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Everything posted by HumbleChief

  1. Need to pay more attention and a belated thanks for posting the info before.
  2. Please excuse my ignorance but is it the normal map from "CA's most current sheet metal material library" or Chief's current standing seam normal map? ...and where is
  3. Anyone tried this software?
  4. Curious, here's the current normal map for standing seam roofs. Is there an easy way to change this map to get a better look? Bump map?
  5. Is there any way to tell if Chief is crashing, or if your computer is crashing? I once had a power supply that was going bad and it wreaked all kinds of havoc but tracking down hardware problems like that can be an expensive crap shoot. I got lucky and I think there were indications it was the computer and not Chief but can't remember what those indicators were. ...and fans running on overdrive? Could be a heat problem which will cause the computer to just blink out if it gets too hot. Re-seat CPU cooler? Make sure it's working properly? Get some diagnostic software and check temps? Chief has been incredibly stable and I'm thinking a hardware problem but no easy task tracking that down.
  6. Great thread you guys. Thanks for the info, video and help.
  7. Really curious/bad behavior. It's a bug of some kind and really don't know how to get that long thin roof plane drawn in correctly AND have the trusses draw in correctly above. Weird...
  8. Good find Kyle. I pulled back that long, thin roof piece that was joined to lower side roof in your drawing and the trusses drew in fine on the floor above. The plan should NOT behave this way from my experience with Chief. Maybe try 2 planes instead of one long one? Curious as to how auto roofing can get you 2 different base lines. Are the rooms the same height?
  9. Check this file and see if it works... 1311_Hamburg_Rd_-_Pricing_Set(temp)_3_(2).zip
  10. Can't attach the ZIP file for some reason but try this. Save as a new plan and auto build the roofs getting hips and gables set up correctly. Go to original file and clean up second floor roofs. Copy those roof planes. Go to the new plan and delete the roof planes that auto build incorrectly, and paste hold position correct, cleaned up roofs from original plan. I'll try and get plan posted.
  11. Kyle, Any reason you can't auto build those roof planes? Seems to clean thing up and the trusses work as well.
  12. Auto build roofs, set your hips and gables, and the 3rd floor trusses work. Dunno why they didn't before...
  13. I drew 4 walls off to the side on floor 2 and drew roof planes. Trusses framed fine...
  14. Interesting how some eyes see grooves and others see ridges as the shadows mess with our perceptions.
  16. Tried it. Get it. Love it. GREAT tip. Thanks
  17. Glenn, It seems like your technique assumes the arc is drawn off the corner of the house as the center of the arc's radius, which is rarely the case. With Angle snaps turned off and perpendicular snaps turned on you can draw a point to point dim from the corner of a building to any size radius and center location arc and snap that dim. to perpendicular.
  18. A bit confused. It only takes one simple step with perp snaps turned on and angle snaps turned off. Step 1 - draw a line from the corner of the building to the PL and it will snap perp to the line. I must be really bad at explaining of luck.
  19. Is there a ceiling on that porch? Does the line move if you raise the ceiling?
  20. Never tried a negative number Joe - nice.
  21. It sounds like the fascia height of the main roof @ 5:12, after it's pulled back to the exterior wall and the ridge height of the porch roof (locked at 2.5:12) would be the same height. Those heights can be set in each roof's dbx. Or if you want the ridge of the porch to join the fascia of the main roof, just set those two heights the same, locking each pitch as you do so. Oh and you can draw the porch roof anywhere you want, just set the correct heights. EDIT: Set the porch ridge height 1/2" lower than the main roof's fascia height, probably good reason for this but play around with those dbx's and you'll learn a bunch about Chief's roofs.