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Everything posted by ACADuser

  1. Thanks Steve I'll give that a try
  2. Just found more issues with walls in that area. I did have to raise the "open to above" room floor to get the exterior horizontal element on the glass wall to be at 13' above the floor so I could place a psolid over it to look like a window frame. This messed up only some of the railings.
  3. How do you get the roof drip edge to display on the fascia in elevation view automatically? I have been drawing a CAD line. On parapet walls, I suppose a thick cap and reduce the wall height to account for the cap But fascia's illude me.
  4. Not sure why I have so many issues with this. The floor edge will not bild in the area shown. Large file!
  5. Yea, this is a beachfront community on a barrier island & the building department is very small so a few people wheel a lot of power. My next project is to develop a material list for another builder (40+ plans). Have to do one as a test run to see if Chief & I are up to the task. Never did a real material list from Chief so looking for help on this one. They want furring strips on block walls and backing for cabinet mounting and Simpson strapping on exterior walls. Sorry for the rambling.
  6. This is the answer I got from Chief & may be the way I have to solve my issue. The automatic label for the layout box will be the Plan View name. Have the active plan view be "Ground Floor" and when you send that view to layout, the label for that view will be Ground Floor. Have the view for the other floor be named "1st Floor" and when the Plan View is sent to layout the label for that view will be 1st Floor. Name the Plan View the name you want your label. I have attached some screen shots that show the label matching the Plan View name. I don't use plan view yet but this may be the only way. When I create a window schedule for example and I need it to reference the floor number I want G,1,2,3 and not 1,2,3,4. We don't have a way to rename the floor numbers, but you can add this information to the Window Schedule. Create a Custom Field for the Floor Reference and for each window, set the value you want to appear (G,1,2,3) then add this custom field to the schedule. You can remove the Floor column from the schedule and add your new custom field in it's place. I have attached some screen shots that show how this works. Thanks Chief for the prompt reply.
  7. Thanks for the suggestion. I'll see if it will work on Layout Box Labels tomorrow.
  8. The plan is near complete but plan review wants 1st floor called "Ground Floor" & 2nd Floor called "1st Floor". This is due to some FEMA restrictions and the way they do things. So is there a way to rename the floor so I don't have to go through every layout renaming all automatic labels?
  9. Thanks. I'll do that to fix it. This plan was started in X10 and I just started working on it5 again in X11 so I may have done something to the rooms but I think this may be a transition problem from X10. At least the problems are fixable.
  10. One more issue. The cable railing panel is not showing inside the railing.
  11. Thanks Mark, that did the trick. I don't know how the floor height got changed.
  12. The new doorway worked but how about the first picture ?
  13. I had all this working in X10 & job as on hold. I started back in X11 & noticed some problems. Not sure if I created them or X11 issues. The wall is on the wrong floor & a doorway will not cut. The file is rather large so I put it in Dropbox. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks
  14. Trying to drop a BBQ grill into a base cabinet I get error cabinet too small. When I make the depth large enough I can see the bounding box for the grill is too deep. This is a Chief supplied object. Is there an issue with the BBQ grill object?
  15. Tech support could not get it to work. So the developers will take a stab at fixing it. Thanks Mark, that will do for now.
  16. Thanks Mark, I'll take a look this afternoon.
  17. Tried that as well, no joy.
  18. That did not seem to work. I sent to tech support. Thanks
  19. Sorry I was out. Nice solution. The taller wall is a part of a fire barrier & is required to go all the way over the short wall. I'll try tech support tomorrow. Thanks for the help.
  20. This is the best I could do St Pete
  21. How do you deal with the end of a railing wall when one is taller?
  22. I must be doing something wrong because there is an opening between the walls. File attached St Pete