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Everything posted by ACADuser

  1. Printing with "Preferences \ Display \ Grayscale" set allows me to better control LINE display from light to dark (faded) BUT when I have Cyan Text for example & want it black. The text is usually a result of importing my many CAD details into Chief. In Autocad the objects "Plot Style" controls the output. But Chief lacks the additional plot control. I think Autocad added the plot layer / object control back in the late 80 or early 90's. Just wondering how most of you deal with this problem?
  2. I added stretch planed to the L shaped one. Grab Bar L shaped.calibz
  3. Here is another bars Were you looking for the 'L' shaped grab bar? Haven't seen that one in 3D yet. Spoke too soon. bar
  4. If you want CAD this link has some.
  5. My update crashed my session while it was being downloaded. Had to restore plan from auto save, lost 15 min of work. But no crashed while using the update.
  6. I did find a source for the 3d objects.
  7. Thanks all. I am able to use SketchUp Free version to separate the objects. Saving each item to a SKP file & then importing into Chief. I'm not very good at this process, yet. Just realized all should be imported as Fixtures, interior, not Furnishings. Back to work.
  8. OK SketchUp will allow editing, although I'm not versed in it, it is doable.
  9. Thanks Bill. Looking at the DAE inserted into Chief. I can put a camera into the room & see the equipment but can't get at it. Very frustrating.
  10. I was able to convert the IFC file to DAE but the file is the entire room in 3D. So I can not see a way to separate the individual items from the room. Attached is the DAE file for anyone who cares to look at it. My guess is that you need RIVIT and use the Rivit file, not attached here. EXW01-L.dae EXW01-L.ifc
  11. Just located 3D files for these objects but they are IFC files! Looking into converting then now. Will post back. Thanks for the help & advice.
  12. Thanks Bill, So the notes will provide the info. This project has 84 notes already & is a bit slow. Adding another schedule with 26 notes per room (not all rooms) will surely slow the plan down. So 25 notes in 50 rooms is 1250 notes! Can you report notes "By Room"?
  13. Yea, I wonder about my sanity daily. Rene, wouldn't 70 rooms full of 3D objects bring the plan to a crawl. Besides this is due Monday.
  14. OK I see the "Room" has a schedule command. that can be used for furniture. So maybe my idea to use symbols (like .5x.5x.5 p-solid) and my 2D blocks.
  15. Looks like a Material list with "Furniture" will do but how to do a room by room material list? I have not used material list yet. Still looking..
  16. I could create a simple object & make into a symbol & then assign my 2D block to it. The symbol does support additional information. Then perhaps a room material list or fixture list, just any report that can be dome room by room.
  17. I have a large building with some 80+ rooms that need the equipment, furniture etc. displayed in plan view. The equipment does not need to be 3D. I was building 2D plan view of each in Autocad because it is much faster for me to create the blocks. I was going to import them into Chief as a block & fill the rooms. In Autocad I can add info to the blocks as attributes "smart text" and hidden descriptions. But Chief does not support extra info attached to the block. The goal is to have a room by room inventory list & call outs like the attached picture. If I used 3D objects I fear the plan would be overloaded (too slow) & besides I don't want to create or chase down all the 3D objects. Any suggestions as to a strategy for this task?
  18. Yes that works IF you plan ahead. BUT many times the note arrangements do not allow. Too bad you can't grab 6 rich text objects & replace the text with the macro. I too am using more & more text macros these days. Thanks for the input.
  19. I have 70+ Rich Text in rooms with room info in them. So I want to select 6 and change the text, how can I do that?
  20. Chief does a pretty go job with framing in 3D: With the skin on:
  21. FYI, On the first attempt, original plan, I placed the U stair in a large room and drug it into place. At that time the 3 stair components moved as a unit as if they were blocked together. I had to edit the landing to get the steps to move. Later I opened the same plan & the stair acted normally, each could be moved separately. I have no clue what caused this behavior.
  22. Never used the U stair tool before but I was able to fit the stair into your plan. The odd thing about that stair is that you must adjust the Landing to fit (all nodes of the landing) and then you adjust the stair runs. Is that what you were having an issue with?
  23. Thanks, fellas. I see that My new layer Walls Normal Exterior works in 3D view. You pay a penalty by losing windows & door which is ok in my case. I'm see railing wall & attic walls also need to be changed. Hopefully, attic walls will not get me into trouble. Out of time here but will continue later tonight.