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Everything posted by HumbleChief

  1. I disagree. There's a lot of 'winning' with threads like these and help from fellow users like yourself. I win every time I open a thread like this and learn just a little bit more about Chief. And as always thank you for your, and everyone's help.
  2. Checked help and am using Template plans as intended and have been for years. Thanks.
  3. Yes, the template HAD some errant walls. Fixed it - issue solved.
  4. Thought I was using that as well. Maybe not though. I should recheck my methods. Darn just when I think I understand things. I have a template plan that I open for each new plan and it has all my Anno Sets Saved Plan Views etc. I will save that plan as "New Job Name" but how else would one proceed with a template plan?
  5. Never made manual manipulations to those walls. Just sayin' - never did - no matter what the plan nor the wall dbx implies. Never did. Maybe that helps maybe it doesn't but never manually manipulated those walls.
  6. Not sure I understand the SAM method then. I use a template plan and never 'Save As' a plan file - ever. How does using a template translate in to using the SAM method? Genuinely confused...
  7. Not sure how the SAM method made its way in to the conversation but I don't think there's many who use that method. Could be wrong but thought it lost favor for various reasons?
  8. Also please remember I changed my default exterior wall Layer to 'walls, normal EXTERIOR' which is the layer that my attic walls now generate on. The walls that appear to have been created manually are on the walls, attic layer which are no longer generated automatically and just sit there on a layer that's no longer used/visible. That's been remedied of course. Either way it's great to have more understanding in the ways of Chief...
  9. Good advice and I wonder where a 'template' plan might cross the line in to errors and bloat? Not sure I could live without my templates...
  10. Not true, did not do any 'futzing' at all, those attic walls were there after simply moving the exterior walls with nothing done to the attic walls themselves, but understand if you don't buy it. Still grateful for the help. What if you tried to reproduce the effect with that plan file? Thanks.
  11. Understand your skepticism and agree blaming Chief for user error is not productive. Let me know please if the demo video and plan shed some light? Thanks again very much.
  12. I was able to reproduce the phenomenon as Mick described. Here's the plan file too. ATTIC_WALLS_5.plan
  13. I can try Michael as I saw it happen in one of the plans. I was also able to reproduce the behavior in one of those plans. My template's been changed but i'll see if I can reproduce the behavior. Thanks again for your help.
  14. Mick, I've concluded your analysis is EXACTLY what happened. I did not draw in that wall that Michael so deftly discovered and was causing the problem, it was as you describe, a "stray" left behind up above as I changed the shape of the template plan. Really glad you diagnosed the actual problem and hope it will help others.
  15. Yes, Yes, Yes. Knowing where to look is the entire battle won or lost when chasing issues as these. I now know my attic wall problems that have popped up over and over again stem(ed) from my template plan walls, their location and definition. I should be able to track any misbehaviors or eliminate them completely with minor adjustments to the template plan. Nice...
  16. THANK YOU Michael, that wall was certainly the culprit but as you probably guessed I have no idea how that got there but suspect it was from my original plan template walls, and it only shows on the attic with all layers on so I never saw it. I did indeed change my default exterior and interior wall layers as it seems to help me further down the road for ref sets but will remember the penalty or complexity it may cause. Thank you again for your help.
  17. OK getting really weird, or not. The house is obviously very simple so I decided to redraw it to see where, when, how the attic walls decided not to generate properly. It generated all the attic walls fine and as expected. Same template plan BUT I edited area and deleted all floors before drawing the new walls. Tried it again using and modifying the template's existing walls, without edit delete all floors, and sure enough the problem was there again.There was something in my existing template 'exterior' walls, when modified, that was not allowing those attic walls to be drawn. Probably never know what that was but will not use my template 'walls' at all and edit area delete all floors before beginning to draw any new walls in my template.
  18. But even with that change the attic walls are now on the new layer but the attic walls still generate properly in the X12 template, but not on the plan I posted earlier. Hmmm..
  19. I think I just discovered the same thing. And won't generate an 'attic' wall for the same reason?
  20. For some reason my wall defs are no longer generating 'attic' walls. They are all shown as 'exterior' walls as in the first pic with that short little piece of wall generated by Chief over the exterior wall bordering the porch. The second pic shows 'attic' walls properly generated in the X12 Profile Plan after copying and pasting. A different wall type but they are there properly. Has to be my wall defs? Is there a default for attic walls? I have Auto Rebuild Attic Walls Turned on.
  21. I think they are not showing because those 'exterior' walls are on a separate layer that may not be on by default in the standard overview camera.
  22. Thanks so much for all the help. The plan I posted was directly from the simple model with auto everything turned on and I didn't place any attic walls manually but I think I might be closer to understanding the issue since the 'default' residential plan seems to solve things. I've changed all of my 'interior' walls to be on an interior layer and all my 'exterior' walls to be on an 'exterior' layer which needs to be turned on for them to be visible. Pretty sure that's why the walls looked like they were invisible. I've set up the 2 wall types to make my ref sets easier to manage as I set just the interior or exterior walls to show on the 'as built' ref set. I pasted the walls and railings in to the 'Profile Plan from X12 and the attic walls generated properly so I've most certainly set up something in the wall defs incorrectly. My default template is pretty old but not ancient and represents a LOT of work. I'm going to try and diagnose the problem with wall defs and see what I can find and thank you again for all the help, it is much appreciated.
  23. Auto everything and like I posted, I always mange to figure it out but have been stumped so many times I've lost count. This plan probably needs a roof cuts wall at bottom setting or balloon frame through ceiling or another setting but again there's many times where I just dunno what's going on. I'm not sharpest tool in the shed and will probably stumble upon a fix but frustrating in the mean time. Thanks for taking the time to reply.
  24. Thanks Mark but that's something I have to do in many, many cases and am curious if that attic wall (among many others in my experience) just will not generate automatically? Is that an unreasonable expectation? Are there just some that need to be drawn manually? Thanks again.