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Everything posted by HumbleChief

  1. No doubt there's a way to get color elevations In Chief and Joe's process works but to answer the OP's OQ (original question) "Do elevations just go to layout in B/W?" The answer is still 'yes'.
  2. I can send the 'current screen as image' in color but not an Elevation - never could. I think we're talking in different terms. Elevations have always been in B&W - as long as I can remember. The OP alludes to this same phenomenon in the sample plans. Colored elevations end up in Layout in B&W - like all mine do. Would love to know what you're doing. Hasn't this been a feature request in Chief for a hundred years? And Perry's cracked the code? Again I think we're just using different terms but I would like the OP (and myself) to be clear about Chief's capabilities.
  3. Curious where you read that.
  4. Do you have method to send Elevations to Layout in color? Please enlighten us.
  5. That's a pretty logical way to look at the structure and I can wrap my brain around that way of thinking very easily - however - you know the rest of the story.....
  6. Downloaded Win 10 Pro from Win 8.1 Pro the other day.
  7. You don't need a notification Greg. I've downloaded to 2 machines without any type of notification.
  8. I upgraded my accounting computer from Win 7 with zero problems. I upgraded another Win 8.1 machine and it hung - overnight - during one process, "looking for updates" maybe? I found a way out of the stuck dbx and found a way to reboot thinking this is going to be fun after the install hung but it re-booted right back into Win 8.1 as if nothing happened. I then downloaded the media file again, started over and this time it worked fine. Pretty impressive. I was expecting all kinds of misery after that install failed and I forced a re-boot but it took it in stride. Again, pretty impressive.
  9. I'll give that a try, thanks Joe. Have an appointment now but will try later.
  10. I think both Joe, if I understand your question. I want the first floor elevation to remain which would push the basement level down to accommodate the new TJI's? And leave the 10 ft ceiling heights in the first floor. Then I'm thinking the second floor would move up to accommodate the new TJIs and leave that floor at 9 ft high, which I assume would move the roof structures up as well?
  11. Another in a long line of questions regarding floor structures. In this case I have 2 floors that are now framed with 14" TJI's and the engineer thinks 16" TJI's will be better in the long run and allow us to use less costly steel and for other reasons. So I need to go in and change the framing from 14" TJI's to 16" and maintain all the floor heights etc. What's the best strategy? Plan here TJI Heights.plan
  12. Robert try using a separate layer for each of your first floor exterior walls, that should allow you to show the first floor walls with your reference layer.
  13. There's a paradigm within Chief that is very difficult for some people to grasp, me being one of them, and there's only one way to learn that paradigm and that's to thrash your way through many model types until it sinks in. I've used Chief at least 15 years and my brain just works in a different way than Chief wants it to and that's my loss. The only solution is to learn how Chief works, and it's very difficult for some and not so bad for others. I don't think it needs to be so difficult and hopefully newer versions will reflect that ease of use but it's ways off IMO.
  14. A suggestion like this Bill is very valuable IMO. I think it is the cryptic messages and obtuse error messages that hide the solutions deeply in the minds of the programmers, while remaining completely hidden for the user. It wouldn't take much to explain the "Ceiling heights may not be changed..." message so the solution is clear but it's hidden very deeply within Chief's programming. It wouldn't take much to add a little larger section view with clearer explanations of each level and its effect on another level. It wouldn't take much to clarify what 'floor' really means, the first floor, the second floor, or the floor you walk on? I am under no illusion that the structure dbx will be wholly changed any time soon and rebuilding it from scratch would like be replacing the foundation of a house after its been built. There are however a few minor tweaks that would help clarify the purpose and intent of each part of the dbx that would help every user.
  15. Windows 10: Microsoft under attack over privacy
  16. Windows 10 is spying on almost everything you do – here’s how to opt out
  17. I installed Win 10 on my bookkeeping computer, single monitor, and it's up and running painlessly. I quite like it so far. Been on Win 7 for a long time with another Win 8 machine I don't use much.
  18. Uh Rich...elite users? Don't forget I'll be there as well representing the bonehead users. I'll probably be the only one to survive such a calamity...
  19. Good to hear it's working, thanks for the updates.