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Everything posted by HumbleChief

  1. I know the thread title and the content aren't that focused but what are your favorite features? Curious.
  2. Best new feature? For me I find X9's new features completely underwhelming - in a good way. There's no surprises, no quirks added, just a fine, stable, very usable piece of software. I kept my expectations low and was not surprised or disappointed but I just know that X9 is going to better as a tool for my business in a lot of unseen ways. Really enjoying using it and look forward to learning more about it. I haven't explored the macro stuff but would be interested to learn more.
  3. Should be an easy way to do this but can't seem to find the magic. When I click on an object the "View Draw Order Edit Tool" appears in the tool bar but I need to click on it to get the 'tools' like send forward/back etc. I would like the 'tools' to appear when I click on an object without the extra click on the View Draw button. Gotta be easy but I can't the find the tools in the menu customization selections. Is there a preference or something? Just watched the new features video and it looks like this 'extra step' is needed to get to the tools. Am I getting this wrong? Maybe a Hot Key is the only way to get to those tools quickly?
  4. Thanks Rob - that looks pretty sweet.
  5. Yes, any .plan can be sent to Layout. You'll also notice the narrator doesn't have a separate Layer Set for the 'bare bones' as built CAD block. I think he is just showing some basics but there are faster methods and if you watch the entire series you'll get the idea and can develop your own methods.
  6. If you search the training videos 'remodel' there's some great info there on a couple different processes. Check #362 - 367 Good stuff. I just reviewed video #362 and it's just OK. There's faster and more efficient ways to accomplish same. Let us know and you may get a video lesson that will be helpful.
  7. If I understand your question, two walls cannot occupy the same space, even on two different layers. There are ways around this limitation but not easy nor dependable ways. Most remodelers here will use two different plans. One to show the existing plan and another to show the proposed plan with the walls of the existing shown in CAD, from a 'CAD detail' 'behind' the proposed walls on a separate locked layer. There's a traiing video showing this technique, if it's what you are asking. Forgive me if I misunderstood your question and as always it's best to wait for those who know more about such things to give you a more definitive answer.
  8. That's what I was thinking too. Tons of flexibility and the ability to model almost anything but the forever part just doesn't cut it for my simple brain.
  9. Ran it for about 2 hours this morning - no issues.
  10. Wow...I made it 4 minutes and hurt just a little bit all over. I bet the complexity adds to some of the stuff you can do but wow again, that was painful to watch.
  11. The final release is not due until end of Q1 (March 31st) and if your SSA does not run through that time you will be not be eligible for the Beta. Can't hurt to call though I think this is policy for now.
  12. Thanks Joe - Need to study my X9 features. I guess it should be removed from the the components dbx?
  13. Curious Jared are you able to train on X9?
  14. Have done many, many gut and rebuilds, heck it's a lot of our jobs to do just that pretty much every day. I'm fine measuring whatever version of 'everything' one chooses but did you see this software in action? Check the videos of people actually using that software. There's no output that I can see that even remotely resembles the marketing hype. And for measuring everything (whatever that term even means) the more stuff in a room the more confused it gets and the more unreliable the output. Again, a brilliant tool but seems like it might work OK in every market but the Architectural and Design businesses. Would love to be proven wrong and find a new techy tool that really works in the field I live and work in but haven't seen it yet. As a side note why would one need to measure 'everything' in a kitchen or house that's being gutted? I mean it's being gutted right? Aren't the big 4 or 5 enough? Like dims, window/door placement/heights; ceiling heights and a couple notes as reminders?
  15. Did you see the real world results in a couple videos? We are obviously talking about 2 completely different businesses but for mine - not anywhere near a useful tool - today. Tomorrow? Who knows.
  16. Real world unboxing and test.
  17. A little more...I absolutely LOVE the idea and the execution seems flawless and the marketing, oh yes. even better. Check the below video at 1:35. If a user has had even the tiniest bit of 3D CAD experience they would know how deceptive this part of the video is. Structure sensor will play almost no part in creating a 3D presentation for your client, unless you pay $30 for each room to convert the data into something even close to usable, then stitch those rooms together? How? Could you use aa ACAD file in Chief from it? At $30 a room? And get the information within 48 hours? Maybe Sketch Up? Love love the tech but it's not a business - I'm out. (in my best Shark tank impression.)
  18. OK, so let's say you have a 3D representation of a room with 'everything' in it. Then what? What do you with that room's information? What's the next step in the design process? I am all ears/eyes when that gets figured out but for now what could one possibly use the information for? If I am remodeling an interior I need room dims, window locations, door locations, ceiling height - done. Add a few more details for the more anally challenged and you've 7 of your 10 minutes remaining. Someone please prove me wrong and show me how it speeds up my work flow when it currently doesn't need fixing.
  19. Seriously. Again, a real world home designer doesn't have to measure 'everything'. That's my point. Real World as builts don't require everything be measured and in 10 minutes, in a single room, you can get WAY more data and measurements than you'd ever need for a real world remodel. Even 5 minutes would be an extremely long time, again real world useful information. Can't see any use for it. It is still very, very, cool. but again who's it for? Home remodeling designers? Contractors? Tech geeks? How about you Lew? When you did real world as builts did you measure 'everything'? And if so, why in the world would you do so?
  20. Great great toy for those fascinated with technology but like Chief's Room Planner no real world application that I can see for a busy, serious home designer. What use is a 3D scan? And then $30 per scanned room to turn it into CAD? Seriously? Where's the market? Who needs this? What problem does it address? The 10 (5 for most) minutes it takes to measure a room? Would any Chief user find this truly useful - in any way? Other than the cool which only costs money for the entertainment? Someday this stuff will be amazing and actually useful, today not so sure.
  21. Perry, I just used this technique on a remodel we have in the building department now. We ran a double sill plate around the existing ceiling joists (using the floor above's structure) and set the new second floor joists on top of that - worked a treat.
  22. Looks like Michael answered your question with a nice video. I'd like to add one thing to this discussion and that is I think the features that Chief has for framing are brilliant and very flexible, really impressed with what can be done in Chief. Without this forum it would more difficult to figure out, but with it - brilliant. Thanks for everyone's input, I for one really appreciate it.