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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. Yes see above , I edited.. all from the dropdown , tried typing in too.... PS thread title needs slight adjustment
  2. Sumpin ain't right.... %scale% still works and %view.name% works in a RT Box..... it seems most other macros work..... *** In this case there are no CAPS in the Macro P.
  3. Not quite sure what you mean here Larry as the Data Folder can be put anywhere you want via Prefs.>General>Folders , you just need to point it where ever you want it...via the Browse Button. Personally I backup My Chief Data Folder to a separate HDD with Syncback Free each night and that Folder is backed up/sync'd to Dropbox, I do it this way as a don't like that Dropbox uses the actual Data Folder , as it's Folder , unlike Google Drive which uses a Copy ( I believe ) https://www.2brightsparks.com/freeware/index.html There is a KB article on using Cloud Services too , not sure how useful it is though? M.
  4. not in Chief itself AFAIK If My Documents is on Dropbox , then your DATA Folder is too.....
  5. Put your Template Folder inside Chief's Template Folder ...at least that is what I do.... M.
  6. More explaining maybe needed Larry? ..... If you want the Default ones back .....YES...... Chief Stores them in the Programs folder too.....if you delete ( or rename) the Templates Folder in the DATA folder, on next start Chief will replace the Folder in DATA>Templates from Programs>Templates... If you mean you corrupted your own Templates then no....hopefully you have a backup on an external USB or something... M.
  7. and make sure the Room DBX "Has Roof" Check box is checked , though if it is named a Porch it should be on by default , unlike a Deck. M.
  8. also check Prefer Nvidia Graphics for Chief.... if that options shows on your Laptop , there may also be an Option to set OpenGL to the Nvidia Card M.
  9. Search Fascia Mounted Railings and you'll find a few threads and test plans to check out.... M
  10. Is the Mulled Unit 0" off the Floor? Doors will build a casing under the Door automatically if not.....
  11. What He Said .......... I was thinking the same thing as I read your reply..... I would highly recommend the Use of the F1 Key (Context sensitive help) , whenever you has a doubt about something.....no one is going to sit down and read a 1600 page manual and this is a way to ket small chunks at a time , and you get to use thatinfo straight away so there is more chance of retaining it. When I 1st started I also found both the CA Premier KnowledgeBase (KB) and the Home Designer KB had excellent Tutorials ( in PDF too) for many of the common FAQ Questions and basics like different Roof Types. https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/database.html https://www.homedesignersoftware.com/support/database.html M.
  12. If you have a chance for a free upgrade go ahead...Otherwise if Happy with Win7 , what is the rush? besides you never know what Santa may bring you ....and if not you can always do Win10 Over the holidays Not that Win10 is bad nowadays , but I also think you now need to pay for it , so why not get it with a New Computer at some point.... M.
  13. Hi Todd, Sorry I no longer have X6 installed on any of my computers , I am using x11 currently , but I just had a look at HQ for the Sys. Reqs and I think you'd be fine if you are above them, I used to Run it on my Surface 3 but have x8 on it now. chief-architect-x6-download-and-installation-instructions.pdf Someone who would likely know is David Potter (DJP) as he maintain many versions on several computers for support old Clients etc. https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/profile/81-davidjpotter/ @DavidJPotter *** you should do your Signature , so people can help you Better.... see mine or Chopsaw's Mick.
  14. This could happen if the Wall Direction is reversed and you are set to measure to the Wall's Dimension Layer ( whatever CA considers the Exterior side , even for interior walls) if the wall is reversed then it should go back to 12' a 2nd thought....Are your Dimension Defaults sync'd or different? ie Temporary Dims use "both sides" while Interior Dims use the Wall Dimension Layer? that kind of thing..... so you would place the wall using Temp. Dims and the Dimension later with Interior or Auto Interior and not notice it was different.... ( even though room is the same size ) M.
  15. HI Greg, I am not really up on MAC hardware , though I've fixed a couple this year , both had standard SATA SSD's. You'd be best to ask on one of the MAC Forums or perhaps on iFixit and look for a Repair/Upgrade Guide for your Model. Normally if I saw PCI(e) in the name I would suspect NVME as PCIe is needed for NVME M2 Drives to function at Full Speed , in A PC it would be PCIe 3 x4 ( version 3 , 4 Channels) for example. Your Apple SSD PCI may only be using 2 channels which would explain the slower speed seen than a 4 channel model , though it is still twice as fast as a normal SATA SSD Drive. did a search on Apple SSD PCI and found this..... seems they are Proprietary and have different slots than the PC versions... https://beetstech.com/blog/apple-proprietary-ssd-ultimate-guide-to-specs-and-upgrades
  16. There is a thread Bryce from jan I think on doing Shadow Details , maybe some of that info may help ? though IIRC it only worked well on one side of the Door too.
  17. Dig a bit deeper , at those speeds it maybe PCIe already , not as fast as some of Samsungs (3000-3500 range) but most SATA SSD's are normally in the 500-550mbs range , so I am thinking it is just amass produced NVME eg one of Toshiba's or Intel's models made for other OEM's not the Consumer Market , many laptops use them...
  18. You want them to go through/over the lower wall now don't you? then the Partition Setting is wrong.... it's used to stop that, I thought you wanted them to stop as well yesterday hence the Room Divider trick.....
  19. The Large hole in the wall is usually caused by the lower Roof plane cutting into the wall just slightly , ie enough for the siding and Sheathing to be cut and not build up the wall.... M.
  20. I did already on Page 1 , the link should find any thread with "Laptop Recommendations" .... it has the Threads I am aware of at least..... https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/21696-1-laptop-to-be-used-with-chief/?do=findComment&comment=177495 Unfortunately I don't think there are any Mods who could split this into 2 posts......
  21. That's what I thought and was getting too , but looking at Chris's post above I realised that my Siding6 , was actually Siding6-2 and was using Gray3 Siding as the Siding , not LapSiding, as the material ( x10 hold over?) but If I use the Residential Template,plan file it uses LapSiding by default, and to me it does look like Vinyl Siding , not Wood. If my Wood siding came looking like this I'd send it back ! ......
  22. Probably a good Idea ...perhaps in the Chatroom , though I guess it is Chief related , though maybe not only chief related ?
  23. Certainly an upgrade over what it came with ...... ( both times ) A Tip , I am trying from Rene.... If you have 32gb RAM try AMD's Free Ram Disk set to the max 4GB, I use M:\ for the RAMdrive as R was already used, and on the RamDrive make a Folder called Temp and one called Undo , and then point CA to the RamDrive in Preferences to each Folder. http://www.radeonramdisk.com/software_downloads.php M.
  24. Sounds like you haven't used ( or seen) the "Resources Toolbar" for sometime Joe , I have it pushed all the Way left under the Open and Save Icons and do use the Library Icon too. I would of thought Reset Side windows would of fixed this..... unless it is not a recent version of Chief...or not Chief ie HD Suite?
  25. Only trick that works for me is to block the joining with an Invisible Wall set 1/16th or so off the lower wall....