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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. was just editing reply above about that please see above , it doesn't work like the Roof Plane macro
  2. Thanks for the Help/Push CS got it sorted out (somehow ) was a two part issue , the code was right , just had to find the placement for it and then I needed a 4 Column Schedule Text Box to pull it all together, I had made a 2, 3, and 4 column one and didn't notice I was trying to use the 2 column one , so the tabs weren't being recognised properly. Now I'd like to total the Room Info Table if possible , if someone know the Code for that , thanks. *** should we use the room standard area instead of internal perhaps?
  3. Yep so far playing with it I haven't got it to work, BT's macro does it for the Roof Planes but His Room Macro is missing the extra Tab Stops of the Roof Plane macro and I assume I am inserting the wrong Code ( +"\t" ??? ) or inserting it in the wrong place so far. Need to play more.... M.
  4. doesn't look like you need it but for those without Sketchup Skills this is probably the best thread to check out for the Invisible wall Methods, ( there are two ways ), Extra wall Layer and and an extra invisible wall, there are some example Plans to check out too.
  5. Thanks Chopsaw (and Eric) I had the same thought as you about the numbering and this has fixed it I'm just following along and trying things (script kiddie) as I don't know Ruby, so two Tips from Michael (Thanks) in this thread have also helped with some issues I was having too, the .Clear Macro on the Attic Level works well for forcing the rebuild of the Tables and the Trick with the Schedule turned to Text makes it look nicer too. (save-able to Library). I just need to figure out the Tab stops for the Room Sqft Table so it works nicer like the Roof Sqft Table . I assume it is the +"\t" part but must be placing it incorrectly or something?
  6. Yes , I find it very useful , it also works for CAD lines etc if you didn't realise , not just Walls. M.
  7. Do a Search here on Fascia Mounted railings , it has been discussed many times, you basically add an invisible layer to the Railing's Wall layers to force it out in line with the Rim Joist.
  8. That is what I was talking about......... ie sending as an Image direct to Layout from the 3D camera vs sending as a Live Camera ... check the Send to Layout DBX. Mick
  9. Try sending to Layout as an Image instead it is usually about twice the size. The Up or Downside depending on your point of view, is that the Image is NOT live and thus does NOT update on it's own - just resend the (saved+named) camera view if needed. Mick.
  10. AFAIK SSA is only available for the current version, and is not Transferable between Users. If you have an older Version you maybe just able to upgrade ? Also try posting this in the Offers and Seeking Forums... M.
  11. The Room ML only includes items inside the drywall line of the Room , hence studs etc are not included. ( furniture and finishes are AFAIK though) M.
  12. Hi Gene, You made a new Layer for Interior Walls and you have turned off the ML Reporting for your Walls,Normal Interior Layer , turn it back on in the ALDO and I think all will be well. Mick.
  13. Not sure it helps the Hi Res part but if you select Transparent background when exporting it will save as a .png file. M.
  14. I agree it is silly , but I am not sure why they do it, except perhaps as a "safety" feature so Users don't accidentally change all the walls for a house when all the want to do is use a different Wall-type, say for an Addition. It would perhaps be a Good Suggestion to have a Toggle-able Option in the Defaults to all Change all existing Walls to the New Wall-type. M.
  15. I had the same thought , ie that Carla was talking about Wall-types not materials , your Video is pretty much my experience too.... For Carla and other Readers : The only way I know to change "In Plan" existing walls is to Change the actual Wall definition for that particular Wall-type and then (preferably) Rename it. ie : Open the Siding 6 Wall definition and Change the Siding Layer (1) to the Stucco of your Choice , then Click Rename , at the top and rename the Wall to say Stucco Wall 6 (so it doesn't conflict with CA's Default Stucco 6 wall) The downside is you no longer have a Siding 6 in Plan if you need it and will need to remake it if needed. ( do opposite of above ) edit *** see Chopsaw's Video above*** If this doesn't work , then see Javatom's advise above, I see this issue all the time with Exterior Walls, Others have used the Paint Can Tool on, so I can't recommend that Practice at all. Mick.
  16. This is what I do as well , then I archive the Folder in case the Client comes back in the future for more work. And +1 for the OP too. M.
  17. Why do you doubt that you can? just curious ........ but I am pretty certain it is not an Issue , though you may need to provide pics or even the plan file if you are having issues. M.
  18. From an old post here on the Forums about Walkthrough Path lighting..... lighting can be set up for walkthrough paths by adjusting the light set in the Full Camera Defaults dialog. Other rendering effects can be changed by modifying other Full Camera defaults and Rendering Techniques defaults. While there is no way to get the same behavior as toggling sunlight off in walkthroughs, you can simulate a night view by changing the intensity and color of sunlight in the Generic Sun defaults or a sun angle in the plan.
  19. This KB Article ( always a good place to start for Help if you need some ) may help , Chief calls this Roof Type a Saltbox , see the Tutorial here : https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00119/automatically-creating-a-saltbox-roof.html M.
  20. That is because it is using the Default location currently, uncheck the Box and you will be able to tell it where the file should be kept , though I don't believe that is the Issue here. If the User library File in the Default location is really small , ie a few MBs then Chief has rebuilt the File for some reason eg the original file was corrupt and couldn't be opened or your Virus scanner is blocking the original File or some other anomaly like that. M.
  21. Thanks Rene , interesting step up from the Room Based Idea I used..... in my case the Patio etc was already there so I just cut Holes in it for the Pool and didn't delve into the Use of Room Moldings for the Coping etc , seems to work well, so will have to try it next time around. Mick.
  22. Anything built on One floor that extends below the Subfloor (Floor) height will Show on the Floor below --- not two floors below But in this case as CS mentioned you can use CUT and Paste-Hold Position to move those elements down the extra Floor if needed. You may want to consider 6 x 6 posts for the Decks too not 4x4.... and turn on the Framing Deck Posts Layer so you can see them in Plan view ( assuming you want to see them?) I don't think you need those room dividers on level 0 , though I am not 100% sure what they were doing , though I saw no ill effects deleting them.
  23. Always best to post the Plan file if you can , as it can stop a lot of the "playing 20 questions" and you'll get a quicker answer. Just make sure the Plan is closed in Chief when you attach it to the Post (or Zip it ...If over 25mb) as CA lockes the File while it is open , leading to attachments not working and empty zip files. Did you draw one deck on level 0 and the other on level 1? M.