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Everything posted by HumbleChief

  1. Hey Ryan, tried a few different things, ceiling planes etc. still looked like your initial post. The attic wall is there as noted by others it just doesn't render properly, at least not on my rig. I'm pretty sure they call this a software bug. Have you contacted tech support?
  2. Thanks for the confirmation Perry. The weird part was that both sets of dimensions were on the same layer and both sets were set to auto refresh which doesn't seem right on the surface but will probably never know what sequence of events caused it nor how to reproduce it.
  3. Dunno how it got here and eventually would love to understand how but for now I'll turn off Auto Refresh, delete all the exterior Dims and redo the Auto Dims. Thanks for taking a look Mick.
  4. Yes, there are 2 sets of dimensions. Why do you figure those are there? And they are on the same layer?
  5. Thanks Mick, Tried a bunch of things but it's persisting, and not on every dim. Template plan is good and never seen it before.
  6. NEVER accurate but mostly close enough for clients after fiddling a bit. Also the monitor you get the color perfect on is not the same monitor that it will be viewed on and 'accurate' is subjective at best but that color in the OP? Don't really understand that.
  7. No real secret Gene and can't figure out how that color came up with your eyedropper. Something is amiss, maybe your technique or order of selection but shouldn't be that difficult nor should that color come up if you are choosing the blue on the screen. Not much help afraid. Here's an idea though. Instead of choosing a brand new material, use an existing color and 'copy' it, then change the properties of that new copy. It will remove a step and might help?
  8. Not sure what's happening with a few of the Auto Dims as they appear to be 'stacked' on top of each other. Can't figure it out. THANKS DIMS.plan?dl=0
  9. Dunno know either but kinda fun. The 2 baselines along the two 6' - 4" walls are different - they don't line up. I think that's the problem you are describing? And the top of ridges are off by almost 5 ft? I'm out and best of luck until we can see the plan.
  10. Different pitches will not line up in the 'center' of a room and will be offset as your pic shows. It is expected behavior and Chief is most likely building the roofs correctly but without a plan we might review it's just guess work.
  11. I just built a similar plan and it framed correctly so I would suspect that Mick's observations are a good place to look. 1588783834_BASELINES.plan
  12. I've had "some sort of workflow problems or something" with Chief for many years. Just now really understanding (after 20 years) the proper defaults to set up and where and how they effect the plan. Super powerful once understood but have had me flummoxed for most of my Chief career. Glad you got it figured out.
  13. Apologies as I did not mean that as a criticism, only an observation. Did the help offered above solve the problem for you? I think Michael Long found the issue no?
  14. BTW Floor 1 looks a little messed up as well. A 3" concrete slab floor over a crawl space? Not sure that's what you want but maybe? Just a bit strange and probably nothing to do with those weird 5/8" OBS floor joists but maybe worth a look?
  15. That's really weird and something I haven't seen. Here's pics of the section without the default box checked and then with it checked. Nothing in the spec's change but it then builds correctly. Weird.
  16. In the Second Floor Room Spec Tab>Structure>Floor Structure select 'Default' and it seems to work OK. Do not understand why the spec's shown don't work.
  17. One of the first things I learned as a contractor (in a previous life) reading plans was never to scale drawings. If the dimensions are not clear enough to read or missing or couldn't be figured out through deduction, then a call to the architect/designer was in order. I also never scale details because that can only lead someone to think it's wise practice to scale them in order to figure out a dimension. IMO it's just bad practice to scale a drawing in the field. And what if the printer got it wrong and the printed dimension says 14' - 8" but at 1/4" scale it scales out to 14' - 0" are you working with a builder who is building to the drawing as scaled or to the printed dimension?
  18. Of course no problem Glenn, always appreciate your input...
  19. Just to be accurate - 10 hours ago, HumbleChief DID NOT say: Glenn's post above, but I was wondering the same thing. It's one thing to disagree with Chief's approach to software design, but to fight it for 20 years is another kettle of fish. How do I know? Because I've been fighting it for 20 years as well but have learned how Chief works and learned to work within that paradigm. Either way best of luck to the OP.
  20. Apologies as I saw the trial version on one video and thought you might have been a new user. Not sure what the problem was you were having but hope it got worked out. Also, as I remember, wishing Chief worked in a way it does not was always a sure formula for frustration.
  21. Great advice from Mick - Alternate - 2. as above, move components in desired direction. While holding down the left mouse button, hit the tab key and enter desired 'X' and/or 'Y' distances.