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Everything posted by HumbleChief

  1. Every print shop I encounter these days prints from many formats, the most popular, by far, is PDF. I tend to have a lot of allegiance to my vendors but not if they don't/can't/won't print from a PDF file then I will find a vendor that will.
  2. I would use a symbol only if you are finished with your final design and plan to make no changes and there was no other way to get the job done. Here's a video illustrating (I hope) what Bill is referring to which is the method I would use as well.
  3. Well done Blake, it really is about what works for each one of us.
  4. Maybe, but if that's true how are you going to run from the bath to the fridge for a beer?
  5. Greg, If you would like, do a full perspective overview and use the All On Layer. Still shows up here using that zipped file.
  6. I used to be a landscape contractor and did a job for an engineer. He wanted his irrigation valves set up in his garage off the cold water feed from his hot water. Can't remember why and of course it's the stupidest idea I had ever come across for many reasons. I told him the downsides, adding another possible leakage vector being the biggest of course, and recommended we put them outside but he wanted them mounted inside the garage. I put them where he wanted and he was another happy customer. I know, I know, all the legal reasons I shouldn't have and should have not done something to protect myself from another imaginary problem but that was 20 years ago, have no idea what became of the job or house but got him what we wanted without making him feel stupid. Just installed it the way he wanted. Of course I wouldn't install anything that violated code (and heck maybe this did but it was many years before I knew what a code was) but placing a door where a customer wants it? No brainer. Left hinge or right.
  7. There seems to be some inference that there's an actual problem getting the client what they want and one should protect themselves from this imaginary problem with a paper trail or maybe even keep your name off a design that the client really wants. We are all different but if I have a client that I work for and I give them what they want, they recommend me to the next client, who recommends me to the next. Don't get me wrong, I ALWAYS advise, and just now moved a powder room door from the kitchen/dining room to the hall way (the new designer on board put the door facing the kitchen/dining room) and I don't anticipate an argument about the door location. If the client does indeed want the door facing the kitchen, they get the door facing the kitchen, and my reputation grows just that little bit stronger because I was able to overlook what I wanted and got what the client wanted. It's an art really listening to the client and I am fortunate to not have any formal training and am able to produce designs that clients love, because I ignore the rules, listen to them carefully and get them what they want. I think it's a winning formula and never lost any work that I know of because I pleased the client.
  8. Nice job Rob. Way to think outside the box and create work for yourself.
  9. I've seen it a couple times in the past but never in X7. I found a few stray attic walls when I opened the plan view with the All On Set. Deleted those and all is OK now. Weird.
  10. I was picturing having dinner with that powder room right there and thinking about 'taste' just struck me the wrong way.
  11. Not sure there would be any genuine 'liability' for bad design and just think, if the house gets sold you can do like a design build client I told this situation to has done more than once and change the powder room location for the new owner. Win. Win.
  12. Last year, 250 work days, 400 projects, that's 1.6 a day. Impressive, and impossible for me to come even close.
  13. I opened the section and found a couple walls that looked out of place. Then did an overview (all on Layer Set) and saw this. Let's say this is one of those, "guess how I did this" threads. I, of course have no idea. Here's the plan. WILD
  14. ...or are we are rejected by our protections?
  15. I have no problem giving people what they want - it literally defines my job - it's what I do - it's a promise I make to the client going in etc. etc. I advise, then get out of the way and get them what they want. Everyone is different though - your call. You could be very upfront if you can't go forward and simply tell them, "I won't put a powder room there." ...and see what happens. Let us know what you decide.
  16. Another method, from a simple google search.
  18. This post reminds me of how I would like to have variations on Chief's single section symbol.
  19. Looks familiar now that you show that pic. Been forever since I've been on a job using floor trusses. That would be pretty easy to create in a section view but I have no idea how to model it correctly, I guess you could frame it with 2 X 4 beams and such but a lot of work. Maybe I'll nap
  20. Awesome Perry, that's really helpful. I forgot I had the roof plane in there and good reminder to just use the floor system as the roof in this case.
  21. This might be the way you want to frame a trussed floor with a parapet wall. Check the end of the video for some fun that I'll try and resolve.