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Everything posted by HumbleChief

  1. Oh joy, tried it a couple more times and it's behaving as I expected. Sigh...
  2. I have 'matched properties in 2 different rooms and when those rooms are 'joined those new properties are ignored and they revert to the default room/ceiling/floor heights. Is that expected behavior? THANKS PROPERTIES 1.plan?dl=0
  3. Lots of good help here Lane as you've seen and another 2 cents. Simple note and hope it's not too obvious or repetitive but roofs will not build to 'wall heights' but they will build to 'room heights'. The 'room' is most likely defined at the 97 1/8 that the roof is building to. If you have "several walls in a certain model that are not standard 97-1/8" tall" they can only get there if you manually pull them up, or the 'room' is defined at that taller height. Pulling the walls up is never a very good practice with Chief, even though it can be intuitive to do so. Defining a 'room' to be taller is the paradigm Chief works with. If you can use that paradigm and always remember Chief is 'room' centric or 'room' dependent the program starts to make sense.
  4. THANKS RYAN!! Glass louver - nice. Never knew it was there.
  5. Thought Chief had a symbol or window? Did a search but am not succeeding. Any help appreciated. THANKS
  6. Mick, Do you add the 2 x 6 to the 'Surface' (as I show) or the 'Structure in the dbx? Thanks
  7. You can frame your ceiling/roof structure with 4 x 6 Beams @ 48" O.C. spec'd in the 'Structure' of the roof then add the T & G in the 'Surface' under the shingles. Is that what you are looking for? How did you 'add' the beams? Manually?
  8. OMG Jon, How did you channel 'me' from 20 years ago? Stick with it and with all the help here you'll be fine. Good luck.
  9. I just used a 'glass wall' and in my Chief it defaults to 'partition wall'. Tried it with other walls and it seems to partition on one end but not both. Either way, learned something new today... Redefined an individual wall to partition and it behaves as defined in help. Cool.
  10. I think roof groups is going to help me immensely in the future. Thank you.
  11. Curious, let's say I cut a section on floor 1 but now I want that callout to show on floor 2, and not on floor 1. Is there a way to do that? Or once cut on floor 1 it must stay on floor 1? Thanks
  12. Yes, whenever "1/4 " =1 ' is too large for a vertical orientation." There's no convention that I'm aware of that requires plans to be oriented 'vertically'.
  13. Hey Dan, it can be frustrating to continually make changes to your template plan (and Layout Template) but over time you may find, like I have, that eventually very few, if any, changes need to be made to those templates. I have my templates pretty well dialed in but sometimes I'll run into a little niggler change that I haven't made for a while and have ignored. I simply open the template plan make the change and get on with things. Or even leave that template file open and make changes as you're working on other plans. It takes time, but eventually there's very little work that needs to be done to your template files.
  14. VERY good chance it was started in X12, not sure but would think so...
  15. Nice and thank you again - sadly I'm out of likes for a single day...
  16. Thanks Michael, your tip worked great! I don't use anything like the Save As Method and none of my templates have any of the settings or defaults as they appeared in this plan nor has any plan I ever worked on had those default settings but there were many prior plan iterations, as you suggest, and that may have been the culprit. Either way thank you and if it happens again I'll know what to do.
  17. Yeah the "AFTER" is the secret sauce. THANK YOU VERY MUCH for taking a look, very helpful and much appreciated.
  18. That was weird, there was a forum update notice that killed my response. Anyway THANKS for confirming that mysto 115 returning, super weird. Did NOT know that there was a "Create Footing/foundation" setting - brilliant!
  19. Thanks Doug and realize the vids are not that easy to watch but here's what it looks like is happening. The foundation will not build to the defaults but will build to the mystery 115 1/2" as if it were the default. If, after that 115 1/2" stem wall is built I then change the defaults as you show it builds to that 36" default. Is this expected behavior? Why can't I build the foundation stem wall to the 36" default?