second custom Column call Window Size with a macro the uses the width and height macros - (minus) the RO macros built into Chief and the Schedule can / should display the way you want it to ( CA works in decimal inches and I haven't converted it below. ) and once setup in your template plan should be automatic. # RO Size MACRO CODE %width%" x %height%" # Window Size MACRO CODE w = owner.width - (2*owner.rough_opening_side) h = owner.height - (owner.rough_opening_top + owner.rough_opening_bottom) w.round(2).to_s + " x " + h.round(2).to_s Mick.
  12. Yep looks good , and appreciate the Call-out Alastair ..... Thx. Now for the 27 House Symbols to sit on it https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00344/modeling-a-subdivision-or-lot-with-multiple-structures.html Mick.
  13. No way for CA to Auto size the window from the RO AFAIK , so it sounds like you should enter the Frame Size ( Heel size ) with the desired R/O distance Set ( 5/8" each side sounds big ) and then Set your Dimensions to measure to the Rough opening NOT the Opening Sides ........ do a small test house 20'x30' and play with it or post the Test plan for Others to check settings.... Mick.
  14. My guess would be if you have Room Definition you have turned off the Automatically generated Framing + decking material ( planks) at some point.
  15. Chief Updated it's Bonus 3D Plant Library this week if you didn't run an update yet? It has some Hostas......
  16. Chief has Update 3D plants and a few others this week if you haven't done a recent Update....
  17. Yes they make nice Sinks too..... You can load older Libraries from Chief just rename the .Calibz file from it original name eg elkay-X10 and it should install as normal but wont be over written by a library update , seems Chief did a few updates this week eg Bonus3D Plants
  18. No rhyme or reason for it AFAIK, but I saw this the other day in one of the Bonus Libraries now...... actually there are 2 version with the same name..... *Unless Elkay no longer sells it? so CA is using it as a generic model with Permission?
  19. It's because you haven't placed a Sun Angle Arrow (Line Dropdown) but it's not necessarily needed....unless doing Sun studies. M.
  20. Probably be better to invest in a Pre-built with 12th gen CPU etc and a RTX 3000 Series Video Card and perhaps a PCIE 4.0 NVME SSD at this point, and take the whole old system Home.... M.
  21. If you save all the Associated Textures ( stone, Art etc ) from the Old Plans once unZipped in to the Chief Textures Folder , you will always have them, as Chief Migrates the Textures Folder each version. You might be able to find just the needed Textures on the Old laptop to put in the Textures Folder, but it is just easier to do a File>Backup Entire Plan. C:\Documents\Chief Architect Premier X13 Data\Textures
  22. The Terrain appears correct to me, looking at the Deck to the right , I am guessing there is 2-3 steps down into the garage from the house in which case you need to open the Garage Room Specs. and set the garage Floor to -14" ( 2 steps) or -21" (3 x 7" steps ) approximately depending on Riser Heights, then open the Garage door in 3D and raise/lower the Terrain as Eric mentioned so the driveway is just below the Garage slab. ( opening door makes it easier to see adjustments) M.
  23. Do a File>Backup Entire Plan (Project if in Layout) with the ALL referenced Files zipped options and the Plan will be saved with all associated textures, If doing this from Layout any referenced Plans are included so you don't need to also do an Entire backup of them. Mick.
  24. Things are not as "crisp" as they were in 3D etc etc as they were in X12 , fingers crossed that changes in X14 once they fix the Issues with the new 3D Engine now in Use. M.
  25. No complete fix as far as I am aware, newer Nvidia Drivers help some on Win11 , but other like myself on Win10 still have numerous Issues ....... even for those without 3000 Series cards, though I have a 3080. these are new for me today popped up after closing a cross Section..... the 3D Camera was just the next open window I assume.... and they just kept coming , repeating...., could not close 3D camera or switch to Plan View so had to crash close Chief with Task Manager.